Example sentences of "his [vb -s] [art] " in BNC.

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1 What is true of Nietzsche is surely true of Derrida , of whom there are many competing versions ; Norris presumably believes that his contains the truth , without distancing quotation marks .
2 David , David has a dentist app I think his has a dentist appointment .
3 There the similarity ends , since judging from his writings Bagehot was a roaring snob , whereas judging from his heckles the heckler was not .
4 And through his britches the blue winds blow .
5 Smith and Hogan , Criminal Law , 6th edn , Butterworth , 1988 , 559 n6 , comment : " [ T ] his seems a surprising decision as it would surely astonish bankers to learn that by issuing such cards they are allowing their customers to borrow by way of overdraft to an unspecified amount " ( their emphasis ) .
6 If he lacked Zhivkov 's taste , Ceauşescu showed greater consistency of purpose : Zhivkov survived his fall and lived long enough to explain that he had not really been a Communist after all ; Ceauşescu never gave his judges the satisfaction of hearing him renounce his beliefs .
7 He seized her hands in his , and mindful of her enthusiastic response to his advances a few weeks ago , took her in her arms and planted a kiss on her cheek .
8 He got out of the car and went up and down on his haunches a few times to ease some of the stiffness from his legs , then started to walk the mile or so back to the hotel gates .
9 Certainly , in many of his works the Prince has juggled well with the varied problems of painting and has produced a sensitive and interesting result .
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