Example sentences of "to carry out the " in BNC.

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1 During the inquiry , Lord Romsey promised he would spend £9m on urgent restoration work on his estate , but that the income from visitors to Broadlands was insufficient to carry out the renovations .
2 Soon after police arrived to carry out the order , violence spread , as students smashed and set fire to Mr Kamba 's Mercedes car , and police responded with tear gas and baton charges .
3 Last night , a ministry official delivered a notice to the monastery , stating that officers intended to return this morning to carry out the order to slaughter the birds .
4 Imperial College , London , two medical schools and a research organisation called Social and Community Planning Research were standing by to carry out the project after two successful pilot studies earlier this year .
5 It replicates itself , and each new copy , which is independent of the original , goes on to carry out the task for which the virus was designed .
6 These are usually temporary measures which can be obtained quite swiftly and will involve the court directing the developer not to carry out the development until the court has had an opportunity to consider the dispute in detail .
7 With a small sample it is not advisable to carry out the analysis in terms of individual papers since so few respondents read any single paper .
8 He received his certificate in July 1947 but the British coal industry had been nationalised in January of that year and his new bosses told him that in the changed circumstances they would not be able to carry out the undertaking he had been given .
9 5 Airborne Brigade has been tasked to carry out the mission , as the Army 's only dedicated force earmarked for operations outside the NATO area .
10 Many men will leave the aircraft with weights not far short of their own body weight ; almost all of this kit will be essential to carry out the soldiers ' tasks .
11 The building owner may either employ a builder to carry out the work or opening up and eradication , or he may call in one of the numerous specialist firms to deal with the attack .
12 Islington 's provision is better than most , yet the Director of Social Services , John Rea Price , feels Islington has been penalised for attempting to carry out the Government 's own directives on community care .
13 Mrs Howard said : ‘ Unless we are given a lot more resources we will not be able to carry out the weekly monitoring required .
14 After years of assuring everyone that China could be trusted to carry out the 1984 British-Chinese agreement on Hong Kong in good faith , the colonial administration found itself after Tiananmen Square presiding over a population which knew that China could not be trusted at all .
15 In 1285 the ‘ Ordinary ’ , i.e. the ecclesiastical superior who has the jurisdiction , is required by statute to pay the debts of the intestate , just as the executor ( i.e. the person appointed by the will to carry out the will ) is required to pay them .
16 He was beset by difficulties ; it was impossible to carry out the perambulations during the harvest season .
17 MR MAJOR took full advantage last night of his election mandate to carry out the most extensive Government reshuffle since the Conservatives came to power 13 years ago .
18 Less than half ( 45% ) said that the off-farm job imposed limitations on the farm and by far the most common reason given was lack of time available to carry out the farm work .
19 Two-thirds claimed that training had allowed them to carry out the farm work in less time and with a reduction in mental and physical effort .
20 The long period of housing the stock meant that the farmer was able to carry out the necessary work in the mornings and evenings .
21 Drinks exercises introduce the notion of measurement , concentration of alcohol content ; information which will be necessary to carry out the recording of alcohol consumption throughout the duration of the course ( p. 3 ) .
22 So we must leave it to some other group of His Majesty 's loyal subjects , such as yourselves , to carry out the task .
23 If you do not , call in an architect or surveyor to do the design work for you , and a local builder to carry out the actual construction .
24 If the new democracies are denied markets for their goods , then they will be unable to obtain the hard currency they urgently need in order to carry out the far-reaching reforms that will modernise their economies .
25 The CEGB know it , the local authority know it , we know it , you know it , and the inspector appointed to carry out the inevitable inquiry will know it before he hears the first evidence .
26 It was decided to build a huge central market , the construction of which was entrusted to Baltard , a man who was as much an engineer as an architect , on a site which had existed since the reign of Napoleon I. Succeeding regimes had neither had the will nor the drive to carry out the project as originally planned , but the Emperor was determined that this new market should be one of the earliest major building projects of his reign .
27 Comparatively large ‘ irregular forces ’ were earmarked to carry out the raids , which would be commanded by Hazelden for Tobruk and Stirling for Benghazi .
28 Sensing this , the Coal Board struck what was intended to be a mortal blow — refusing to carry out the preventative works and offering us a mere £25,000 towards past damage which had been estimated at well over £100,000 .
29 Volunteers should be able to carry out the minimal work involved , though some dioceses seem curiously reluctant to accept offers of help of this kind .
30 Self-evidently he does not go out and list them himself , and very early on historic building investigators were appointed to carry out the task and guidelines for listing drawn up .
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