Example sentences of "formed at the " in BNC.

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1 The Alliance Party of Northern Ireland , formed at the time of the abolition of the Stormont parliament , represents those catholics , protestants , and others who disavow the twin alliance of Ireland but retain at least a practical attitude on sovereignty .
2 Ancillary triads are formed at the headquarters of both Bond and the Master Villain .
3 His eldest son — also John Sich — was a Lieutenant in the Corps of Chiswick Volunteers formed at the time of the threatened invasion of England by the forces of Napoleon .
4 His eyes were hooded and white spittle had formed at the corners of his mouth .
5 There is some fibrin formed at the edges of the wound and at the plug periphery but no fibrin is seen within the plug for about 15–30 minutes .
6 A small amount of intra-crystalline porosity was also formed at the same time by corrosion and removal of the centres of some dolomite crystals ( Fig. 10 ) .
7 English China Clays , a company formed at the end of the First World War , inherited the wastelands of more than a century of china clay workings , and then increased their extent .
8 This process can be traced back until we arrive at a single cell which was formed at the moment of conception by the fusion of two parental germ cells , i.e. one egg and one sperm cell .
9 ‘ Fighting manyattas ’ were formed at the request of the administration in 1955 , and a ‘ renaissance of the Masai fighting spirit of old ’ was detected .
10 Traditionally it has been thought that meteorites were formed at the same time as the solar planets , and the composition of them was used as a ‘ fossil guide ’ to the make-up of the planets .
11 In tank conditions the leaves are round , heart-shaped at the base , purplish green or mauve , translucent , slightly crinkled and borne on slender , long , leaf stalks , Bushy leaves are formed at the base of the plant , which also puts forth aerial leaves which float on the water .
12 If from a kick-off the ball crosses the opposing team 's goalline , a scrummage will be formed at the centre of the half-way line .
13 Limestone is an ancient rock , formed at the bottom of the oceans which covered much of the earth 's surface millions of years ago .
14 It may have formed at the same time as Coed y Brenin .
15 The court took the view that since the contract was formed at the reception desk , the notice in the bedroom did not form part of the contract , thus it could not be relied upon by the hotel as excluding liability .
16 The post is fitted over the moulded side seat rail , roughly cut to profile ( from a template ) and a tenon formed at the top .
17 The reason they 're rich in oxygen is because they were formed at the polar regions , alright ?
18 A very cold lump formed at the back of my spine while I waited for the rest of it .
19 These results suggested that open complexes formed at the φ29 P A2b and P A3 promoters are unstable , and that initiated complexes are stable enough to resist the heparin challenge and give rise to elongation complexes .
20 Open complexes formed at the E.coli rrnB and rrnD P 1 promoters decay within seconds in the presence of heparin ( 9,10 ) , indicating that the complexes are unstable and equilibrate rapidly either with free enzyme ( 10 ) or with a closed complex that is sensitive to competitor challenge ( 33 ) .
21 The degree of supercoiling imposed on the viral genome in vivo is not known , but our experiments show that a moderate superhelical density can exert an stabilizing effect on the open complexes formed at the P A2b and P A3 promoters , which should be important in facilitating the transition into elongation complexes .
22 The presence of the first two initiating NTPs could stabilize , at least to a partial extent , open complexes formed at the φ29 A2b and A3 promoters ( this work ) and at the φ29 C1 promoter ( 39 ) .
23 DNA supercoiling has been shown to stabilize the open complexes formed at the E.coli rrnB P1 promoter ( 9 ) and at the B.subtilis phage φ29 P A2b and P A3 promoters ( this work ) .
24 Sensitivity to heparin challenge of open or initiated complexes formed at the φ29 P A2b and P A3 promoters .
25 Effect of DNA supercoiling on the stability of open complexes formed at the φ29 P A2b and P A3 promoters .
26 Effect of the ionic strength on the stability of open or initiated complexes formed at the P A2b promoter .
27 If condensation has n't formed at the top of the bottle in a few days , add a little more water .
28 It is imperative that you do not disturb the meat layer which has formed at the top of the soup .
29 Of course , it may well be that there is a dominant culture within an organisation which is formed at the top and is transmitted downwards through formal and informal mechanisms .
30 A vague idea formed at the back of his mind .
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