Example sentences of "the whole time " in BNC.

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1 I kept my eyes on it the whole time , he wrote .
2 I could not in the court of law swear that you had been under my observations the whole time we were making the ascent . ’
3 As to state of mind , Raskolnikov lives with his own continuously but inspects it only intermittently , like the rest of us ; whereas the author surveys the whole truth the whole time , so that we never find him wondering whether perhaps Raskolnikov is thinking this or perhaps he is thinking that : a fact which isolates Crime and Punishment among the mature novels , because elsewhere Dostoevsky loves the unsettled and unsettling narrative posture of ‘ perhaps ’ , particularly with his contracting and dilating collective voice , the ‘ we ’ swept by rumour and speculation which arrives in The House of the Dead and reaches its full flowering in The Possessed .
4 The whole time since I heard that Walter would be released unconditionally I have been wondering how things will work with him being allowed out at night and to talk to whoever he wishes and me sitting at home in the evenings , gagged . ’
5 Just kissing the joy as it flies , the whole time . ’
6 All of us were checking new bands out the whole time .
7 Usually worn by those smug bastards who fidget relentlessly on planes and insist on getting up and walking round the whole time , demonstratively taking photos out of windows and asking for guided tours of the cockpit .
8 Again , on ‘ Late Night , Maudlin Street ’ , you say : ‘ I never stole a happy hour around here ’ — but the whole effect of the song , the way your murmured reveries drift in and out of Vini 's entranced playing , just makes the whole time and place seem magical , otherworldly , and incredibly precious …
9 David would always be seen in public , would always have to do interviews , do a video or go into a recording studio — so I think the whole time was taken up by feeling involved in the whole Ziggy period or Ziggy way of thinking .
10 ‘ I was worrying about you , though , the whole time .
11 In my biology lessons at school we were told that humans are the only mammals available for sex the whole time .
12 But most male mammals are ready for sex the whole time .
13 If you are involved with local politics , meeting people is going to be part of your task — unless you are ready to spend the whole time in a backroom stuffing envelopes .
14 He watches me the whole time .
15 In my mind the whole time there is the simple question , ‘ What is it the music is supposed to say ? ’
16 Few people lived in the north the whole time and in the south a large proportion of the permanent residents were slaves .
17 My friend Kevin , muscleman and minicab driver , says the lads would be out rioting for Willy now if it was n't tipping down with rain the whole time .
18 I spent the whole time trying to explain the family connection . ’
19 All he really wanted was to be next to O ; and you could see that the whole time he was listening , watching .
20 During the whole time they were there , they were not bothered by aircraft .
21 The comparison can be taken further ; as with child abuse in the home , people either believe it happens the whole time or not at all .
22 He left the room and Newman swung round to face Monica who had remained like a piece of the furniture during the whole time since he 'd arrived .
23 The waterlogged heaps of wet muck soon became unstable and eventually began to slide downwards , quite suddenly becoming semi-liquid slurries or mudflows , which swept down the sides of the volcano , gathering speed and more and more material the whole time .
24 But , having said that , there is no system in the world , whether it be in government , outside it , public-sector , private-sector , wherever it may be , which is going to get everything right the whole time .
25 The tendency has public services on local authorities , the Central Government being in the background the whole time to ensure uniformity in the standard of service .
26 It hangs over me the whole time .
27 Sometimes better ( > ) for passive motion ; they want to be carried the whole time but even then they may not be quietened for long and will demand to be carried by someone else .
28 Some pupils find it off-putting to have someone looking over their shoulder the whole time ; others would like to see fewer tutors per class .
29 Twenty children were flown to Croydon , and ‘ They were all cheerfully sick , enticed by the little paper bags , except a baby of one who slept peacefully in my lap the whole time . ’
30 Sadly , the spirit of 1992 had not reached the denizens of Elveden Forest ; not one single person played boules the whole time I was there .
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