Example sentences of "appear to have [art] " in BNC.

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1 They appear to have a stem : could they be related to the crinoids ?
2 Many portraits of infant boys appear to have a hairstyle resembling that of the emperor Trajan ( AD 98–117 ) .
3 So , yes there is ‘ bad ’ cholesterol , the LDL which are associated with a greater risk of heart disease , and ‘ good ’ cholesterol , the HDL which appear to have a protective effect .
4 Most CABx can identify local groups which appear to have a particular need for assistance , and NACAB policy is to encourage bureaux to cater for such special groups .
5 How does a model in which CD45R0 memory cells appear to have a shorter lifespan accord with the long persistence of immunological memory ?
6 The next level are in fact magistrates , who appear to have a similar area of responsibility to our Gown Court judges .
7 In practice processions appear to have a favoured place providing there is no actual obstruction , that they are peaceful and that police directions are observed ( see Hirst v. Chief Constable of West Yorks ( C.A. , 1986 ) ) .
8 These young patients appear to have a good prognosis following infarction and intervention policies based on exercise testing in an older age group may not be appropriate .
9 On the other hand , the HMI 's nine areas of experience , although offering an interesting alternative , appear to have a certain arbitrariness about them , especially when one ( technological ) is added with no explanation as to why .
10 Some animals appear to have a highly developed magnetic sense and use magnetic variations to find their way around .
11 Also , some galaxies appear to have a black hole at their centre — a hole that swallows up all the stars that come near it .
12 Classical periods of literature are judged severely since they represent a moment of complacent self-satisfaction in which the movement of history is artificially suspended , in which social formations and institutions appear to have a permanent position in a fixed , hierarchical structure .
13 Again , Monotype appear to have a lead in this area as they are coding all their fonts from a single digital master , regardless of the final output format .
14 Some foods appear to have a positively energising and restorative influence on the body .
15 The lateral arm plates appear to have a more open calcite skeleton giving the plate a spongy appearance .
16 Peer groups appear to have a dynamic role , the function and influence of which shifts across adolescence .
17 Most firms appear to have a target payout ratio of dividends to long-run reported earnings .
18 Macbeth and Lady Macbeth appear to have a very intense relationship
19 People assume , the British especially , who appear to have a unique talent for combining sentimentality and intellectual evasion , that conflict , even massacre , is in no one 's interest .
20 Pupils soon grow weary of a parade of historical topics selected solely because they appear to have a popular appeal or relevance .
21 Magnetic and optical media appear to have a shorter life .
22 Similarly , Peruvian myrmecophytes appear to have a range of possible inhabiting ant species and these may compete for occupation .
23 The notion that you have a group of children that you can categorize , say like partially sighted , or maladjusted , or educationally subnormal , and that they should have a special education , is one that 's been increasingly challenged over the years and I think the Warnock Report actually moves considerably away from that notion and says no , we do n't want to separate off a particular group because they appear to have a single erm or even a multiple disability , what we want to do is to look at the needs of each individual child and ask what is it about that particular child that makes the achievement of education objectives more difficult than another child .
24 I think in a community one does come across practical snags , like for example the differences become very marked between the businessman who goes off at eight in the morning and comes back at six , week in week out , year in year out , with perhaps sort of three or four weeks holiday , and the university men who appear to be around an awful lot of the time and appear to have a lot of holiday .
25 One of the important lessons I think to learn is that the choice of course , which tends sometimes in situations of high demand to be too related to supposed vocational use , so we notice for example that there is increasing demand for courses which appear to have a vocational content , can sometimes lead to disadvantage .
26 And I 'm sorry we appear to have a little bit of a problem with that tape , we have the wrong tape .
27 Unfortunately , Americans appear to have no sense of the Gallic tradition of ribald humour that goes back to Rabelais .
28 Schools in the private sector seem to respond quickly when there are difficulties with children and if the school 's reputation is threatened appear to have no hesitation in asking parents to place their children elsewhere .
29 These can be substantial — one , at least , reaches over a million entries — but — they appear to have no obvious advantage over the databases described above , except , perhaps , when they afford the prospect of immediate supply from stock of titles held in their files .
30 Human intelligence , by its very nature , never fully accepts statements that appear to have no plausible foundation .
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