Example sentences of "stopped at a " in BNC.

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1 Tony stopped at a slit trench .
2 We stopped at a gap in the hedge as the road swung round to the left .
3 It was too late to go to the campsite , or even to get a bus out of town , so we stopped at a hotel where they worried about us and charged too much for Coke .
4 On the way , they stopped at a farmhouse that was about to be put up for sale .
5 They stopped at a roadside café for something to eat and were wished bon appetit , without a trace of sarcasm , by the lorry drivers .
6 It was hot , dusty work checking endless fencing and huge flocks of sheep ; so every now and then they stopped at a trough at one of the wells , so that Jester could drink and his owner could splash his face and arms in the water .
7 To my delight , we stopped at a bothy , a long white cabin with a small door in the middle , deep-set windows and a roof of orange thatch .
8 He finally told them when they stopped at a restaurant on their return from London on Sunday afternoon .
9 They stopped at a body which had n't been identified .
10 Some while later they stopped at a large setting loom , manned by five men ‘ beating up ’ , as Natasha explained , the chenille fur .
11 After dark he stopped at a Little Chef , had a quick meal of scrambled eggs and coffee , then continued his journey .
12 She stopped at a corner-shop ( Bain 's sweet-shop ) .
13 He stopped at a little roadside inn and found inside an old woman at work with a spinning wheel , like ‘ a dark silhouette out of a fairy tale ’ , and beyond her , through the window , the clear sky and a path through the delicate green , and geese pecking in the grass .
14 Driving home one night at about 11 o'clock , through a fairly rough area , I stopped at a zebra crossing .
15 Driving back from a game with fellow coloureds , he stopped at a white sports ground to watch a match played by members of the SACU .
16 Finally we stopped at a machine knitting company and I realised what she was shopping for .
17 Ginny stopped at a zebra crossing in Fulham Palace Road .
18 On arrival at a solitary farm we stopped at a simple stone monument which marked the nearby crash-sites for F/L Mackid 's Lancaster , : 7572 ‘ L ’ and F/L Poole 's Halifax , W1020 ‘ K ’ .
19 We stopped at a shop and bought apples and beer , which we guzzled on the march , assault rifles and ammunition belts swinging round our necks as we used our hands to prise the tops off the beer bottles .
20 They stopped at a Motta bar .
21 I stopped at a stationer 's and ordered two reams of Devon Valley Thin , two black ribbons to fit Toby 's portable , and a box of the best carbon papers .
22 At midday we stopped at a rest-house , a square concrete building by the roadside , the only structure we had seen since leaving Cairo , four hours before .
23 Six hours into the journey , and several thousand feet higher , we stopped at a small village to quench our thirst and refuel the jeep from rusty milk-cans .
24 Out in the country again , they walked down several small roads until finally they stopped at a house surrounded by a high wall .
25 He stopped at a small , quiet pub and bought a meal , then went on again .
26 Just then he stopped at a place where a dog had dug a hole in the ground .
27 They stopped at a red light .
28 His last call would be in Trinity Road , Hilderbridge , so he stopped at a confectioners and bought a box of fruit jellies .
29 After two hours of driving Carson and Alison stopped at a motorway services area , a cut-rate chunk of space-age that straddled the carriageway .
30 They stopped at a launderette .
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