Example sentences of "reduced [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Compliance with the EEC Directive , following pressure from the United States , has had the opposite effect to that intended ; it has significantly reduced protection in the United Kingdom .
2 Obviously such strict separation of functions results in a much reduced level of conflict between pedestrian and vehicle and a consequent lowered accident rate .
3 We 're also running erm without , we must be running without or we 've got a significantly reduced level of chase-ups because our turn- rounds are , in most areas , are significantly better than they were .
4 Whereas previously those who had wealth to bequeath typically provided very handsomely for the eldest son , and at a much reduced level for the rest of their children , a practice became common which implied that children had roughly equal claims on a parent 's resources , with some distinction made on grounds of gender so that women and men inherited different kinds of property .
5 They had reduced existence to the two secure havens of home and office .
6 Cases ( 3 ) and ( 4 ) , involving chelating and bridging ligands , lead to slightly reduced frequencies for both bond stretches , down to about 1500 cm -1 for and about 900 cm -1 for , and it is not usually possible to distinguish them in this way .
7 Mr McGregor , a father of three , from Linthorpe , Middlesbrough , has reduced function in his arms , numbness from the neck down and a ten-inch scar down his head as a result of the attack .
8 In sum , compared with homes , schools provide a significantly reduced opportunity for children to learn through talk with an adult , and in those conversations that do occur , children find themselves forced into the respondent role , their contributions for the most part only being valued if they contribute to the teacher 's predetermined line of thought .
9 But the basic changes towards a farming system dominated by a limited range of plants , most of which are cereals , can only have reduced variety in farmland wildlife , including birds .
10 Over the past two years , the company has placed a lot of emphasis on debtor management , and has reduced payment to 72 days from 100 .
11 Trends in Asia are also very positive with Hong Kong producing a much reduced deficit for the year .
12 Ergocalciferol ( vitamin D 2 ) at a dose of 10 nM reduced CCPR in the normal rectal tissue from 5.27–2.74 cells/ crypt/hour .
13 The agency added that Yugoslav industry had reduced emissions of ozone-damaging gases by 20 per cent since 1986 .
14 The Finnish oil industry has reduced emissions of sulphur dioxide by 80 per cent in the past 12 years .
15 ‘ The main cause of the projected reduction of the group over the PES ( Public Expenditure Survey ) period will be reduced inflows to long-term unemployment rather than the ( slightly ) reduced outflows . ’
16 during a period of seriously reduced visibility on that road .
17 A succession of ruinous harvests , coupled with falling land prices , had gravely reduced income from land .
18 4.4 We have left aside the suggestion that predicate qualifiers might perhaps be reduced forms of clauses even if postnominal attributives are not .
19 For example , since , , , , , and are reduced forms of a/her , he , had/would , am , is and who , the short word parsings shown in Fig. 7.4 at the end of this chapter can be derived from associated and Missouri farms when the input utterances are matched against the lexicon .
20 President Suharto 's ruling Golkar ( Sekretariat Bersama Golongan Karya ) alliance retained power with a slightly reduced majority in elections to 400 seats in the Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat ( House of Representatives ) held on June 9 .
21 As methanogenesis was reduced signs of sulphate reduction , previously absent during the control diet , became apparent in faeces of these subjects .
22 If ABC 's estimate is less than [ x ] the consideration payable at stage 1 and the amount to be released immediately will be reduced £1 for £1 .
23 [ 75/25 ] of the amount of Advance Corporation Tax ( ‘ ACT ’ ) which could be utilised against Group taxable profits for accounting periods ending before or on [ date ] as reduced in respect of the profits for the period from completion to [ date ] and to the extent that the dividend reduces the audited consolidated net assets at completion below [ x ] the consideration will be reduced £1 for £1 by the deficiency .
24 The revised Defence plan , with its greatly reduced demands on manpower and its emphasis on highly trained mobile forces , now makes it possible to contemplate putting the Services on to an all-regular basis ; and the Government will endeavour to bring about this change as soon as practicable .
25 Besides a US$70,000 million foreign debt , the country was struggling with a foreign-exchange crisis that had reduced reserves to under one month 's worth of imports .
26 He modernized their Stratford works , using largely American labour-saving machines and equipment which in many cases enabled process costs to be reduced five- to tenfold .
28 However , a concurrent memory load of six nouns markedly reduced recognition in the right visual field resulting in a LVF superiority which would not be predicted .
29 The risks have been somewhat reduced thanks to the 1992 Cheques Act which shifts responsibility to the banks provided all safeguards have been taken .
30 In 1992/93 AEA made an operating profit of £23 million on a slightly reduced turnover of £415 million .
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