Example sentences of "setting [noun pl] for " in BNC.

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1 It was a period of risk-taking and setting horizons for growth rates which were different to anything I had experienced before .
2 So what I would like to suggest , on this , on this one occasion only , and without any , setting precedents for the future either at this congress or future congresses , that we make an exception , and that in this particular deb debate we take additional speakers .
3 Almost as soon as they took to the air , other invertebrates — the spiders — started setting traps for them .
4 Said Lewis : ‘ I have to keep setting goals for myself and that 's why I would like to fight Tyson .
5 This was a formal process which focused on staff development by setting goals for the coming year .
6 15 of them , together with Austria , issued a formal objection to the conference 's final statement , claiming that it did not go far enough in setting goals for limiting global warming , or in guaranteeing aid to developing countries .
7 The decree also reiterated all-union responsibility for issuing licences and setting quotas for imports and exports of a list of the most important commodities , including oil , gas , gold , diamonds and high technology goods .
8 A central database in Gaborone , Botswana , will hold information on tusks traded by the four countries , as well as setting quotas for ivory production .
9 DHAs can then concentrate on ensuring that the health needs of the population for which they are responsible are met ; that there are effective services for the prevention and control of disease and the promotion of health ; that their population has access to a comprehensive range of high quality , value for money services ; and on setting targets for and monitoring the performance of those management units for which they continue to have responsibility .
10 So it is that for Douglas MacBain it is a clearly defined aim to consider setting targets for numbers of churches to be planted in the coming decade and to work to facilitate this .
11 Borrowing an idea from the editors of the Annals of Internal Medicine , we have , in addition to setting targets for decision making and publication , developed what we call the ‘ vital signs ’ of the BMJ .
12 This discipline is missing from the Williamson scheme ; inflation has to be controlled by setting targets for money-GDP instead .
13 The Plan worked by setting targets for certain key sectors of the economy ( such as steel , electricity and cement ) rather than by close state direction , it tended to foster the return to industrial predominance of capitalist businessmen , and it relied on loans from abroad , particularly from America .
14 Setting targets for yourself works .
15 Does my right hon. Friend agree that nothing is more insulting to women — whether it is said by women or men — than talk of setting targets for the number of women to be in top posts ?
16 To achieve this they pursued tight monetary policies which in many cases involved setting targets for the growth in money supply .
17 This involves setting targets for money supply into the future , and then using monetary policy to ensure that these targets are met .
18 As well as setting targets for the growth of money supply , it also gave targets for the PSBR as a percentage of GDP .
19 Nevertheless the government continued setting targets for a reduction in PSBR .
20 This involves setting targets for the growth of the money supply : the approach adopted in the Thatcher government 's medium-term financial strategy of the early 1980s that we looked at in Chapter 17 .
21 Or determining standards and then setting targets for all of your staff .
22 It is then only of use in setting problems for next time .
23 The assertion about the murder of the father setting problems for the unconscious life of all later generations has been left unexamined in anthropology and sociology .
24 By 1632 they had installed themselves in their own Hall , Cobham House in Blackfriars , where they embarked upon regularizing their trade and setting examinations for their Apprentices .
25 If one follows through the possible implications of this , one comes to the thought that perhaps language should be presented , to learners primarily in lexical terms , setting conditions for the gradual emergence of syntax as a focusing device — the very converse of conventional practice .
26 The next task is to establish a means of setting baselines for both PB and CB .
27 setting objectives for your department or unit
28 Setting objectives for the organisation .
29 A supplementary guideline to setting limits for children might be : ‘ Set limits or boundaries for yourself ’ .
30 Using a ‘ time out ’ procedure for managing hitting , biting , and destructive behaviour is an effective way of setting limits for the child .
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