Example sentences of "removed and the " in BNC.

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1 The introducer is then removed and the IUD opens to its correct shape in the womb .
2 After cooking , the protective cardboard outer is removed and the cooked food dispensed .
3 Rats are first dosed with drugs , the surface layer of their stomach linings removed and the rate of DNA synthesis is estimated .
4 So as to underline that all measures are intended to benefit the young person , provisions for involuntary care have been removed and the views of the young person have to be taken into account in deciding on a form of assistance , although no steps can be taken against the wishes of the parent or guardian ( except in an emergency , s. 43 ) .
5 Commercial use finally ceased in the 1930s when the machinery was removed and the domestic conversion carried out .
6 Fittings should be removed and the body dismantled as far as possible including disconnecting from gas or electrical supply if possible .
7 All the ugly sheds along the riverfront have been removed and the newly cleaned oatmeal brickwork and fish-scale roofs , complete with gilded dolphins , are seen to full advantage .
8 The trestles and loading poles are removed and the entire weight then rests on the tripods and wires .
9 These became exposed in the Triassic and again in the Cretaceous and consequently the interbedded evaporites were removed and the carbonates themselves were karstified .
10 This means that the labelling can be removed and the aid used as a recall test .
11 Eventually , to avoid taxation the roof was removed and the shell left to rot .
12 The canopy , covering and crust were removed and the temperature of the filling checked .
13 The sediment deposited in the bottle during the final stages of the ‘ rural method ’ is not removed and the wine will thus be a little cloudy unless expertly handled .
14 Then one item is removed and the children have to guess which one it was .
15 The resistor can now be removed and the instrument will be ready for use .
16 The 1µF capacitor should then be removed and the instrument is now ready for use .
17 The tubing may then be removed and the screw tightened normally .
18 Each fish is caught , the hook carefully removed and the weight noted before release .
19 Once that has been completed the scaffolding will be removed and the Banco di Roma will provide indefinitely for a team of gardeners and maintenance officers to keep the upper walls free of weeds that grow in the crevices , loosening small bits of masonry and concrete that are then dislodged by birds or lizards .
20 The canister lid is removed and the canister filled with media — choose the media for back-up filtration — siporax , ceramics , gravel etc ; or for emergency chemical filtration — charcoal or zeolite .
21 Because of its target-towing days in Sweden the rear cockpit was slightly non-standard , this meant that new perspex panels had to be manufactured to bring the rear cockpit back to Mk 1 configuration , the target cable guides on the tailplane were removed and the tailplane restored to standard fit .
22 All the spark plugs on this particular engine had been removed and the necessary test equipment had been attached , ready for a dry run to be carried out ; ( engine turned over without starting up ) , so that the individual cylinder pressures could be read .
23 Once both sides have fought , casualties are removed and the two rival units spend the rest of the turn unable to do anything while they dust themselves down .
24 The most commonly used is the lesion method , in which part of the brain is injured or entirely removed and the resultant changes in behaviour studied .
25 Receiving a positive answer , the covering was hastily removed and the ritual experts and relatives of the child anxiously pressed forward , peering into the pit to see how the child was .
26 The last traces of independence within the military establishment were removed and the State 's powers of coercion greatly enhanced .
27 At the end of each month the top figure is removed and the new month 's figure is added and a new average is calculated .
28 Essentially a single-breasted riding coat with the tails removed and the fronts considerably shortened , it retained its pronounced waist .
29 Any eyes or blemishes should be removed and the potatoes should be cut into even-sized pieces to ensure that they are all cooked at the same time .
30 Two days after the operation the dressing was removed and the wound inspected ; the suture line was intact and there was no excess redness or swelling .
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