Example sentences of "leading to some " in BNC.

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1 The Baskan Valley rises at the foot of Elbrus , with its subsidiary valleys of Cheget , Adyl Su and Adyr Su leading to some of the most spectacular climbing available .
2 Finding decent practice facilities was a constant headache , leading to some crazy situations ; in St Vincent , for example , Ken Barrington , the assistant manager , hunted all over for a place for Boycott to practise , and eventually found a piece of flat ground near the airport which had ducks waddling around and a donkey at long leg .
3 If a cut-off maximum on the number of livestock per farm attracting HLCAs was applied in the UK ( as it is in France ) , a major incentive to over-grazing ( leading to some moorland and roughland loss ; degradation of species rich grasslands ; broadleaved woodland destruction and mountain erosion ) would be removed .
4 They have tended to have fierce debates leading to some kind of resolution . ’
5 As we will see , there seems to be a natural trend towards selecting out larger body-size over time , leading to some disturbing conclusions about the likely size of future mammals in millions of years hence .
6 craft and practical work leading to some experience of design and technology and of solving problems ;
7 A number of authorities had reorganised before the reforms leading to some difficulties , according to John Findlay , social services officer of NALGO .
8 Though he 'd never used it , the Bowl was reputedly the most accurate prophetic tool known in the worlds , and now — sitting amid his treasures , with a sense growing in him that events on Earth in the last few days were leading to some matter of moment — he brought the Bowl down from its place on the highest shelf , unwrapped it , and set it on the table .
9 The shambling uprising of anti-war Guevara-dreamers which had begun in Cambridge in October 1967 with a demonstration against Harold Wilson , leading to some skirmishing with police , had spread through the universities of the country .
10 I began to wonder whether or not I had been the victim of an extended delusion , which was perhaps the function of an overheated adolescence leading to some kind of psycho-hormonal explosion .
11 The teacher who knows all the answers and expects pupils to produce a fixed sequence of arguments leading to some final conclusion is not the best person to draw creative thought from a class .
12 The east coast of the United Kingdom between Humberside and Norfolk was affected by an " acid mist " which blew in from the sea on Sept. 9 , 1989 , leading to some leaf loss from trees and the corrosion of aluminium instruments .
13 There were suggestions that the Khartoum government might now be willing to contemplate secession for the south , eventually leading to some form of federation with the north .
14 In some areas the birth of a child might add a shilling or more a week to the wage , leading to some pessimistic projections of runaway demographic increase , notably by followers of Thomas Malthus whose " Essay on Population " of 1798 was the most important ideological underpinning for the views of those who were beginning to urge a much harsher attitude towards the poor as the cost of their relief surged .
15 Indonesia 's ambition to become the top paper-producing nation is leading to some of the earth 's finest forests being felled , according to a report from an international environmental group , Down to Earth .
16 He said in any system there was bound to be a turnover leading to some vacant homes .
17 He said in any system there was bound to be a turnover leading to some vacant homes .
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