Example sentences of "to allow for [det] " in BNC.

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1 To allow for many additions to every cylinder , when only one cylinder has a large number of additions , is wasteful of space .
2 I have taken advice about what would be involved in amending the Bill to allow for such a further education council to be established at a later date by a future Secretary of State if he so wished .
3 ( iii ) Explain how van der Waals changed the ideal gas equation to allow for such deviations .
4 Thus , in assessing the impact of an excise on gasoline , both as intermediate and final product , it is necessary to allow for all the indirect effects .
5 That w that is exactly at twenty five , and that is allowing a doubling of the housing area to allow for all the other features that come within the new settlement .
6 S s so we 're looking for , in a sense , for three things , one is is er paving the way for industrialization , one is equality , one is the ideological movement to socialism and somehow you 've got to allow for all of those three .
7 In sinking air even this would not be enough to allow for much choice and , of course , it assumes that the descent will be made over open countryside and not amongst hills or moorland .
8 At the classroom level , the teaching and learning methods have to be organised to allow for much more than simple coverage of the topic .
9 Fifty is too small a number to overcome the cumulative effects of in-breeding , or the dangers of sudden natural disaster , while the Ujung Kulon habitat is too restricted to allow for much expansion .
10 But you will no doubt agree that the very best staff plans are those which give clear margins of error to allow for those days when an employee is ill or for one reason or another below par .
11 To allow for those contingencies I think it right to allow the commercial rate for the twenty eight hours per week in inverted commas , parental care , rather than a discounted rate .
12 Erm , so that you would have to allow for those ideal circumstances in maximum temperature .
13 Most of the agricultural sector is taken up by part-time crofting but , unusual for Shetland , there are tracts of fertile land sufficiently extensive to allow for some full-time farming .
14 We have to allow for some license : he is writing to his brother in Paris about this street pick-up and doing his best to make it palatable .
15 So always buy more flowers and foliage than you think you will need to allow for some spares .
16 Each circuit can feed up to 12 lighting points , but in practice it is wise to restrict this to a maximum of eight , to allow for some to contain more than one bulb .
17 Even these more sophisticated attempts to elaborate where power lies and to allow for some freedom of manoeuvre for the state in capitalism can between , however .
18 Experience may help you take some of these into account but if you went for a fixed fee you may have to pitch it at such a level to allow for these that it 's perhaps twice what it might be and you could lose the client .
19 Discounting ratios by large amounts to allow for these factors does not change the nature of the findings , however .
20 In general this angle is θ for a homoatomic chain and equation ( 10.4 ) can be modified to allow for these short range interactions .
21 The actual speed at the time is usually far too slow to allow for any use of the airbrakes , but there is plenty of room ahead for a safe landing .
22 Ministers ' remuneration had improved with the century : in 1851 a Primitive Methodist minister with three children received £71 a year and Baptists generally received less than £80 ; within Congregationalism the divergence was too great to allow for any average figure .
23 Make two or three tracings of the design to enable you to experiment with various groupings and arrangements , and also to allow for any mistakes you make in cutting , especially on your first attempt .
24 You can also enter the shape you draw , to allow for any quirks in your figure !
25 It is advisable to stiffen the fabric before cutting to shape when using the latter method to allow for any possible shrinkage .
26 It is just possible that d'Ohsson means Molla Fenari , whom he does not otherwise mention ; but even the earliest possible date for Molla Fenari 's becoming Multi , roughly 1380 , is too late to allow for any possibility of his having succeeded Tursun Fakih .
27 There were no transient UOS relaxations in the three episodes of acidification of the oesophagus without associated common cavity episodes , but this sample is too small to allow for any firm conclusions .
28 Examination papers should be approved four months before students are due to sit the examination and centres should allow three months for the moderation process ( to allow for any resubmission ) .
29 Hours of work are recorded and sent monthly to the Coordinator to allow for any flexibility agreed with the Coordinator .
30 You body wo n't turn as much as it did before , you get tired more quickly , you 're less able to concentrate for long periods and have to allow for more errors .
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