Example sentences of "contracts [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Resolutions will have to be evidenced in writing and all contracts between the company and the sole member ( if the sole member is also the sole director , bearing in mind that a director need not be a member ) will have to be in writing unless entered into in the ordinary course of the company 's business on its usual terms and conditions .
2 Even if these criteria were generally accepted as determinative , there is no evidence that all ( or even any ) of these factors were present in the contracts between the creditors and the Tin Council .
3 It is not to be negotiated by the conclusion of social compacts or contracts between the Trade Union movement and the Government .
4 It is the outcome of a series of contracts between the founding shareholders : in so far as the state has a role in corporate creation it is not materially different from its role in enforcing contracts in general .
5 It also highlighted a complex network of contracts between the two teams and suggested the need for clear lines of communication .
6 But there was a a I know there was a a system in Notts you see whereby er the coal was dug on the basis of contracts between the management and er a man or two men
7 The Office of Electricity Regulation should investigate the preferential contracts between the regional electricity boards and the gas-fired power stations .
8 We can certainly agree that coal sales are dominated today by the contracts between the generating companies and British Coal .
9 After a product is manufactured and put into circulation liability is governed primarily by the chain of contracts between the manufacturer and the ultimate user .
10 Although the precise information sought by Newco 's solicitors will depend on all the circumstances and on the roles taken by other advisers , Newco or its solicitors will generally request its accountants to obtain information and copies of documents in relation to the target business ( or if appropriate , in relation to each group company ) in the following areas : ( a ) constitution : memorandum and Articles of Association and other constitutional documents ; reports and audited accounts for the past three years and subsequent unaudited management accounts ; shareholders ' resolutions required to be filed ; ( b ) borrowings : details of all borrowings , bank accounts and facilities ; copies of all guarantees and indemnities and details of any intra-group arrangements ; ( c ) litigation : particulars of any pending or threatened legal proceedings ; ( d ) employees : terms of employment of and fees paid to all directors and senior executives and information about other employees ' standard terms and conditions of employment ; details of any trade union or collective agreements and codes of conduct or practice ; details of any current or proposed pension , death or disability benefit schemes and any recent actuarial reports ; ( e ) licences : details of all licences and consents necessary for the carrying on of the business ; ( f ) tax : details of all tax and VAT Returns made ; particulars of any PAYE , VAT or other audits ; details of any matters under discussion with the Inland Revenue ; details of any stamp duty exemptions , tax clearances or Treasury Consents ; details of any group asset transfers or arrangements for transfer ; details of any bonus issues , reductions of capital or other capital reorganisations ; group relief ; ( g ) arrangements with the vendor : details of any loans , agreements or contracts between the vendor and any connected persons ; ( h ) title to the assets : details of any encumbrances on property , any factoring agreements , hire purchase , leasing agreements ; list of debtors and details of standard discount and credit terms ; ( i ) contracts : details of material capital commitments , major agreements with suppliers and customers , contracts entered into otherwise than in the ordinary course of business .
11 Thus , for instance , if a business has a particular customer with whom it will do a lot of business , it might be appropriate to negotiate special terms for all contracts between the business and that customer .
12 The terms can be drafted so as to provide that all contracts between the parties are to be governed by those terms , and a copy of the terms can be signed by trading partners at the commencement of a trading relationship .
13 It seems that a course of dealing can be established even though the terms have never been incorporated into any of the contracts between the parties .
14 Initiatives such as the ‘ quality alert mechanism , ’ which enables a quick feedback of problem areas from general practitioners to the purchasing agency , also have to be seen as straightforward and practical moves to better enable monitoring of contracts through the year .
15 If exchanging contracts through the post and dealing with a sale and purchase , the steps must be carefully synchronised .
16 well you got paid for your contracts , they let your contracts through the last time
17 Mr Guerin is suspected of misrepresenting dozens of contracts during the sale of his company to Ferranti in 1988 .
18 A meeting of staff agreed to a concordat under which the unions will suspend industrial action and the management agrees not to terminate any contracts during the talks .
19 Less commissioned research was carried out in TMOS than in previous years , mainly because DOE let no new applied geological mapping contracts during the year , while several such contracts came to an end .
20 L M Ericsson Telefon AB says it signed a number of contracts during the first quarter of 1993 totalling $30m for AXE digital switching kit to extend the public telecommunications network in Liaoning Province , Peoples Republic of China .
21 They have had to develop more detailed service costings than required by their main customers , the district health authorities , who were limited to the less information costly block contracts during the first year of the internal market .
22 It is planned that these audits will become standard practice on all Wimpey contracts during the coming year .
23 On the export side we have gained further new contracts during the year , as well as achieving growth in sales of our existing ranges .
24 Two of our most challenging contracts during the year were a five year contract won by Lincoln Turbine Service to maintain National Power 's fleet of gas turbine driven alternators throughout England and Wales and a contract for Turbine Engine Services to provide a power pack generating station in Malaysia .
25 Whilst good prospects remain in its traditional areas of business , the company also secured a number of major overseas contracts during the year .
26 Courtaulds Engineering , based in Coventry continues to win multi-million pound contracts during the recession despite fierce competition .
27 Let us consider the one at 286 K. Along the curve from A to B the gas contracts as the pressure increases .
28 The onward march of the Trust program is destined to swallow up the N H S as we know it , health care delivery biased in favour of the money orientated , terms and conditions for the workers on a take it or leave it basis , short term contracts as the norm and reduction in sickness entitlement .
29 Arbitration is written into the standard form contracts as the form of dispute resolution to be used .
30 A major change for the National Health Service will be the introduction of contracts for the provision of hospital services .
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