Example sentences of "removed from [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 At a press conference on May 26 , Marshal Yevgeny Shaposhnikov , the C.-in-C. of the Commonwealth of Independent States ( CIS ) armed forces , announced that the Fleet would be removed from CIS command .
2 These people , the commissioners said , should then be removed from positions of authority and influence in the ANC .
3 Among the goods removed from houses were : camcorder and video worth £100 ( Primrose Street ) ; electrical goods , jewellery and cosmetics worth £1,431 ( Greenbank Road ) ; aftershave , leather jacket , jeans and other electrical goods worth £1,370 ( Grange Road ) and remote control toys worth £250 ( West Auckland Road ) .
4 As well as attending most Easter Courses for the last eleven years I have assisted at Guide Camps for even longer enjoying at least one week a year far removed from houses , telephones and television — what bliss !
5 The two main reasons given for this were that it was too ambitious and it was too far removed from bureaux experience until too late in its development .
6 Regenerative working ceased and the equipment was gradually removed from Nos. 44–51 and they were provided with ordinary equipment .
7 Although both washing and washing up are activities in which dirt is removed from objects , the pleasure inherent in washing seems to be greater .
8 The mobility requirement should be removed from contracts of employment of all grades of staff that are recruited where mobility is not required .
9 These bullets removed from women and children are grim souvenirs of a war in which civilians are often the victims .
10 They concluded that by taking people out of their own homes , however modest , they were being removed from conditions which they knew and made them feel secure into ‘ a new social environment in which priority is given to the collectivity over the individual . ’
11 But they were also so far removed from conditions elsewhere in Italy that Banfield 's attention centred on this intra-national gap , and noting the many efforts which had been made by successive Italian governments to deal with ‘ the Southern Question ’ , he asked why these peripheral ‘ backward societies ’ were , as he put it , ‘ ultra-stable ’ , apparently trapped in dependency and poverty .
12 But what is certain is that the slaves themselves were the most able-bodied young people available and that the most valuable section of Africa 's labour force was systematically removed from generations of agricultural families , whose farming routines were devastated .
13 Back-bench Members of Parliament whether of government or opposition parties are far more removed from questions of policy and administration than are councillors who discuss these matters through a series of committees and subcommittees .
14 If , over the years , the balance of probabilities has shifted so that balances previously included as creditors now seem unlikely ever to be paid , it would be appropriate for the balances in question to be removed from creditors , with the corresponding credit in either profit and loss account or , if the sums are material and the adjustment arises from a fundamental error , the profit and loss reserves in the balance sheet .
15 No wonder that the myth of handles being removed from coffins at the time of cremation perpetuates .
16 Some people , he explained , still wrongly believed that bodies were removed from coffins before being cremated and that ashes were eventually taken from a communal pile .
17 Artificial plastic beams are frequently introduced , ceilings are stripped of plaster to reveal floor joists that were never intended to be seen , other timbers are artificially blackened to create a supposedly ‘ traditional ’ though in fact inauthentic ‘ black and white ’ effect and render or plaster is removed from walls to produce ‘ rustic ’ charm .
18 Other goods removed from vehicles included : torch , sunglasses and camera ( Sanderson Street ) ; two jackets ( Leadenhall Street ) ; portable generator and Hilti hammer ( Westmoreland Street ) ; pushchair , accessories and jacket ( Bedford Street ) and leather jacket and keys ( Teesside Airport ) .
19 And just as a bulldozer began clearing the coal , another demonstration of anger was taking shape at the unlikely venue of Cheltenham ; a town far removed from collieries and pits , but nevertheless a hotbed of outrage .
20 All files which did not concern terrorism , espionage or organized crime would be removed from police hands and given to an independent body , and people would be able to obtain photocopies of their files ( and by the deadline of March 31 , 350,000 people had applied ) .
21 Global issues seem far removed from individuals , yet we all have an important role to play in energy efficiency programmes , which offer one approach to dealing with increasing CO2 emissions .
22 He and his later antislavery advocates argued that the results demonstrated the greater efficiency of the work done — a genuine experiment because the whip had previously been removed from overseers and offences amongst the slaves dealt with by a jury of elders amongst the slaves themselves .
23 This leaflet took an easily accessible matter ( not too academic or removed from peoples ' everyday lives ) and turned it into a hook for recruitment .
24 This leaflet took an easily accessible matter ( not too academic or removed from peoples ' everyday lives ) and turned it into a hook for recruitment .
25 Responsibility for interpreting Marxist thought was also removed from intellectuals and centralized in the leadership of each national communist party , or even in the Comintern offices themselves .
26 Hundreds of do-it-yourself cement mixers have been removed from shops tonight after the discovery of electrical faults which could kill .
27 The Prince of Wale 's eyes flicked speedily over the unusual evening dress of the gathering as battered top hats were speedily removed from heads and a lady with long droopy drawers swept a curtsy .
28 His family was one generation removed from peasants , and in close touch with the small village of Beni Moor near Assiut in Upper Egypt , where as a boy Nasser spent his holidays .
29 A European Community drinking water standard required ‘ large amounts of money ’ to be spent so tiny traces of pesticides were removed from supplies .
30 Radiation can cause the ionisation of biological molecules when electrons are removed from atoms , bonds are broken , etc .
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