Example sentences of "pleased the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 We are pleased the Government attaches sufficient importance to the coast to break with the tradition of subject-based PPG Notes to issue a spatial PPG Note in this case .
2 He was pleased the Government was putting money where it was needed : ‘ The average farmer gets a poor return on capital invested .
3 I was pleased the King 's Fund has recognised the racism and blockages which prevent black staff moving into management ( News , 11 March ) .
4 ‘ I am pleased the Court has upheld the interpretation of Section 79 that we have always given to it , and that the section , which had been introduced at our request , had been correctly framed to allow for the flexible exercise of delegated powers . ’
5 Dr John Canning , of the local medical committee , said he was very pleased the service was becoming available .
6 But on the other hand I 'm pleased the reasons they 've given for the delay are the points we 've been raising with them over the last two years .
7 Last night the Lloyd 's chairman , David Rowland , said : ‘ I am pleased the Chancellor has recognised the desirability of replacing Lloyd 's current arrangements with a better targeted reserve .
8 While introducing and welcoming our new President , Lady Braithwaite , June Bascombe said how pleased the Society was to continue its close links with the Braithwaite family .
9 Mr Alan Milburn , Labour prospective parliamentary candidate for Darlington , was pleased the appeal had failed but suspected Bioplan might have abandoned its plans for the town anyway due to financial problems .
10 We are pleased the NUS organisers have been exonerated .
11 We are pleased the guidance has clarified the position . ’
12 Coun. Mrs Eleanor Young ( Lab ) , chairman of the borough works and health committee and chairman of Darlington community health council , was pleased the inspector 's report supported her fears .
13 But he is pleased the Tories favour a return to property based local taxation .
14 David said he was pleased the police had decided not the take the matter further .
15 Hilary Wade thanked English Estates and said she was particularly pleased the conservation of the Pease portrait ‘ an important piece of work for Middlesbrough ’ could go ahead .
16 Tone-unit boundary placement can , then , indicate grammatical structure to the listener and we can find minimal pairs such as the following : a ) The Con servatives who like the pro posal are pleased b ) The Con servatives who like the pro posal are pleased The intonation makes clear the difference between ( a ) ‘ restrictive ’ and ( b ) ‘ non-restrictive ’ relative clauses ; ( a ) implies that only some Conservatives like the proposal , while ( b ) implies that all the Conservatives like it .
17 Michael is pleased the programme will show that a family with a handicapped member can have a rewarding holiday — and equally glad that it does not try to disguise the difficulties .
18 I 'm pleased the NCC bought the mountain , since a commercial forestry firm had plans to cover the whole area in vile rows of sitka spruces to help chat-show hosts and snooker players in England make a killing on their tax bills .
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