Example sentences of "the [num] election " in BNC.

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1 That Forster and the local Nazis knew as much is evidenced by the fact that the 1935 election was the dirtiest and most dubious of the Danzig NSDAP 's victories .
2 On the one occasion when they did , in the run-up to the 1935 Election , it was — as we shall see — the peace movement that was agitating for a policy of resistance to aggression , and the Government that was forced by public opinion to suspend its deeply unpopular policy of appeasement — until the Election was safely out of the way .
3 ‘ There is no doubt ’ , wrote an LNU MP of his constituents during the 1935 Election campaign , that ‘ they 're quite prepared for the Navy to have to fight . ’
4 After the 1935 election , the LNU , aware of its potential as the biggest non-party organization in Britain , edged towards a more direct political challenge to the Government .
5 Attlee , had he won the 1935 election , would have taken exactly Baldwin 's line in substance , but at that stage in his career would have done so without assurance or persuasiveness .
6 Labour lost the 1935 election because of its confusion over foreign policy , just as it had lost in 1931 because of its domestic failure .
7 Indira Gandhi swept the 1971 election crying ‘ Garibi hatao ’ — end poverty — and Indians , still poor , feel cheated .
8 The 1980 election , in other words , is to be seen primarily as a referendum on Jimmy Carter 's stewardship during the previous four years .
9 How is the 1980 election to be interpreted ?
10 As the 1980 election approached , advisers like Martin Anderson set about incorporating Reagan 's idea into a coherent economic strategy .
11 For a start , the Democratic leadership capitulated rather easily ; the 1980 election results appeared to frighten them into cooperation with the president .
12 According to a member of the Speaker 's staff , the Democrats felt that they should ‘ recognize the cataclysmic nature of the 1980 election results .
13 In his memoirs he rightly insists that the 1980 election ‘ did not represent a revolution in American values .
14 On the other hand , the Democrats still held the House and the 1980 election result was at best ambiguous , representing neither a vote for conservatism nor for liberalism .
15 Senate and House committees were re-examining the 1980 election for evidence of that rogue Iranian factor mentioned earlier .
16 Numerous problems arose after the 1980 election to ensure the demise of Schmidt and the SPD .
17 The Greens had grown only slowly in importance since the 1960s and they won less than 2 per cent of votes in the 1980 election .
18 Since the 1986 election ( when the DLP won 24 of the then 27 seats ) support for Sandiford had declined .
19 Under the system of proportional representation used in the 1986 election , his party managed to win 35 parliamentary seats with just under 10 per cent of the vote .
20 But his personality — assertive and brash yet essentially both cheerful and tough — gradually communicated itself to the public and helped him to his greatest triumph : his victory in the 1948 election .
21 Domestic politics and the Jewish vote — with the approach of the 1948 election — were influential .
22 One view saw Suharto 's motive in encouraging greater activism on the part of Golkar as an attempt to acquire a reforming image to help counteract pressure on him to stand down before the 1993 election .
23 As the 1972 election drew near , the Nixon administration could point to some genuine success in calming the passions of the Johnson years .
24 Referring to the 1972 election , Nixon said : " This is war …
25 In the 1972 election the Ngwane National Liberation Congress ( NNLC ) won three seats , and this modest revival in nationalist fortunes so disturbed Sobhuza that he promptly abrogated the constitution and for the next six years ruled by decree through the national council , a traditional body of tribal advisers .
26 In the 1924 election manifesto , the Labour party explained that it was by the international record of the Government , rather than by any direct schemes of job creation , that the electorate should judge its efforts to solve the problem of unemployment .
27 Thus , the 1784 election led to 17 unbroken years of Pitt as prime minister ; after the First World War the coalition stayed on in name but the Conservatives won 335 seats in 1918 ; Churchill 's Great Coalition presaged the Labour landslide of 1945 and the iniquities of the Lib-Lab Pact were a major factor in Mrs Thatcher 's victory in 1979 .
28 The franchise for the 1929 election nearly doubled the number of women voters ; Labour again captured four seats with hugely increased majorities .
29 Meanwhile Lloyd George 's radical plans , although ensuring a partial revival of the Liberal corpse in the 1929 election , were effectively sidelined , and the accident of illness was to ensure that he played no part in the formation of the coalition government of 1931 either .
30 Nineteen days after the Sunday when he was deemed to have no alternative than to resign in ignominy his leadership was more secure than at any time since the 1929 election .
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