Example sentences of "carrying out a " in BNC.

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1 By carrying out a smear test , doctors can detect the abnormal cells that might become cancerous in time and then treat them easily and simply .
2 For the more ambitious , these brochures also include design ideas for carrying out a loft conversion and constructing a fitted kitchen , bathroom or bedroom — each contains full working instructions and lists of materials needed .
3 Labour should ‘ face the challenge ’ — the slogan of the policy review — by carrying out a full-scale programme to implement nuclear disarmament , he told the conference .
4 The project will also donate funds to Cambridge University , which is carrying out a study into ways of protecting the flora and fauna of the Indonesian rain forests .
5 Police discovered the Mini van in the warehouse in the nearby City Walls Road while carrying out a systematic search of the whole city .
6 Suppose that Milwaukee Way Chocolates Inc is a multinational producer of chocolate bars , carrying out a market research survey into consumption of its chocolate bars in four different national markets .
7 David Quelch of Buntingford , Herefordshire , admitted using the device to remove fish at a pit in Haddenham , Cambridgeshire without consent but claimed he was carrying out a health check on behalf of the owners .
8 Members of 4 Platoon , B Company , of the Royal Hampshires carrying out a vehicle check in the city centre
9 Mr Justice Jowitt commenting at the trial of Ernest Coveley , accused of carrying out a series of robberies with a cucumber The escargot laying season is between June and September .
10 A small collection can be monitored regularly by carrying out a check of all objects against the register , but in the case of a very large collection this may well be impracticable .
11 The most detailed type of sorting consists of carrying out a die study .
12 The snag is that there may be more than one way of carrying out a task ; the example I gave was measuring a distance by arranging matches end to end , and by using Pythagoras .
13 They should undertake chronological writing : eg reports of work carried out in science and mathematics , instructions for carrying out a task , and accounts of personal experiences , as well as imaginative stories .
14 Moreover I can reveal that the findings of the Committee were certainly not those indicated in this letter ; we found that Derry Corporation had for many years been carrying out a policy of anti-Rome Catholic discrimination in employment and rigid segregation in housing .
15 I eventually exercised the leg , particularly carrying out a stretching routine and also used ice packs .
16 Start by calculating the real cost of crime to your business and your employees by carrying out a ‘ Crime Audit ’ and use it to produce a written strategy on crime prevention in your business .
18 Remember that carrying out a survey means being systematic , using your eyes ( and nose sometimes ) , asking questions and seeking the answers .
19 On Wednesday , 9 April 1986 , the Kosovo police ( who are , of course , controlled by the Kosovo Party ) arrested Kosta Bulatović , an agricultural engineer living in Kosovo Polje , on suspicion of ‘ carrying out a criminal act of hostile propaganda ’ ( punishable under Article 133 of the Criminal Code of Kosovo ) .
20 Thames Water Authority are in the process of carrying out a general refurbishment programme at the plant .
21 At Warwick University ( England ) , doctors Steve Van Toller and George Dodd have been carrying out a great deal of research in recent years into the relationship between smell and emotion .
22 Suppose you object to carrying out a particular management order .
23 Carrying out a local community profile should ensure that there is no wasteful duplication and it will often uncover gaps or a place for cooperation .
24 There may well be an important role for the LEA advisers/ inspectors assisting an institution in carrying out a full audit .
25 Other duties , of course , could also be pretty tedious , especially when you were stuck carrying out a rotten job against your own sympathies , your loyalties divided .
26 Sergt. Peter Woodhouse of the Liverpool Police … she told the police that she did not think her husband was carrying out a strictly honest business .
27 For example , if one were carrying out a survey of library users over six days and the analysis for the working week produced , let us say , 20 print-out sheets , then to ask also for sub-analyses for each of the six days could result in a further 120 sheets .
28 A young research social scientist could well go into a factory and tell the people she worked with that she was a student on a placement for , say , three months , learning about the realities of factory work , when in fact she was a graduate research worker carrying out a carefully planned study of labour-management relationships .
29 After initial observations , perhaps participant observation , perhaps the use of focus groups and so on , the researcher worker may well end up carrying out a full social survey of a systematic kind .
30 If dealt with in this order the opening gambit would be ( 1 ) ‘ I am an interviewer from the North Midlands Institute for Social Research and ( 2 ) we are carrying out a survey of the working-day of housewives .
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