Example sentences of "set up a " in BNC.

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1 Scattered through the policy review are proposals to : Drastically alter the status and organisation of the Department of Trade and Industry ; Create two departments — a Department of Consumer Affairs , and a Department for Legal Administration ; Create a Department of Environmental Protection within the existing Department of the Environment ; Set up a plethora of new commissions and executive agencies ; Set up a Women 's Ministry .
2 Scattered through the policy review are proposals to : Drastically alter the status and organisation of the Department of Trade and Industry ; Create two departments — a Department of Consumer Affairs , and a Department for Legal Administration ; Create a Department of Environmental Protection within the existing Department of the Environment ; Set up a plethora of new commissions and executive agencies ; Set up a Women 's Ministry .
3 Paul was an apprentice electrician at Watneys brewery in Mortlake so he brought some barrels of beer along and we set up a proper bar .
4 Reality says that if you set up a store and you 're undercapitalised , you 're going to go bust .
5 In Belfast from 1931 to 1938 a total of 800 twice-weekly boxing-programmes were put on by ‘ Ma Copley ’ , who first organized fights in the open air and then set up a boxing hall at Chapel Fields .
6 Set up a pilot scheme , ’ he demanded .
7 The Bulgarian Communist Party politburo yesterday set up a top-level investigation into corruption under the deposed leader , Mr Todor Zhivkov , and fired his son as head of a party department .
8 And the divide between the Catholic and Anglican churches was bridged — at least for investment purposes when the insurance arms of the two churches set up a joint venture , Ecclesiastical Underwriting Management , headed by the aptly named Kevin Cannon .
9 The issue was finally resolved in our day , as the government have now set up a pension for poets , a license to be lazy .
10 Yes , we set up a unit affiliated to the University of Salzburg to look into the question of stress in music-making ; and also the influence of music on the mind and the body , of healthy people and sick people .
11 The people divided : Magharba to the north , Zuwaya to the south ; and the committee marshalled the Magharba into the northwesterly quarter ; they set up a teller 's desk near the goalposts , and the voters walked behind the goal-posts ; past a clerk , returning to the pitch where they watched , chatted , and listened to the count .
12 Twenty or so young adults armed with pickaxe handles set up a road-block sealing off Sidi Hasan , the Zuwaya ward in the south-west of the town , for two days .
13 In summer they set up a video camera on Berry Head near Torquay to show close-up views of cliff-dwelling birds .
14 After discussing what led a girl to become a prostitute they then set up a series of dramas showing some of the stresses ( including poverty ) a fictitious character had had to face in her early life .
15 The occupying forces set up a puppet government and proclaimed it independent of Russia .
16 ‘ Firstly I set up a still-life — say a bottle , vase and fruit — classic objects .
17 In August the Young Republicans set up a front organisation , the People 's Action League , which planned to campaign on the issue of high-rise flats , and picketed the Guildhall , calling for an extension of the city boundary and , on another occasion , at the siting of a new Michelin factory at Ballymena in County Antrim instead of Derry .
18 They set up a new organisation called the Sub-Tenants ' Committee , which would campaign ‘ not on political but on humanitarian grounds ’ .
19 There they set up a rear headquarters and resupply dump .
20 In 1988 the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors set up a ‘ cut-price ’ arrangement which enabled house-buyers to take disputes about house surveys to arbitration .
21 They set up a system of hotel coupons ( 1867 ) , through rail tickets , international ship and rail timetables , and guidebooks , and between 1873 and 1874 they introduced the Circular Note , forerunner of the travellers cheque .
22 We set up a Small Self-Administered Scheme with a £50,000 contribution which cut our tax bill by £12,500 , bought the machinery with a £25,000 from the pension fund and the loan repayments go back into our fund to increase our pensions .
23 Character oozes from it , and I am content to spend some time studying its many features before I set up a rod .
24 While Poole was urging him to remain true above all to poetry , Coleridge still had no sense of a purely poetic , or even literary , vocation , and for the moment could offer only two vague plans for the future , ‘ the first impracticable — the second not likely to succeed ’ : he could ‘ make a portly Quarto ’ by translating all the works of Schiller , then set up a school at 100 guineas a head , or he could ‘ abjure Politics & carnal literature ’ altogether and become a dissenting parson .
25 We did not have an echo chamber at CBR , so when Lance Sieveking required an echo effect our engineers set up a microphone in the gentlemen 's washroom where the reverberation off tiled walls and floor gave the desired effect .
26 Set up a standing order .
27 When two or more people set up a business together , they form a partnership .
28 In each text , the first two sentences set up a context that makes a different one of these two structures more plausible by allowing fully referential success only for that one structure .
29 He has now set up a British company , Flyda Ltd , to exploit his invention .
30 set up a subsidy programme for farmers that want to convert to organic methods
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