Example sentences of "setting out [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In Manchester in 1779 ‘ he acquaints the gentlemen of the town etc. that he practises the art of Land Surveying , as measuring and planning estates , setting out land for building on , dividing of ground , levelling etc . ’
2 The document has been criticized by environmentalists for merely offering suggestions and not setting out proposals for action .
3 From the first example you should have found This method of setting out sets was thought out by a mathematician named Venn , who gave his name to the " Venn diagram " .
4 Government time will be used to submit to the House for debate , official reports , White Papers setting out government proposals and government statements on matters of topical public importance .
5 South Africa 's readmission after 21 years followed a letter from the IOC to Sam Ramsamy , the new president of the South African Olympic Committee and former leading campaigner for the isolation of South African sport , setting out conditions to break down racial barriers in sport .
6 They went into Ling 's spotless domain , where they attended to setting out cups and saucers , jugs of milk and bowls of sugar on the bench beside the wide servery .
7 This is far easier than setting out wall tiling , because floors have far fewer obstacles than walls do .
8 On receiving a referral a social worker can usefully begin by setting out answers to these questions :
9 That a topic of discourse is such that on different occasions it can be referred to as the same is an analytic proposition setting out part of what " topic of discourse " means .
10 The USSR Supreme Soviet passed legislation on June 3 setting out procedures for constituents seeking to recall their People 's Deputy .
11 But while she was setting out plates , a tongue of fury ripped along her spine .
12 She began setting out plates and glasses , walking round the two carabinieri as though they were n't there .
13 Skilbeck , in commenting upon the progress of the national frameworks , suggests that in addition to setting out areas of knowledge , understanding and human activity firmly and clearly , the various kinds of learning experiences and learning situations also need defining .
14 The approaches advocated by the DES , HMI and the Scottish Education Department follow a procedure very common in the USA , i.e. starting with a statement of aims and setting out areas , or whatever , that will satisfy these aims .
15 So , for example , we think that it would be reasonable if credit notices setting out instalment terms on a particular purchase included something on these lines :
16 The article begins by setting out Swann 's terms of reference and contrasts its liberal optimism with the Macdonald Inquiry 's condemnation of antiracist policies at Burnage High School .
17 The Education ( Student Loans ) Bill , published yesterday , comprises only one enabling clause setting out ministers ' broad intention to usher in loans and two schedules making plain that the Government will use regulations to dictate the size of the annual loan , level of interest rates , repayment periods , deferments and premiums to the banks administering the scheme .
18 A junior with a big interest in meeting people [ according to his Appraisal ] was given the task of setting out packs of account opening cards , Special Savings forms and passbooks and a couple of credit card application forms for good measure .
19 A day earlier the Falklands Islands Legislative Council had passed a long-awaited bill allowing licensed surveys of the area , prompting Argentina 's President Carlos Menem to approve a bill in Congress rejecting British sovereignty and setting out Argentina 's right to all mineral deposits within 200 nautical miles of the islands .
20 It can be used for setting out plants , sowing large seeds individually and planting bulbs .
21 The applicant must file and serve the following documents on all parties and any guardian ad litem : ( i ) notice of appeal in writing , setting out grounds ; ( ii ) a certified copy of the summons or application , the order appealed against and any order staying its execution ; ( iii ) a copy of any notes of evidence ; and ( iv ) a copy of any reasons given for the decision .
22 Placing increasing emphasis on SADCC 's original purpose of promoting regional economic development , members issued a statement setting out goals of integration for the 1990s , and adding that " we look forward to welcoming a democratic South Africa into SADCC " .
23 In his annual report to the nation on Nov. 1 setting out goals for the second three years of his six-year presidential term , President Carlos Salinas de Gortari proposed radical reforms of agriculture , the education system and the status of the church based on changes to the 1917 Constitution .
24 As the Clean Air Act had left much to state initiative , congressional dissatisfaction with the rate of progress in some states led to the Air Quality Act of 1967 which at last required states to establish air quality standards consistent with federal criteria , and then to devise implementation plans setting out ways of achieving the air quality standards .
25 The National Rivers Authority ( NRA ) has published a document setting out ways of protecting groundwater , the source of around a third of Britain 's drinking water .
26 The speech , which was the fourth of five setting out Mr Lang 's long-term approach to policy in Scotland , concentrated on establishing discipline and respect for education , through ‘ a triangle of trust between parents , teachers and children ’ .
27 Setting out Labour 's case for international co-operation to strengthen world security and combat environmental degradation , Mr Kinnock said : ‘ It is an argument for global citizenship — a recognition of the fact that in the world now and for the future , passive co-existence is not enough .
28 He also recommends that the ‘ contracts ’ setting out prison régimes drawn up annually between prison governors and their area managers should become more detailed .
29 Their Code of Conduct , drafted in consultation with the Office of Fair Trading , supplemented the legislation by setting out guidelines of ‘ good business conduct ’ .
30 One of the ideas of the C E C setting out guidelines is in order to bring some consistency to proceedings .
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