Example sentences of "the first decade " in BNC.

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1 The second special factor has been the role played by the Murid Brotherhood , an Islamic movement founded in the first decade of the twentieth century by Amadu Bamba , which has played a key political role in delivering support first for the French colonial authorities and later for the governments of independent Senegal .
2 The development plans which they produced in the first decade of independence were for the most part competent , well thought out and well presented .
3 Moran paused after the First Decade .
4 The 1980s , he notes , were the first decade in history in which there was no increase in the area of land farmed and — also for the first time — a fall in the amount of fresh water used per capita .
5 In the first decade of the century the Rev. Richard Cecil ( 1748–1810 ) , a leading Evangelical preacher and one of the founders of the Church Missionary Society , had expressed doubt on this score :
6 The parish church ( Pfarrkirche S. Veit ) is one of the oldest examples of Austrian baroque , built during the first decade of the Thirty Years War , although the interior fittings and paintings are largely work of the eighteenth-century high baroque .
7 The displays covered the events of the first decade after the war .
8 Written some 30 years earlier , it centres on the marriage joining a family of Jewish Berlin millionaires to an old Catholic Bavarian dynasty , covering the period from German unification to the first decade of this century , the time of the author 's early childhood .
9 The first decade of Martyn 's Historia Plantarum was forwarded with a list of twenty-eight plants sent to North Bierley and twenty-four wanted for Chelsea .
10 In the first decade of the century the Bridgewaters aligned themselves with the whigs .
11 By the end of the first decade of the 19th century , he had become quite prosperous and eventually established himself in one of the old Bradley furnaces , building Bradley House around 1817 .
12 In preparation for this , the first decade of the regime was devoted to the development of the infrastructure , in particular the railways and canals , so that by 1860 France had reached a point where it was felt she was capable of competing with the greatest economic power of the age .
13 Palestine was invoked repeatedly in regional struggles , in the first decade after 1945 , between Arab nationalists and the Hashemites in their competition to control the Fertile Crescent , and in the competition between Iraq and Egypt for political leadership of the Arab world .
14 This school had enjoyed a brief period of success and national distinction in the first decade of the sixteenth century under the Mastership of John Stanbridge , who was well known when he migrated north from Oxford and whose Grammar was prescribed in the statutes of Manchester Grammar School .
15 It is estimated that by the first decade of next century , only 20 per cent of the peat soils now present on the 561 square kilometres marked by the soil map of the Ely district will remain .
16 The secular trend towards declining levels of crime levelled off in the first decade of this century .
17 Freeth was the surfer of Hawaiian and Irish ancestry who tried to teach Jack London to ride the breakers of Waikiki in the first decade of the century .
18 These are people who are so obsessed with the first decade of this new century that they 're inclined to forget for a moment the nineteen hundred or so years that went before it .
19 Patsy Gallacher was a ship-builder , who played for Celtic when they were a dominant force in Scottish football in the first decade of the century .
20 From the tranquility of the first decade of the twentieth century , the Victoria County History recorded : ‘ Farmers and petty employers [ in Combsburgh ] would not engage the best labour , but preferred the inferior hands at low wages … it was , therefore , scarcely surprising there were riots … ‘ .
21 For the first decade in which hydrogels were used as biomaterials , it was only poly ( 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate ) — polyHEMA — that found any widespread application , whereas in the eye a relatively wide variety of compounds were examined .
22 Indirect Rule with capital letters was born in Northern Nigeria in the first decade of the twentieth century , as a result of Sir Frederick Lugard 's compulsion to justify and elaborate in writing his decision to administer the newly conquered Fulani emirates by installing a British Resident at each of the emirate courts .
23 Throughout the first decade of television , the dominant influence was what would now be called stand-up comedy .
24 Rubber passed coconuts in importance as an export crop in the first decade of the twentieth century .
25 Rubber , tea and other cash crops made similarly rapid and extensive inroads in much of the Southern Band in the first decade of the twentieth century .
26 In the first decade of this century membership of the guild more than doubled .
27 During the first decade of the twentieth century it became apparent that Britain could no longer sustain its role as an independent makeweight in the European balance of power .
28 The horseless carriages of the first decade had made way for vehicles designed as motor cars in their own right .
29 Indeed , it is the implications of the changing age structure of the population of pensionable age and the likelihood of a continuation of that trend into at least the first decade of the twenty-first century which have been the chief concern of social planners and welfare economists , rather than the proportion of the total population entitled to draw retirement pensions .
30 While it is an oversimplification to view the first decade of operation as some kind of golden age , it is fair to say that until this point the EEC had worked fairly smoothly .
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