Example sentences of "spent a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Linden Joseph , the lithe Guyanese who spent a disappointing season with Hampshire in 1990 , might well have won Test selection as well but injury , consistently his nemesis , struck him down during the A series .
2 Now this is in his key messages , and towards the back , there are two pages , where he complains that many promises were made for the facilities management contract , and in particular , erm , he says it is still the case that work to take advantage of the development faci facility has not yet been identified , now I think this is the thing we spent a million pounds on it , and are not using it .
3 A recent study by Professor Pat Carlen shows that of 39 female adult criminals , 22 spent a substantial period of their childhood and adolescence in care .
4 Oxford students succeeded , in Fox v Stirk [ 1970 ] 3 All ER 7 , in establishing that they could be resident in their university constituency and thus entitled to qualify to vote notwithstanding that they were also resident in their home constituencies and could qualify to vote there alternatively but this was on the basis that they had a ‘ residence ’ in Oxford where they spent a substantial part of the year .
5 What seems abundantly clear is that even if there were not the three months ' residence requirement in the case of Northern Ireland , it would still be necessary , in order to qualify to vote , for a person to have there a ‘ residence ’ in which he spent a substantial part of the year .
6 And provided that he did have a ‘ residence ’ ( or ‘ abode ’ , the concept used in other contexts ) there , in which he spent a substantial part of the year , it would not be necessary for him to be physically present there for the whole three-month period prior to the qualifying date .
7 She spent a leisurely morning doing some school work , reading the newspapers and then finally taking time dressing for her lunch party .
8 Labour councils tended to spend relatively more and be more committed to spending on social services than Conservative councils which spent a higher proportion of their budgets on education , but the bulk of spending was similar and handled through nationally organized professionals rather than locally based politicians .
9 When neighbours who entertained him in Knightsbridge spent a rare weekend at Hatherley they were surprised at the switch from newspaper owner to farmer , a switch so thorough that the paper was not mentioned the whole time they were there .
10 The price of bread cereals , on which labouring families spent a vast proportion of their wages , fluctuated wildly .
11 And that 's one reason why I spent a middle-sized fortune in the most advanced form in Intelloid in the universe .
12 Branson spent a frantic evening phoning around friends until he found her , and persuaded her to return .
13 Soon this mood of despair evaporated under the influence of serene letters from Helen , who flourished among the intimate circle of artistic Bohemian young people — including the poet Charles Dalmon and the actor Franklin Dyall — who lived in Hammersmith and spent a great deal of time at Mrs Logan 's large house which had been furnished and decorated in William Morris style .
14 I spent a great deal of time and study on it , over half a year , before I was ready to conduct it .
15 We spent a great deal of time familiarizing ourselves with the music by playing it at subscription concerts and youth concerts .
16 It seemed to have the knack of attracting some of the most bizarre characters who spent a great deal of the inter-war years building up little empires for themselves with scant regard for any overall espionage policy .
17 In its initial year the new department spent a great deal of time and energy intervening in the private sector to try to save jobs , especially in the cutlery and engineering sectors .
18 As my transsexual obsession deepened I was prone to bouts of morbid depression and I spent a great deal of time thinking about suicide ; suicide was almost a twin obsession at times .
19 He also spent a great deal of time strolling around New York 's back streets observing down-and-outs to see if he could steal anything from them — for the role , that is .
20 A gentle , flower-garlanded goddess , Lakshmi spent a great deal of her time in contemplating the universe and bestowed gifts of calm and wisdom upon those mortals who sought to emulate her through transcendental meditation .
21 Arguably the most turbulent priest in the Anglo-Saxon experience , Wilfrid spent a great deal of his mature life entering into and returning from exiles imposed by English kings with whom he had quarrelled .
22 Wolfgang spent a great deal of time in the company of J C Bach , with whom he struck up a friendship , and who was delighted to engage in amicable improvisation contests on the keyboard .
23 And while she always spent a great deal of time and money on their Christmas presents , they only ever sent her a packet of scented drawer liners or a box of soap .
24 ‘ She met all our residents and spent a great deal of time chatting with them .
25 It was always good , the more so because he spent a great deal of time trapped indoors by his choice of work , a choice governed by his wish to acquire a useful little nest-egg in a relatively short time .
26 They both spent a great deal of their time and energy maintaining the primatial claims of Canterbury , and neither ever mentioned the papal privileges in support of their claim .
27 Rembrandt spent a great part of his life in Amsterdam and many of his works were painted in the city .
28 Englishmen who spent a great deal of their time on horseback around 200 hundred years ago liked to bathe and change before dining .
29 Karl Llewellyn spent a great part of his life seeking to reconcile legal doctrine and commercial activity .
30 Marrying the widowed sister of Henry I , he was created Earl of Huntingdon , and before becoming king spent a great deal of time in the land and company of his brother-in-law .
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