Example sentences of "carrying out an " in BNC.

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1 But over 18 months ago , the company shocked the fleet world by announcing that , after carrying out an independent study , it was reversing its decision and switching to cars equipped with catalytic converters running on unleaded petrol .
2 A special period should be set aside solely for the purpose of carrying out an inspection .
3 One method of carrying out an audit is known as a SWOT analysis since it identifies strengths , weaknesses , opportunities and threats .
4 For instance , if the interviewer is carrying out an interview with an old inhabitant of a village to try to find out what the community life was like 50 years ago he will probably have a set of categories for enquiry .
5 Tony Soper was Nature 's early-riser and this programme suggested it is something of a habit with him , for we also saw him in the Falklands carrying out an investigation into whether the war — or was it just a conflict ? — had upset the wildlife there .
6 If these measures are unsuccessful , then it may be worth carrying out an elimination diet , as described in Chapter Fourteen .
7 Where an undertaking refuses to co-operate with the Commission , the Commission can not force access to the premises , but it can call for the assistance of the relevant national authorities in carrying out an active search for evidence and the national authorities must co-operate in providing such assistance .
8 We shall be looking in detail at the full routine for carrying out an assemble edit later in this chapter .
9 To consolidate this success the railway is currently carrying out an extensive passenger survey to find out where its existing customers come from and what they think of the railway .
10 The procedure for carrying out an inquest in England and Wales is laid down in Coroners Rules .
11 Thus it is currently carrying out an environmental audit which will guide its policies in future on such matters as the use of energy , water purification , and fertilisers .
12 To that extent he is subordinate to them , carrying out an " enabling " role .
13 Since the counting of unemployment was transferred from Job Centres to Unemployment Benefit Offices in November 1982 , the Government has ceased carrying out an analysis of vacancies by occupation .
14 It is arguable that the ‘ activity duty ’ , namely a duty owed by people carrying out an activity on their premises ( e.g. hotel or catering business ) to take reasonable care for the safety of people who may be injured by their activity has survived the OLA 1957 .
15 The consequence was that the local authority had to consider the situation of the children , including carrying out an assessment of the prospect of the children making their permanent home with their father who , by now , had a new partner .
16 We are carrying out an autopsy on his wife and children , but as yet … ’
17 Ward 's voice was flat as though he were carrying out an official enquiry .
18 Companies which choose to participate will have to fulfil a number of objectives which include drawing up an environmental policy ; carrying out an environmental review and audit ; issuing environmental statements for their sites ; and having their system accredited by an independent verifier .
19 The results of carrying out an OLS regression of equation ( 6.8 ) using annual US data from 1946 to 1973 were :
20 Several schools mentioned that they were presently involved in carrying out an audit of health education to monitor provision and delivery .
21 Although we are carrying out an extensive programme of regional visits , neither my right hon. and learned Friend nor myself , alas , plan to visit Basildon in the immediate future .
22 Potential purchasers begin their negotiations by carrying out an information gathering exercise , feeling out the vendor 's position and assessing his strengths and weaknesses through telephone discussions and meetings .
23 If carrying out an independent valuation it is important to interview both ( or more ) parties .
24 The police , who were carrying out an operation to recover illegal arms in Muhajir-populated areas , opened fire on the crowd which included women and children , many of whom carried copies of the Quran on their heads in a traditional sign of protest .
25 These included the dismissal of the Peronist governor of the north-western Catamarca province , Ramón Saadi ; co-operation with the United States authorities in carrying out an aerial survey to detect drug trafficking activity ; and the creation of a Justice Ministry .
26 These addressing modes allow the programmer to carry out memory addressing tasks such as auto-incrementing of auto-decrementing an array index after , or before , carrying out an operation .
27 They were supposed to be carrying out an arms search .
28 The government 's decision to press ahead with the work , allegedly without carrying out an adequate environmental impact assessment , led to a threat of legal action from the European Commission [ see ED no. 52 ] .
29 This potentially infringes the " undivided loyalty " rule , even if the information about B was unknown to the individual advising A. If the information was passed on to A the firm would , however , breach its duty of confidentiality to B. A final example is that of a broker/dealer carrying out an agency cross and matching the transactions of two clients .
30 And they 've been carrying out an exhaustive search for clues .
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