Example sentences of "desire [to-vb] the " in BNC.

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1 Hence , over this section , it was not necessary to remove the existing ceiling , but a desire to emphasise the still lofty volume of this room caused the client to request the insertion of a ‘ minstrel 's gallery ’ upper level over part of this area .
2 Much of the vessel is often black , and there seems a desire to emphasise the sharply defined contours which is to remain a feature of Greek ceramics , and mutatis mutandis of Greek art in general .
3 This desire to accommodate the life of the spirit in everyday activities is finely illustrated by the Latin instructions in a fifteenth-century manuscript as to how a devout layman should regulate his daily life , from his rising with all swiftness and signing himself with the cross , to his final return to bed when he must go to sleep in the uncertainty , salutary from a penitential , if not somnific , point of view , as to whether he will survive until the morrow .
4 They 've sent me flowers and choclates , and they 've expressed a desire to accommodate the two young men who 've done this at their own institutions
5 I would symbolise a desire to promote the game worldwide .
6 However , because of their desire to promote the idea of history as a scientific discipline , the Annales school have not been equally well disposed to all aspects of the past .
7 It would be in keeping with his desire to promote the status of the professional scientist and to exclude clerical interference .
8 The Whig desire to promote the naturalisation of foreign immigrants , most of whom were petty tradesmen or artisans , was seen as a direct threat to the economic welfare of domestic producers .
9 ‘ I did n't have the slightest desire to see the restitution of my father 's property , ’ he added in that 1968 interview , and ‘ I was always in favour of socialism in the sense of nationalisation of major means of production . ’
10 And having reached the decision , he felt a strong desire to see the stones again ; to understand their meaning .
11 At Bletchley I had begun to satisfy , however pathetically and inadequately , a desire to see the world about me , but then had neither the time nor the money nor the opportunity for anything other than very restricted local journeys .
12 Other commentators have been quite frank about their desire to see the Germans run the show .
13 Expressing a desire to see the world first , he set off to spend a year teaching elementary mathematics in Kenya .
14 After all , ’ the Prior continued sardonically , ‘ he has no desire to see the cake taken while his back is turned .
15 1881 Caption — Mamma ( to Mabel , who has expressed a desire to see the boundary of Sussex and Surrey ) .
16 Policy director Stephen Locke said : ‘ This confirms all our worst fears about the manufacturers ' desire to see the UK as a high-price , high-profit market .
17 The delay was partly the result of the intervention of Philip II of Spain , who had no desire to see the English queen deposed in favour of the Catholic but pro-French claimant , Mary Queen of Scots .
18 ‘ It is a purely ideological desire to see the private sector providing regardless of whether it is appropriate or not . ’
19 Publicity in the local press was discouraged by the regime ; officials insisted that this was " a strictly private visit " to take place " in absolute discretion " , and that the Shah himself had " expressed no desire to see the press " .
20 The visitors expressed a desire to see the farther end of the garden .
21 If hon. Members are dissatisfied with my list , I can also cite the example of a distinguished former Member of the House , Mr. Alick Buchanan-Smith , whose principled support of devolution all his political life was , among many other factors , a proper mark of his integrity and desire to see the best government for Scotland .
22 On 18 July 1936 there had been no consensus on this question among those who joined the rebellion , beyond their unanimous desire to see the legitimate , democratically elected government removed from power .
23 The sergeant suspected that Blufton 's self-confidence sometimes crept into arrogance , a desire to treat the people around him as tools for his own gratification , although he was too in control to allow this to happen in the presence of police officers .
24 A DESIRE to sample the atmosphere of a country auction again brought me to O'Kane 's at Glenarm and my visit was not in vain .
25 There was therefore no desire to expropriate the Plantagenets in Aquitaine before 1294 .
26 In your natural desire to extol the virtues , however , your leader ( ’ Moving with the times , ’ 27 January .
27 It is probable , however , that this was an exception rather than the rule — most deaf people before the start of deaf education did not marry , and those that did , like Sir John Gawdy , Sir Edward Gostwicke and Alexander Popham , all came from wealthy families where there was a desire to continue the family line and marriages were made with daughters of families that were of the landed gentry .
28 But the Wordsworths ' desire to continue the acquaintance was so strong that on July 14th they rented Alfoxden House , in a village three miles off .
29 Childbearing — reproduction of ourselves , the desire to continue the family and race , and ideas of lineage are deep and complex feelings .
30 Compliance on this occasion is advanced by the pupils ' desire to enjoy the recreational facilities , most importantly the ‘ pool ’ and table tennis .
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