Example sentences of "prepared for [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The durability of the Royal Scotsman over five long seasons of operation , with the top tour price now only a short step away from £3,000 was proven by 1989 , but even as this book was being prepared for press , there were changes in the wind which may prove to be a sterner test of the depth of the elitist train-tour market .
2 Integrated Development Programmes ( IDPs ) are to be prepared for areas where agricultural development depends on simultaneous investment in infrastructure and other sectors .
3 Put another way , she had been plucked and prepared for meetings like this as carefully as a goose is dressed for the oven .
4 Thus , French High Commissioner Pignon was hoping for American assistance in replacing and repairing military equipment ; said he was prepared for US military aid to go direct to the Vietnam government ; but also , in order to deter a Chinese invasion of Tonkin , was trying to talk the US into sending warships , particularly aircraft-carriers , into Indo-Chinese waters .
5 The Divisional Court felt that the copy documents which the solicitor had prepared for counsel were necessarily franked by professional privilege .
6 By this stage , the pursuer 's agents ought to be prepared for Proof and ought , therefore , to be more receptive to arguments concerning actual weaknesses in their case than may have been true at an earlier stage .
7 Clearly the pope was prepared for compromise .
8 Enjoy a tour of Jordan Grand Prix 's Headquarters where the team 's cars are built and prepared for competition .
9 But if it 's done as a way of accelerating the child 's development , in order , as it were , to give it the edge over its peers , that does n't seem to me to suggest a relationship in which parent and child are enjoying each other ; it is much more a relationship in which the child is being prepared for competition with its peers and this , I feel , probably is going to turn out badly , because almost inevitably the child will not reach the levels that the parent has build up in fantasy in its own mind .
10 But if it 's done as a way of accelerating the child 's development , in order , as it were , to give it the edge over its peers , that does n't seem to me to suggest a relationship in which parent and child are enjoying each other ; it is much more a relationship in which the child is being prepared for competition with its peers and this , I feel , probably is going to turn out badly , because almost inevitably the child will not reach the levels that the parent has build up in fantasy in its own mind .
11 Certainly not a habitual drinker , he was nevertheless sitting that night in the darkness with a bottle of whisky , prepared for excess .
12 I ought to have taken heed of the warnings contained in those anonymous horoscopes , Lissa thought morosely , fingering the disks she had prepared for Adam .
13 Andrew and John were recruited with the objective of being prepared for Shell work on the Brent contract , and have systematically followed a route of planned training , to work for Wood Group Engineering Contractors on a Shell site and installation .
14 Let's have a defence review so both the military and the industries are prepared for change when it comes . ’
15 Although a number of surveys have shown that practice has been slow to change , the ground has at least been prepared for change .
16 Daily summary sheets are prepared for management and other heads of department .
17 I hardly remember what Mrs Girdlestone looked like , other than that she was plump and elderly , and gave an impression of being prepared for battle ; but I was touched when I saw the tea that had been laid out ready for me , imagining the two ladies conferring about the slices of bought ham , the thin bread-and-butter , and the bought cake .
18 A tall humanoid creature with a large , fierce-looking helmet stepped out and headed towards Bash , who raised his axe and prepared for battle .
19 When they reached the sunken garden , ignoring the swing-seat beneath the vines , Luce chose a sunny bench and , battening down her agitation , prepared for battle .
20 Galliéni , therefore , ordered huge amounts of munitions to be stockpiled ; all roads , rail tracks , even sewers leading into the city were barricaded , and bridges prepared for demolition .
21 Whatever the merits of these reasons , and not all of them carry complete conviction , it must surely be true that no government , given that the enormous and growing cost of higher education was coming very largely out of public funds , would have been prepared for provision to have been largely concentrated in the ‘ autonomous ’ university sector ?
22 Separate figures must be available for information not only for those selling and serving , but also for those who have prepared for ages beforehand in greenhouse and kitchen , in Davidson Room and Undercroft cupboard , and out at Currie where philately rules for a considerable time .
23 I found the parking area in front of the gloomy , if majestic , main building , and keeping my little angel on a strangle-tight lead , prepared for disapproval .
24 However , to suggest to a parent that an assessment should start at the same point in time as the children are prepared for removal to a long-term placement , does not enable an open and honest working relationship .
25 Her students , she says , are well prepared for Europe , and have been for a long time .
26 The rest had been so well prepared for work by their previous sixteen years of socialisation that they found few problems .
27 Instead , Willis found that his lads were very well prepared for work in factories where they could use the same ‘ survival ’ techniques as they had learned at school .
28 " This Meeting consider themselves authorised to regulate the practice to be hereafter adopted in Smithies — and direct now that he who comes to the smithy first prepared for work shall have preference in finishing all his work of every kind before any other can pretend to interfere . "
29 A similar standard is currently being prepared for document image processing systems : draft discussion document ( DD206 ) entitled R ecommendation for the preparation of electronic images ( WORM ) of documents that may be required as evidence .
30 Now Yasmin is pregnant again she is prepared for bouts of morning sickness .
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