Example sentences of "the [adj] street " in BNC.

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1 This ti me it is only a five-minute journey through the narrow streets .
2 Like the thousands of young people who crowd the narrow streets of Tegucigalpa , the Kids from La Fama are obsessed with the trappings of North American culture .
3 Like thousands of young people who crowd the narrow streets of Tegucigalpa , the Kids from La Fama are obsessed with the trappings of North American culture .
4 Like thousands of young people who crowd the narrow streets of Tegucigalpa , the Kids from La Fama are obsessed with the trappings of North American culture .
5 They were received in the Minister 's private flat in one of the narrow streets close to the House of Commons .
6 There was some kind of festa that day , for the narrow streets and the Corillo were dense with merry throngs of students and the tuna was playing in the Plaza Mayor .
7 Andronikos had been digging in northern Greece for some 25 years when he discovered a vault in one of the narrow streets in the village of Virghina , west of Salonika .
8 Come dusk the place starts to come alive and the narrow streets behind the harbour , with it 's vast array of magnificent wood-built sailing cruisers , turn into a huge open air jamboree with everybody jostling , shopping , eating , drinking and generally having a good time .
9 A walk to the Hadi Gari Bar down by the harbour will take you right through the hustle and bustle of the narrow streets of the old town and can take as little as five minutes , although you 'll be hard pressed not to be distracted by the jewellery , leather and clothes offered by street vendors at every corner .
10 All the narrow streets eventually seem to lead to the harbour .
11 During the bullbaiting , thousands tore through the narrow streets of Wokingham , providing a splendid opportunity for the disaffected and unscrupulous to push their unwanted spouses or other associates in the path of the stampede .
12 When the sick and exhausted Armenians reached Beirut after the Ottoman collapse , they were allowed to build shacks on the swamps of Bourj Hammoud in the east of the city and then to erect houses which look to this day curiously Balkan , their wooden balconies hanging over the narrow streets of Camp Marash .
13 Early on a Sunday morning I walked up Plateros and then through the narrow streets to where I had been told a bus , colectivo — some form of transport — would leave .
14 Like a camera my restless mind followed the rabid mongrels of Puno as they roamed down the narrow streets , through the tight patchwork of market stalls , over the rubble-lined railway track , to fight at last over a pair of cow 's horns I had seen earlier topping a pile of refuse .
15 The only vehicles Irena took any notice of were the thin double trams , locked inscrutably into their own system , clanging their way up and down the narrow streets making unmistakable tram noises .
16 Little has changed here , although the upper galleries of the terraced cottages that overhung the narrow streets and were no hazard in the days of horses and carts have succumbed to the needs of larger traffic .
17 On summer weekends , chattering crowds of sightseers parade the narrow streets and blaring transistor radios wreck the peace ; a parking area to keep vehicles off the cobbles has been enlarged progressively to the dimensions of a football pitch and soon fills to capacity .
18 It was said that the British cavalry , in their mad haste to get away , rode over their own infantry in the narrow streets of the town .
19 He thought of Emmet 's followers , twenty-one in all , who were hanged from the shafts of upturned carts in the narrow streets of the Liberties .
20 Pitch-black buildings loomed so close above the narrow streets it seemed they must touch overhead .
21 Ranulf muttered indignantly against his strange master who dragged him across this wild country so different from the narrow streets of London and so utterly tedious as well .
22 In addition there was always one band playing and marching to the playing fields and another playing and marching away from there , while huge coaches carrying yet more bandsmen and women manoeuvred in the narrow streets into and out of parking spaces .
23 However , there are difficulties of extending the concept to existing residential areas , particularly to inner-city neighbourhoods where the narrow streets often have inadequate space to satisfy the stringent legal requirements of the original Woonerf legislation .
24 It also leaves few opportunities to create new play or pedestrian areas in the narrow streets .
25 Laing wandered aimlessly through the narrow streets and hidden courtyards that hide between the roaring traffic of the City of London , the capital 's most ancient square mile and centre of the country 's commercial and banking world .
26 Under attack on all sides , not least from the infant population which was itself unwittingly helping to spread disease through the narrow streets and alleys of the town , some Frome people found a temporary escape in one or other of the forty or more pubs which vied with each other for custom ; drunkenness was commonplace , and many of those who did n't go to an early grave with some infection or other departed this life with a putrid liver .
27 Wing tips on each aircraft were removed and deposited in the cockpit for passage through the narrow streets .
28 He began to make himself a few pence early on — running messages , collecting newspapers for the chip shops and horse dung for fertiliser , finding the pay-penny cracks in life on the narrow streets .
29 There is a wonderful beach of fine shingle and the narrow streets of the old town for shops and cafés .
30 The narrow streets were crowded and it was not long before Gerald had discovered the cause of the exultant bedlam .
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