Example sentences of "affected by [noun] " in BNC.

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1 How is wage determination in the union sector affected by trends in union membership , and in union recognition ?
2 At least two whales believed to have been affected by sonar have been washed up dead on the beach at Abu Dhabi .
3 The social world will be much affected by race , creed , class , gender , and culture .
4 This applies most obviously to inheritance , but also the law has been used to regulate financial support in families in a different way , namely through the poor Law which has applied to many more people than ever have been affected by inheritance .
5 But bank deposits will not be affected by confiscation .
6 Er , and a completely separate question now , entertainment er , could you just tell us a bit more about what 's happening at Alton Towers and also how you think it 's gon na be affected by EuroDisney ?
7 One reason is that interest rates are affected by government policy , so the cost of capital can be blamed on government ( ours ) .
8 I believe what the Newcastle local authority tells me , because I know only too well how Gateshead has been affected by Government cuts which the local authority has been forced to implement .
9 Distance from those affected by government decisions has had the effect of increasing their indifference and sense of alienation , especially in the economically disadvantaged regions furthest from London .
10 Social Security Secretary Peter Lilley fiercely denied during media interviews that the genuinely sick would be affected by Government proposals .
11 It explains how the body works and how it is affected by drugs .
12 Their Lordships concede that the judge erroneously classed as hearsay some evidence which , though tenuous , was admissible , but they consider that the evidence of Paulette 's drug addiction could not , if admitted , have affected the outcome , particularly having regard to the fact that the defendant 's own evidence did not tend to show that Paulette was affected by drugs at the material time .
13 The Committee Research Programme on the Changing Urban and Regional System is concerned with the way in which localities in the UK are being radically and differentially affected by processes of restructuring .
14 The Labour government will set up a Defence Diversification Agency to assist workers , communities and companies affected by change .
15 There are five things that employers can provide for people affected by change — full information , imagination , time , emotional and practical support , and money .
16 Communication with all those to be affected by change took place early and was sustained .
17 Brian Considine , Sharp 's chairman , said the 1989 figures would be affected by management problems at the Bradford operation , troubles in the retail sector and high interest rates .
18 Their ideologies create enclosed belief-systems that can not be affected by evidence which contradicts them .
19 How far is it affected by motivation , by a clear sense of purpose , as with the microwave ovens ?
20 So , for example if somebody does reject a young man in a way that erm is n't appropriate in his eyes , he might then go around and start calling her all sorts of names and generally making other men think of her in bad way , and of course no eighteen year old woman wants young men to think badly of her , and so she puts pressure on herself not to reject advances too openly or too obviously or something like that , and the whole cycle starts again , and so and I think this is the sort of thing the college just can not have anything to do with , because that really is going too far , that 's interfering with the the one thing we could do , perhaps , is talk to the young women and make it clear that they do have the right to reject advances and that what they 've got to be concerned about whilst they 're at university is they 're academic career and making sure that that is n't affected by harassment .
21 fossil fuel combustion , for instance , has led to increased concentrations of sulphate in precipitation ( ’ acid rain' ) and many rivers , lakes and estuaries have been greatly affected by phosphates from agricultural , urban or industrial sources .
22 By portraying the returned veteran as having been affected by experiences in an alien land , these films reflected the manner in which American society viewed these unwelcome reminders of defeat .
23 A variable directly affected by operations management and project management , the productivity index , was therefore used as representing the impact of the R&D function on profitability .
24 The Ukraine suffered particularly heavy losses during the 1930s there was a devastating and , it is now accepted , largely man-made famine during the early part of the decade , and the republican leadership was badly affected by charges of ‘ nationalism ’ ( in practice , for pointing out the likely outcomes of central policies ) .
25 Time itself is affected by gravity .
26 But if light is composed of particles , one might expect them to be affected by gravity in the same way that cannonballs , rockets , and planets are .
27 ( Also , the particle theory of light went out of favor during the nineteenth century ; it seemed that everything could be explained by the wave theory , and according to the wave theory , it was not clear that light would be affected by gravity at all . )
28 Choice of research methods is often decisively affected by choice of topic , and the amount of time , money , and work hours available .
29 Generally gram positive types are more easily affected by disinfectants than gram negative types .
30 In these improved conditions ( see Materials and Methods section ) it is evident that the major IL-6 dependent complex ( attributable to C/EBP δ/NF-IL6; β ) is indeed affected by CHX but , in addition to this , a slower migrating complex can be detected which is unaffected by CHX , but also by IL-6 .
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