Example sentences of "suggested that [det] " in BNC.

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31 It is suggested that such provision be specifically mentioned in the court order as it is unlikely to be accepted voluntarily .
32 It has been suggested that such a speculative bubble may have been responsible for the rapid rise in equity prices in 1987 .
33 Thompson ( 1980 ) has further suggested that many of these analyses are designed to present some utopian vision of a police-free world , but often include ‘ the soppy notion that all crime is some kind of displaced revolutionary activity ’ .
34 Chapter 3 has suggested that many soil conservation policies fail , and section 2 of this chapter has identified an historical model of the conceptualisation of the soil erosion problem and its policy solutions .
35 It has even been suggested that many of the markings found on upper palaeolithic artefacts and in caves are probably calendrical or astronomical in nature .
36 Others , using questionnaires to evaluate personality traits , have suggested that many cutters have obsessional personalities ( McKerracher et al. 1968 ; Gardner and Gardner 1975 ) .
37 I have suggested that many people believe that there is a valid way of life argument against closing any rural primary school .
38 Rather , it will be suggested that many of the structures described are more or less ‘ universal ’ within the football culture as a whole .
39 Indeed , it will be suggested that many of our clients are our clients because of sexual aspects of their lives barely realised even by themselves which have gone awry .
40 It has also been suggested that many of the species digest wood in their diet , particularly the often large panaques .
41 It had been suggested that many futurologists that greatly increased leisure for the multitudes will result from automation , computerisation , nuclear energy and other technological advances .
42 ( Research has suggested that this seems to be the case in many US and UK companies ) .
43 It is suggested that this could be faster were it not for the introduced American Mink which may be occupying the position once held by Polecats in the habitat .
44 Some species grew in such a way that the last whorl overlaps the inner ones ; often these species become flat and discus-shaped : it has been suggested that this was a more ‘ streamlined ’ shape for active swimmers .
45 We have also suggested that this God is personal , but that the form of the divine personality is not that of human personality .
46 It has been suggested that this was the first time a summer pavilion had been adapted from a Greek temple .
47 And just to cap all this mythological irrelevance , the island of Vulcano is now linked by a small spit of land to another small volcano , Vulcanello , which used to be a separate island , and it has been suggested that this pair comprised the ‘ Scylla and Charybdis ’ , beloved of Homer and modern politicians , but then so have several other island pairs in the Mediterranean .
48 MAFF regard the Dutch use of Article 3(5) as being of dubious legality under Directive 75/268 and have suggested that this is also the actual attitude of the EEC Commission .
49 ‘ It is suggested that this grammar should provide the basis for a year 's study of Spanish .
50 However , self-governing hospitals ( NHS Trusts ) will have power to fix pay levels and few have suggested that this will result in a general fall in pay — indeed , a general increase in pay levels is anticipated in an attempt to attract scarce staff ( Maynard , 1989 ) .
51 However , their results show that this postnatal reduction in receptor levels is less marked in women who suffer from maternity blues , and it is suggested that this may be the cause of the depression .
52 It has been suggested that this can happen with some food additives , particularly preservatives and synthetic colours .
53 Indeed , it has been suggested that this is precisely how lion prides arose , many years ago on the prey-rich plains of Africa , where the surplus of food led to an unusual increase in the lion population .
54 When a young worker offered one group the fact that in Germany workers had been given training to help people see themselves as not being ‘ simply cogs in a wheel ’ , it was suggested that this could not be done in Britain .
55 It has been suggested that this was a deliberate fix to discredit the royal printer .
56 ‘ We were all aware that they were close but would never have suggested that this kind of intimacy existed between them . ’
57 Again , it has been suggested that this is associated with past experiences of violence on the part of the abuser .
58 Some of the later pairs ‘ display a great variety and experimentation in the arrangement of motifs drawn from a widespread stock of artistic ideas ’ ( ibid. , p. 36 ) ; it is suggested that this may be the result of craftsmen working together in a workshop .
59 Finally , while Chomsky assumed that without a priori knowledge , a distributional analysis of a naturally occurring language sample would inevitably fail to identify correspondences between words and their respective lexical roles , more recent studies have suggested that this view may have been unduly pessimistic ( Maratsos 1983 ) .
60 It is suggested that this might indicate those sounds which will be most suitable as a target for subsequent intervention .
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