Example sentences of "added up to " in BNC.

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1 These factors have added up to heavy oversubcription in France , and across Europe , where the lists have already closed ( British investors still have until Friday ) .
2 The measures will be even tighter than those instituted for all flights from French airports a week ago — which include the X-raying of all hold baggage , new controls on hand baggage , and body searches — that have added up to an hour to flight checks-ins .
3 It all added up to a premonition of tragedy for Charles .
4 All the little steps have added up to a high achievement .
5 They had seen something , they had heard something , they had smelt something , but all those various sensations added up to nothing solid : nothing that was known , for certain .
6 The spectacular aerial shots , Prof Burland 's lightly worn erudition , the delicious dollops of Verdi and Rossini and the ever-so-slightly tongue-in-cheek commentary added up to a ‘ Carry on Leaning ’ that I felt obliged to watch all over again .
7 His heavy gold rings and his bomber jacket and his wide-foot stance had added up to a man of experience in my eyes .
8 The improvements made in the machines to date do not seem as though they ought to have added up to much , but they appear to have allowed the crossing of a psychological threshold , after which a rich harvest of human error becomes accessible .
9 The subsequent departure of both Peter Gabriel and Steve Hackett and the passing of the years in general have all added up to a change of direction for the band .
10 When they took into account prices falling by 2 per cent a year the annual advantage of renting added up to £2,288 over buying .
11 These two incidents hardly added up to a minimal knowledge of the principality .
12 Suddenly , Constance realised that she actually was very tired — but not too tired to notice with pleasure the warm wood panelling , the Turkey-red stair carpet and the clean smell of polish which all added up to an atmosphere of richness and opulence quite foreign to her mother 's sparse house in Northumberland .
13 The foil packs have a flat bottom so that they can stay upright when water is being added up to the measuring mark on the pack .
14 The shadow on the step , the wind in his eye , the very fact that Fly was here when he never came into the city on weekdays : it all added up to something he could n't quite catch hold of .
15 All added up to subsistence farming in its most rudimentary form , with minimal trading and scarcely any money circulating , so that the assessors ' valuation of livestock — and household effects — may well have been frankly notional .
16 Empirical research on custody and divorce , on the personal experiences of divorcees both as solicitors ' clients and as consumers of the judicial process , and on the experiences and attitudes of registrars and lawyers added up to proposals for legal reform from an instrumental perspective .
17 I was utterly baffled , but I gave you the benefit of every doubt , which by this time added up to a couple of thousand .
18 KMnO 4 was then added up to 4 mM and incubation continued for 30 seconds at 37°C .
19 After 10 min , heparin was added up to 10 µg/ml and incubation continued for either 15 seconds or 10 min ( indicated in the figure as +h and +H , respectively ) .
20 Apart from the fact that Havana 's support for these adventures added up to little more than ‘ a limited amount of old weapons ’ in the chaotic early months of revolutionary power ( Bourne : 1987 , p. 188 ) , ‘ it must … be recognised that giving aid to revolutionaries seeking to overthrow dictatorships is a long-standing tradition for Latin America 's democratic Left .
21 It all added up to an organisation , but what organisation ?
22 Normalising factors were employed to ensure that the probabilities always added up to 1 .
23 It all added up to a hotel bedroom .
24 It all added up to the fact that below Silas 's cool exterior there was warmth and compassion for others .
25 At its peak , in June , when 12,000 vehicles were employed , one passed along it every fourteen seconds , and it was estimated that the mileage accrued each week along its short fifty miles added up to twenty-five times the earth 's circumference .
26 Mr Davies replied that the authority 's budget added up to about 0.2pc of NHS spending in Wales .
27 which only in future years that er , it 's added up to er significant point
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