Example sentences of "the [adj] window " in BNC.

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1 yeah I think , I do n't , she must lock it from the inside window back through
2 You can return from the window icon to the normal window size by either clicking on the icon and selecting RESTORE from the menu which pops up , or by double clicking on the window icon .
3 There was fresh cool air there , as the right-hand window , next to the bank of controls in front of the engineer 's seat , was wide open .
4 A passenger looking out of the right-hand window of the carriage after the train for Bishop 's Castle had clattered over the pointwork away from the Shrewsbury and Hereford joint line , to curve westwards into the Onny valley , would have seen a small timber platform marking the site of a temporary station that became a permanent feature .
5 He set about struggling through the narrow window , one hand clutching the Champagne by its neck .
6 With a final gesture she put the key on the sill of the narrow window and pulled herself up the stone steps .
7 Sometimes , waking very early , she would tiptoe to the narrow window and look out across the harbour , half expecting to see a ship at anchor there , newly arrived from Portugal .
8 Framed in the narrow window she saw the landscape , lit and brilliant as the background of a painting .
9 She sat for a moment on the narrow window ledge , scanning the shadows in case shapes , creatures , sentinels should materialise .
10 Jamie and Katy watched Dad dip his paintbrush in the thick white paint and slowly , slowly stroke the brush along the narrow window frame .
11 He had noticed how the boy 's eyes kept going to the broad window behind him .
12 The damn window 's wide open across there and I can only see the gramophone .
13 A few tourists were aboard ; a couple with walking gear and their spaniel dog with one blind eye staring out of the low window , and a Canadian , rather loud , who had struck up conversation with a young Lewis woman who was coming back from visiting her husband working in Libya .
14 She knelt down by the low window , put her head on her arms and cried bitterly .
15 She was going to a flat which would have very little growing space , apart from the odd window box , and was leaving behind an extremely beautiful garden that contained many years of memories .
16 That 's why I 'm fiddling around doing the odd window here and there because that 's all that we 've got for .
17 The other was used as a store room , a pathetic fate , since the tall window and high ceiling spoke of better days .
18 Soon I was in my old room , with its creaky Victorian furniture , looking out of the tall window at the Dublin traffic .
19 It was a narrow , high room with unsuitable , stately proportions to the tall window , which was glazed with frosted glass and half-covered by a torn , plastic curtain with Disney fish on it .
20 The afternoon sunlight poured through the tall window behind the curving staircase , and showed — up the shabbiness of the curtains , and the rugs on the uneven polished oak floor .
21 Now , with only a couple of things left to read , I have suddenly had enough of the miserable food , of the noise — a sort of veech sound — of men sucking their teeth , of the monotonous landscape barely visible through the smoke-fogged window
22 The arched window was allied to the brick jack-arch system often employed to achieve an incombustible floor construction and tended to produce an opening which was disproportionately high related to its width .
23 There , framed in the arched window , lay a dizzy bird's-eye panorama .
24 But is it the round window , the square window , or the arched window ?
25 Just before leaving , glance up to the left to see the glazed window through which Franz Kafka gazed upon Catholic services in church from his parents ' flat next door .
26 The glazed window which came about almost 2,000 year s ago was a luxury which only the privileged few enjoyed .
27 The lower window was open ?
28 Right , so in the lower window , we 've got the sales file , and the upper window we 've got the income file .
29 There were paintings stacked at the side of the room — whether finished or not , she did not know — but the thing that was most touching , the thing that stopped her forward momentum was a chair by the lower window , obviously placed to look out over the valley and the distant forest .
30 It would certainly be possible for a jackdaw to get in through any of the eight window openings , but then I thought , No .
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