Example sentences of "the [num] figure " in BNC.

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1 According to a 1990 study by the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas ( ICCAT ) , the number of western Atlantic giant bluefin tuna has declined to 10 per cent of the 1971 figure .
2 It was unusual compared with the other countries in that it actually represented a decline ( of 2% ) from the 1971 figure .
3 On the Leicester Abbey estates , of which 75–80 per cent fell within the shire , rent income in 1408 was nearly a fifth lower than in 1341 , and by 1477 had fallen by almost a third on the 1341 figure , despite the fact that the proportion of income obtained from rent as opposed to production had risen .
4 At the end of 1990 , after controversy over the census , the Census Bureau claimed that the total population of the USA was 249,632,692 — an increase of more than 23,000,000 ( 10.2 per cent ) over the 1980 figure of 226,545,805 .
5 However , the numbers of the very elderly will increase substantially : there are likely to be 1.2 million people aged 85 and over in 2006 ( Population Projections 1985–2025 , 1987 , Appendix II ) , an increase of 75 per cent over the 1986 figure .
6 The number of car kilometres travelled annually by the population is to be permitted to increase by no more than 35 per cent , over the 1986 figure , by 2010 .
7 ‘ This represents an increase of 3.5 per cent on the 1992-3 figure … ‘
8 In 1988 women 's average gross hourly earnings represented 74.9 per cent of men 's earnings , which is slightly down on the peak of 75.5 per cent in 1977 but is an improvement on the 1985 figure of 73.9 per cent .
9 By 1929 , the National WEA reported that ten of its sixteen Districts had lower branch membership totals than in 1924 , averaging 59% of all enrolled students , which represented a decline of at least 20% on the 1924 figure .
10 Following the Act 's implementation , the proportion of defendants who were refused bail while awaiting summary trial declined for a time , and even though it rose thereafter , in 1999 it was still 1 per cent below the 1979 figure of 16 per cent .
11 optometrists registered with family health service authorities over and above the 1979 figure .
12 North Sioux City , South Dakota-based Gateway 2000 Inc reports net sales the year to January 31 were $1,100m , up about 76% on the 1991 figure ; pre-tax profit was up some 77% to $106m , the company said , adding that it expanded its workforce 43% to 1,847 in 1992 and intends to hire more people and to expand its product line and geographic reach .
13 The new free-standing McDonnell Douglas Information Systems Ltd , created as a buyout from St Louis-based McDonnell Douglas Corp , has now translated its 1992 figures , presented briefly last month , into US dollars , showing operating profits of $30.1m , up 22.8% on the 1991 figure .
14 This led to redundancy charges of £400,000 , or half the 1991 figure .
15 Revenue from sales of personal computer X server packages rose to $33m , a growth of 217% over the 1991 figure .
16 Net cash inflow from operations after tax and dividends was £225 million , a substantial increase from the 1991 figure of £169 million , which did not include a contribution from Ultramar .
17 The 1991 figure of 585 casualties shows a marked reduction of 65 or 10% compared with the 1990 total of 650 casualties .
18 The 1991 figure is some 9% higher than the average for years 1981–85 .
19 The company 's total UK car sales in 1992 were 266,072 7pc up on the 1991 figure .
20 The fact that the 1991 figure was more than 2 percentage points higher than this figure was attributed to higher personnel costs and to contracts scheduled to be paid during fiscal 1991 .
21 The Chemical Industries Association said the industry spent £1bn on the environment in 1992 , some three per cent of turnover , and an increase on the 1991 figure of £830m .
22 On the overseas equity market , total annual turnover was £329 billion — a 16 per cent rise on the 1991 figure and a record year for non-domestic equity trading in London .
23 Sickness absence overall fell sharply last year by almost 0.5 per cent of working time from the 1991 figure of 4.0 per cent .
24 Its aim is to boost Scotland 's manufacturing exports to Spain which last year totalled £474 million , an increase of 10 per cent over the 1991 figure .
25 The profits compare with £25.4 million for 1991 , but analysts pointed out that the 1991 figure included a £4.9 million exceptional transfer resulting from a change in the bonus scales on the company 's industrial branch business .
26 Total UK car sales , at 266,072 , were 7 per cent up on the 1991 figure .
27 Lord Fraser of Carmyllie , the Scottish Office minister , who was later questioned separately by the committee , said that the 250,000 figure was wildly exaggerated .
28 The 1990–91 figure did not include expenditure attributed to the ‘ Fighting Fund ’ .
29 The 1990–91 figure of £50,000 under Continuing Education was set aside for a pupillage sinking fund .
30 The three figure minimum is not required for main classes and their subclasses .
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