Example sentences of "consequences for [art] " in BNC.

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1 It does have legal consequences for a debtor , and it is for this reason that the legislation provides a court process which debtors can invoke in order to have the demand set aside .
2 This has important consequences for a key factor in the model — the bureaucrat 's monopoly of information .
3 The consequences for a purchaser of receiving an unlawful distribution are provided by CA 1985 , s277 and will essentially require a purchaser , who at the time of distribution , knew or had reasonable grounds for believing that it was an unlawful distribution sale , to be made liable to repay the distribution to the vendor .
4 6.5 Within [ 15 ] working days after service of such notice ( excluding the day of service ) the Lease shall be completed and time shall be of the essence of this provision Advisable though this clause may be , the problem is that the agreement is liable to be brought to an end at the expiration of the notice , which could have dire consequences for a tenant who has expended a considerable sum of money on the tenant 's works but is for some reason unable to complete .
5 Paul clearly taught that ADAM was a real person and that HIS transgression of God 's law had consequences for every individual ( except for the virgin-born Lord Jesus Christ ) born thereafter .
6 The tv campaign underlines the consequences for every driver over the limit , involved in an accident or not , like Shane , from Gloucestershire .
7 Again , FMI developments have aroused tensions among middle- and lower-management grades , not only through fears about jobs and increased central monitoring , but concern also that financial stringency could impact on staff development and training ‘ with longer term consequences for an efficient and effective Civil Service ’ ( Public Accounts Committee , 1986–7c , para. 39 ) .
8 Publicly the banks have suggested that there could be dire consequences for the City should the deals be ruled illegal .
9 His preference for a free vote in East Germany , enabling that country to join its western neighbour , is excessively sanguine even in the medium term , in its assumptions about the consequences for the international system as a whole .
10 Age Concern said : ‘ If local authorities ’ precious stock of properties suitable for elderly people begins to be sold off , the consequences for the majority of elderly tenants in ordinary housing could be very serious indeed . ’
11 Of course , if prices generally do rise , the value of money falls with all sorts of unpleasant consequences for the classes who can not raise their money incomes as fast as others , and , in the case of Britain particularly , for the national balance of payments .
12 This alteration in the basis of national status was to have devastating consequences for the present and future population of the United Kingdom .
13 Despite the arguments in favour of the course which the King adopted , his encouragement to MacDonald to hold the government together and to fight the election as a government had quite momentous consequences for the politics of the 1930s .
14 And obviously you worry about the consequences for the individuals concerned . ’
15 The consequences for the country , especially in the many cases where the recipient government is not able to sort out the resultant confusion , can at worst be disastrous .
16 There was one exceptional year that proved the rule : in 1980 , the economic recession so emptied British industry 's order books that firms were able , and keen , to deliver faster than anticipated with embarrassing consequences for the accounting officers in post at the time .
17 It believes that the government wants a short-term profitable fishery regardless of the consequences for the crab fishery or the dolphins .
18 If as Secretary of State you get it wrong , then you — and crucially the people you are serving — live with the consequences for the next twelve months and beyond .
19 I want to say in conclusion that it has as many consequences for the devout Evangelical as it does for the hardened Catholic .
20 If he wants to import vehicles or components from Taiwan or Singapore or Hong Kong into Europe , he 'll go ahead and do it , regardless of the economic consequences for the European countries concerned .
21 A second general point is that many offences of violence have consequences for the victim which extend well beyond any injury caused .
22 The consequences for the animal are ultimately identical , but for the humans their actions are couched in a class-ridden dressing of either romanticism or oafish brutality .
23 In the first chapter I argued that the fact that the Scots settlers and the Irish natives were respectively Calvinists and Roman Catholics had profound consequences for the development of social conflict .
24 Naturally this had immediate consequences for the destitute fed by the church chest that rich believers funded .
25 It therefore seems directly consistent with the theory that candidates were forbidden to try to persuade the voters that they had better policies or attitudes than other candidates : a directive which had distinctive consequences for the pattern of the contest .
26 Arguments of principle which have consequences for the wellbeing and future happiness of the disputants are very easily shown to be really about profit and interest .
27 This timespan has significant consequences for the construction of genealogies ; it also resulted in an emphasis on genealogically restricted history .
28 ‘ The continuation of the conflict would mean a spread of war throughout Bosnia and would have unforeseeable consequences for the army you command , ’ he said .
29 ‘ If the injunction did go through it would have serious consequences for the National Trust nationally .
30 If a mother contracts a disease or infection during the period of pregnancy , it can have harmful consequences for the unborn child .
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