Example sentences of "bring [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 Naturally God is displeased with the sin in our life , but he has the power to translate even sinful experiences into something that will bring glory to him .
2 The official said that the cuts would " bring difficulty to the whole economy " and stated that the government was looking for private foreign companies to become involved in joint ventures in an attempt to reduce the country 's budget deficit .
3 By training one local villager we can bring change to a whole community .
4 He projected the idea of the national leader , a man of moderation and common sense who could bring unity to all Americans .
5 Care is taken to teach the boy how to be a good observer and to reckon things by observation without counting them , as counting , especially of sheep , goats , cattle or people is considered as one of the gikuyu taboos , mogiro , and one which would bring ill-luck to the people or animals counted .
6 The most common serial port format is RS232 and , already , the sighs and groans can be heard as its mere mention can bring apoplexy to even the most experienced engineer .
7 Flirtation with multi-party politics would bring chaos to Vietnam , they say .
8 Ordyn-Nashchokin , one of the more forward-looking Russian statesmen of the seventeenth century , objected in the 1660s to any permanent foreign diplomatic representation in the country because it would " bring harm to the Muscovite state and embroil it with other nations " and because foreign diplomats would " find out everything that went on in Moscow and tell it abroad " .
9 An increase in motoring costs would also bring revenue to the government , and could be made acceptable by being earmarked for corresponding improvements to public transport .
10 It will then carry out research into the needs of other local hospitals and orphanages , so the land convoy following later this year will bring aid to those who need it most .
11 ‘ I will bring Mordecai to you if you wish , and he will confirm what I say . ’
12 For a few moments , I wondered if the sand and shingle had been brought from the coast to be used as a road surface , then I doubted my sanity in thinking that anyone would bring sand to the Sahara .
13 The Druze leader , Walid Jumblatt , said in Amman yesterday that the Taif deal would not bring peace to Lebanon and that , although he did not intend to block it , he would not accept it either .
14 PRESIDENT Elias Hrawi has threatened to resign if he fails to topple General Michel Aoun , whom he accused of blocking his way to unite and bring peace to Lebanon .
15 PRESIDENT Elias Hrawi has threatened to resign if he fails to topple General Michel Aoun , whom he accused of blocking his way to unite and bring peace to Lebanon .
16 IT seemed a sick joke by John Major to send Lord Owen to help bring peace to Yugoslavia .
17 Lord Jesus , we cry to You that You will bring peace to those who use force to try to gain their selfish way ; use Your people to be peacemakers ; help us to work and pray for a world where You will be King .
18 Guide those who are working to bring practical care in our city and our land , and we pray that you will bring peace to those who can not find it in our society .
19 is an amazingly calm person and by her intuitive skills can bring peace to h to heated situations , an exceptionally useful gift when married to a politician .
20 But the meditators maintain they have scientific proof that it does work and they can bring peace to a troubled world .
21 Again , Atrakhasis was warned , the god instructing him in a dream to build a boat , take on board his family and animals , and explain his action to his fellow men as a punishment inflicted upon him which would bring benefit to them .
22 Ralemberg intended to export parchment to Brittany and , for the homeward journey , his ship would bring wine to the London market .
23 Somebody once said to me they think it 's really rude if they did n't bring wine to a , to a dinner party and then they do n't have to have to drink it .
24 Unlike its plainer cousin , it will not bring shame to the wearer by wilting or drooping on the crucial day .
25 A consideration of how Taking the Side of the Other might occur should bring attention to what here will be called the ‘ implicit features ’ of attitudes .
26 Importantly , by enabling us to see the lack of stability within textual play , deconstruction has helped bring attention to the exterior forces which attempt to control such play .
27 Not only does his poem bring attention to its control of verse , Herbert signals a poetic origin for his expression which is regal and divinely sanctioned .
28 While there is no convincing evidence that the TNCs can bring salvation to the Third World , in many poor countries the TNCs are seen as responsible for the only bright spots in the economy and society .
29 Crusoe 's fabled isle contained all he needed to sustain life — given , that is , that he had rescued so much of use from the wreck , not forgetting a Bible ; and Defoe 's most compelling point was that the island is a self-sufficient place to anyone who can bring courage to the task of living in it , along with an inherited faith and a few tools .
30 The Grummit-Maker and Tube Weekly " may not have the glamour of a national daily , but the opinion or recommendation of the editor of the former could actually bring business to your company .
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