Example sentences of "depends [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Second , state policy is constrained because government depends for taxation revenue upon maintaining successful capital accumulation .
2 It depends for success upon the goodwill and support of the LEAs and the schools .
3 Just as the pure scientist , from his [ or her ] early training , absolves himself [ or herself ] from the uses to which his [ or her ] discoveries are put , rather than seeing that the discoveries themselves are inescapably linked to an economy on which he [ or she ] depends for support , so the applied scientist accepts that others define the goals that he [ or she ] has to achieve rather than seeing that his [ or her ] own means or technology itself presupposes a social order , set of priorities or goals .
4 Some 40 per cent of the world 's population depends for drinking water , irrigation and hydro-electric power on 214 river systems shared by two or more countries .
5 But , on reflection , this depends for example on one 's theory of oligopoly .
6 But it is an option that I certainly would n't want to discount at this particular er stage erm because it depends on so many er factors , it depends for example whether er the site that er has been identified for up to two thousand and six , and which is developed up to two thousand and six , has the physical capacity to expand beyond two thousand and six , and I think that that ought to be one of the considerations perhaps that we ought to look at as we move towards the identification erm er of the new settlement , conversely , it could well be that ought to be looking at a second new settlement in a different location , erm I ca n't give an answer , a definitive answer , what I can say is , coming back again er to Mr Brook , this sort of issue er will not be picked up in nineteen eighty eight or nineteen eighty nine , er if we are all alive and kicking in North Yorkshire and the District Councils we will be looking at it regularly , we 'll be looking at it in two years time , one years time , erm erm that 's the way we work in Greater York , and it 's basically worked very successfully .
7 It is a defining feature of capitalist society that the productive wealth of the society ( on which the whole population depends for employment and products ) is privately owned and controlled .
8 It all depends of course on what is meant by ‘ the feminine ’ .
9 Final pricing depends of course on how Sun eventually pitches its Tsunami offering , which is to be announced two days prior to HP 's roll-out .
10 Much depends of course upon what is meant by ‘ success ’ as well as by ‘ policy ’ and ‘ planning ’ .
11 The effectiveness of the second vote depends of course on its being assessed on a national basis , not in separate constituencies .
12 The " individuating force " of such references depends of course to a large extent upon the context in which they are made .
13 The extent to which we aggregate individual units in this way depends of course on the purpose at hand .
14 How well the record fares depends of course on whether Swindon can repeat their achievement of 1990 and win the play-off final at Wembley .
15 The answer depends in part on arithmetic , and on how far short the Conservatives are of the 326 seats needed .
16 Clearly , theories of this sort must be extended in some way if they are to accommodate the fact that latent inhibition depends in part on what the target stimulus predicts .
17 It depends in part on how one perceives the function that the Act serves , and it probably serves several .
18 What happens further to small mammal bone before it is buried and fossilized depends in part on what happened to it at earlier stages in the transition from living animal to fossil ( Fig. 1.2 ) .
19 The use that will be made of the online information retrieval systems depends in part on the education of users about the availability and functioning of this method of information retrieval .
20 Every species has a slightly different solution to the problem of getting about , and the amount of work required to go at a particular speed depends in part on how well an animal has been designed to move at that speed .
21 In this section , we take the view that the rate of wage inflation depends in part on the state of demand in the labour market ( as reflected by the unemployment percentage ) and in part on the degree of trade union militancy and the expected rate of inflation .
22 Our profession 's reputation depends in part on our commitment to maintaining and , where necessary , raising ethical standards .
23 The authorisation of building societies by the Building Societies Commission so that they can raise money and accept deposits depends in part on a society 's having directors , a chief executive and a secretary who are willing and able to direct the society 's affairs in accordance with the criteria of ‘ prudent management ’ which are set out in s 45(3) of the Building Societies Act 1986 .
24 Not unnaturally , the amount of statutory health and social services which individuals receive depends in part on the level of their need .
25 Although central government departments bear a considerable responsibility for this failure , the ability of local authorities to perform this vital function depends in part upon how they are organized .
26 Everywhere in Greece the hoped-for growth of income from tourism depends in part on removing the smells that haunt too many beaches and other places where north Europeans twitch noses and raise eyebrows .
27 This depends in part on what we mean by ‘ the Crown ’ .
28 Indeed , the romantic flavour of the story depends in part on the tantalising yet inevitable growth of love between the yeoman farmer , proud of his physical strength and family background yet accepting his place in society below the squirearchy , and the girl , supposedly one of the Doones , aristocrats in exile after the Civil War , but in fact the kidnapped daughter of noble Scottish parents .
29 Becker hints at the inside model when he concludes , not without generating some confusion , that ‘ whether a given act is deviant or not depends in part on the nature of the act ( that is , whether or not it violates some rule ) and in part on what other people do about it ’ .
30 We shall have more to say about these functions in later chapters , but will meanwhile point out that these functions and the needs they serve are interrelated : success in interpersonal communication depends in part on success in transmitting a message , which in turn depends in part on success in terms of text production .
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