Example sentences of "the [adj] question " in BNC.

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1 In the course of this book we shall come across other national minorities : the Ukrainians and the Kazakhs in our tour of the provinces , and the Georgian question at the more theoretical level of high politics .
2 The Divisional Court said that this did not matter and was not caught by section 78 , which the judges stressed was concerned with no more than the narrow question of the effect of the police practice on the fairness of the proceedings in court .
3 In this section I shall consider two aspects : the broad question of the relationships , within popular ideology , between ‘ class ’ division and the political , and the narrower question of the relationship between ‘ class ’ , party affiliations and voting patterns .
4 Thus , in 1652 , when Cromwell raised with Whitelocke the momentous question , ‘ What if a man should take upon him to be king ? ’ ,
5 Okay , I think I should point out to the Committee , I think it 's self evident , that the gains will be dependent upon the budget , probably with regard to the position , and the vexing question of carry forwards .
6 The hypothetical question posed above spoke of ‘ the eventual hearing of the case by the trial court ’ .
7 Now they are the sort of MPs who are most likely to support traditional Labour policies , which Clarke , on the hypothetical question of water renationalisation , was implicitly rejecting .
8 In addition , the German question and the European question are inseparable : ‘ the German question is at all times a European question too . ’
9 On the other hand , the numerous developments and debates of the decade had not persuaded a single country to shift from the position it had originally adopted on the European question in the 1940s .
10 The Conservative Party is irrevocably divided on the European question .
11 The acute question is — do we try to introduce such ideas into existing power stations ?
12 The low question cut through Ellen 's objections like a scythe through dry hay .
13 But Mr Premadasa 's approach to the Tamil question is less likely to be followed .
14 Yet the point of devolving power to provincial assemblies , central to the debate over the Tamil question , was to give these provinces some control over their own affairs .
15 We need to consider the possible question with pupils , especially as so many are de-religionized anyway , of whether religion , in order to be true to itself , needs to transcend the " religions " ?
16 The sole question before him was whether there was jurisdiction under section 265 of the Insolvency Act 1986 .
17 The sole question in issue was whether there had been an appropriation .
18 According to the media , this was not only ‘ the key question ’ , this was the sole question for examination .
19 They sat down and started to look through the movie tapes , Zambia interjecting the odd question here and there .
20 For these mistakes have led to the belief that extension , the subject-matter of geometry , is infinitely divisible , a belief ‘ thought to have so inseparable and essential a connection with the principles and demonstrations in geometry , that mathematicians never … make the least question of it ’ .
21 The issues about which respondents expressed concern included the use made of the results by , variously , the police authorities and the IRA , and the associated question of whether the field-worker was a spy for the authorities or the Republican paramilitaries ( on researchers as spies see Hunt 1984 : 288–9 ; Manning 1972 : 248 ) ; the obtrusiveness of the ethnographer 's ubiquitous notepad ; sensitivity to how the research might compromise their personal security or lead to a transfer , and worthies over the field-worker 's religion ; and the whole focus and topic of the investigation .
22 However , the more fundamental issue ( in the long run ) of sterling and the associated question of the role of the City of London seem to have been little discussed .
23 Most of this chapter is concerned with the activities and political relevance of the ordinary police , and with the associated question of the significance of the intervention of the military in politics .
24 All these meetings concerned themselves with the Spanish question .
25 Aranjuez , however , had clarified Napoleon 's muddled thinking on the Spanish question and he had no intention of using the opportunity it presented in order to support a puppet king whose character and intentions he mistrusted .
26 Just to what extent that enjoyment can be universally experienced is the greatest question of all , for t indoctrination will place it anywhere else .
27 This raises the evergreen question of whether or not a person 's will can be affected by hypnosis ?
28 Johnny Winter 's in town to promote his new album ‘ Hey , Where 's Your Brother ? ’ , so called after the eternal question hurled from the audience at gigs .
29 Reading an article in a trade journal reminded me of how far behind we are in the use of fluids in this country , by embalmers whose end product never varies and , therefore , their cases look the same and last the same , and funnily enough the noses and around the mouths grey off — the eternal question again !
30 The technical question of how far the biological continuity between man and other animals is already fully understood is complex .
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