Example sentences of "beginning [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 The subcontinent is increasingly being used for locations — and Hollywood is beginning to target the Asian community , seeing it as a vast untapped audience which could help bring the industry out of recession .
2 And by the fourth issue of Oz the plaudits were beginning to outnumber the brickbats .
3 The women 's days are beginning to include the mix of activities , experiences and relationships which make up ordinary life for most people .
4 However , to say this to a country which is only just beginning to enjoy the benefits of industrialisation is not easy .
5 And I could see I was going to get warmer still because the bullock was beginning to enjoy the game , kicking up his heels and frisking around after each attempt .
6 I was beginning to enjoy the game .
7 ‘ So Ryan 's stuck with a piece of land he ca n't develop and can only sell as it stands at market value ? ’ she asked , beginning to enjoy the irony of it .
8 That 's now been placed in proper context by the arrival of Samantha as Head of Communications , as Judy said earlier on , we 're already beginning to enjoy the fruits of her skills , in the presentation surely you 're seeing today .
9 Hard to explain this , but I think I 'm beginning to like the wretched thing . ’
10 Eight-year-olds were beginning to acknowledge the distinction , in that when they used the causal connectives in the deductive mode they appropriately followed because with evidence and so with a conclusion .
11 She knew that she should never have accepted it , she thought , as she knelt on the carpet , placing the mug down beside her and beginning to search the floor for the elusive ring .
12 And the new Italian thinking was beginning to affect the sects themselves .
13 This view of the reading process is beginning to affect the nature of listening to children read .
14 They are already beginning to affect the pattern of organisation in the classroom .
15 We did find time for some work at Orkney which even produced a few seizures , but we were a little early for the oil traffic which was only just beginning to affect the island .
16 We are beginning to plan the next stage of development with a target of 6500 campus-based students by the year 2000 .
17 Everyone was beginning to realize the seriousness of the position .
18 Maggie queried , beginning to realize the truth .
19 We are only beginning to realize the significance of stone .
20 Even before 5 October 1968 it was clear that the radicals around the DHAC were beginning to lose the initiative and would be unable to consolidate themselves as an alternative leadership for anti-Unionists in the city .
21 I felt I was beginning to lose the battle , and the diary for the remainder of the term is full of expressions of hatred for the school , interspersed with the repeated and heartfelt question , ‘ Why ca n't they leave me alone ? ’
22 Moreover , the industry is beginning to lose the industrial image that it once had of a strike-torn and unreliable supplier .
23 Jones mailed all the details to Pons as the detector was now working and beginning to gather the data that would be the basis of the Brigham Young University-Rafelski paper .
24 We are only just beginning to see the first stirrings of a new debate on industry 's competitiveness .
25 He says : ‘ I think we are near the bottom and beginning to see the slope up . ’
26 On the stage , The Wedding Present are beginning to see the light . ’
27 You 're beginning to see the possibilities .
28 ‘ People are now beginning to see the strength in depth we have , in view of our injuries , and they 're impressed . ’
29 Only in Trnopolje and Omarska , they felt , were they beginning to see the truth beneath the facade of propaganda .
30 Sun also claims it has shipped 70,000 Sparc 10 multiprocessing-capable machines to owners that are just now beginning to see the advantages of going to multiprocessing .
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