Example sentences of "obtained [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The time the information is obtained splits into different patterns depending on the type of information being sought .
2 It was held that a jury could find that they had obtained money by deception , and not in return for chopping down the trees .
3 He has since been engaged in teaching at Cambridge , and has obtained experience in W.E.A. lecturing there .
4 We were fortunate to have obtained funding for the project from the Gatsby Trust and from Guy 's Hospital Special Trustees .
5 He was hard pressed during the epidemic , and had obtained permission for the acting medical officer of health for the Borough to man a relief vaccination station at the Town Hall .
6 By 1915 , 74 local authorities had obtained permission for 105 schemes .
7 To attract international investment , the Cook Islands have recently obtained permission from the Hong Kong stock exchange to allow offshore companies incorporated there to be listed on the exchange in Hong Kong .
8 In some cases , the BGS libraries had obtained copies of theses from the authors by purchase or gift , and no loan records were available for such copies .
9 The Northern Echo has obtained copies of letters written by the Thornaby man , who is serving a life sentence for murder .
10 MacLachlan , moreover , was not averse to seeking further advantages for himself , for while acknowledging Milton 's assistance in getting him a tack of two farms in Morvern for nineteen years , which would scarcely appear to be a short lease , he complained that he had been informed that other tenants had obtained tacks of three times the length of that which he had from the Duke of Argyll , urging that he could ‘ be as usefull as any in that Countrey by introduceing a cheap method of improvement and otherwise ’ .
11 By 1830 the number of towns which had obtained Acts of Parliament to have their own Courts of Requests or Courts of Conscience , on the lines of those established in London in 1749 , had risen to fifty-four .
12 Obtained MBA at Liverpool University in 1993 and Certificate in Education [ London University ] in 1975 .
13 The difficulty of using this form of patronage whose scarcity could give offence to those who were unlucky is illustrated by the difficulties of the Duke of Montrose and his son , Lord George Graham , in 1739–40 , when Lord George , who hoped to combine a career as a naval officer with membership in the House of Commons , first obtained command of a ship , and was thus enabled to offer places in the line of command to the sons of freeholders in the area of Montrose influence in central Scotland .
14 In the 1750s , orangs from Sumatra reached Holland , but it was not until the 1850s that the English scientist Alfred Wallace ( see page 164 ) actually saw orangs in the wild and inevitably collected specimens by shooting them , the way that even the best naturalists obtained animals for study in those days .
15 In July I was readmitted a second time , having finally obtained recognition of my French doctorate after more than a year .
16 Leaseholders long since obtained remedies for the specific recovery of their land : and those remedies were in fact far superior to the old real actions .
17 Craig had been monitoring developments within the republican movement since 1966 , when he had obtained intelligence from RUC , Garda Síochána and British sources about the IRA 's turn to agitation on social and economic issues .
18 Other surgeons and radiotherapists obtained benefit for some patients when they were sterilized by irradiation .
19 This was because it amounted to a transfer back to X of property in the car ( because Y 's cheque had not been met ) in return for X waiving any right to enforce payment from Y. At the time of the repossession , X was unaware of Y's sale to Z and thus by repossessing the car with Y 's acquiescence , X obtained ownership of it by virtue of section 25(1) of the 1893 Act ( i.e. section 24 of the Sale of Goods Act 1979 ) .
20 The purchaser would still expect , rightly , to be able to obtain a remedy from the seller under the Sale of Goods Act even though he has not obtained ownership of the copyright subsisting in the computer program .
21 ( h ) Leaving aside the Court of Appeal decision in Lawrence , the overlap occurs where the accused obtains the property by deception but has not obtained ownership at the moment of the appropriation .
22 A new source of supply was obtained south of the Blue Bridge and to the east of the main line in the shape of a spring in 1855 .
23 The English sponsors , Northern Bait Farms , are putting up £5,000 for the event and the Irish organisers have obtained sponsorship from both sides of the border .
24 Mature Students ( ie those over 21 years of age ) : the faculty welcomes applications from mature students who will have obtained passes in 3 SCE Highers at B grade or 2 GCE A-levels at B grade within the 2-year period prior to commencing university studies , or who are taking an approved Access course or OU courses .
25 The results obtained fall into two categories , depending on the potassium precoverage .
26 Almost all freeholders would have taken strong exception to the suggestion that their support had been purchased , and this was as true of those gentlemen who had recently obtained posts for themselves or their sons as it was for those who had been less fortunate .
27 By the end of the year he had obtained livery of his spiritualities and temporalities , although a protracted and bitter dispute ensued for over a year with Archbishop Walter Reynolds [ q.v. ] over the sums Hamo claimed as due to him for vacancy , during which the see of Rochester had been in the archbishop 's hands .
28 A Welsh and M Davidson had drafted revised job descriptions , re-balancing job loadings , adjusting responsibilities , and allowing for grading differences , for both library assistants ( AA & AO ) , and CW had obtained approval for the changes from existing staff .
29 Liz , Alix and Esther all obtained places at the college of their choice , in Cambridge , and there were reunited , to gossip there and elsewhere over subsequent decades of their fortuitous friendship .
30 When CNN reported on Nov. 8 that it had obtained tapes of his telephone calls , Noriega 's chief lawyer , Frank Rubino , successfully petitioned District Judge William Hoeveler ( the judge presiding over the case ) for an injunction prohibiting the network from broadcasting any material which violated the confidentiality of the attorney-client relationship .
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