Example sentences of "forced [to-vb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Because the arbitrary pension ages of 60 and 65 have been adopted as customary retirement ages , women have been forced to retire five years earlier than men .
2 It was only minutes before the Athletico gladiators took to the field that Chamden 's assistant manager , Frank Spanner , announced that owing to an outbreak of foot and mouth amongst the first team , they had been forced to include six second-team men in their squad at Billington Euphonia .
3 Of course , it is hard to know much of women 's thinking because they are so rarely represented in the source material ; for example , having no legal personality in common law , they were forced to remain silent in ‘ crim. con. ’ actions .
4 As hopes for the League disintegrated and the Peace Ballot consensus broke apart , those who followed the logic of collective security found themselves forced to unlearn many of the lessons of the First World War .
5 But because his work was right in the heart of the the battle zone there were times when he was forced to kill Serbian soldiers , to save his own life and those of his patients .
6 When he plays Mowgli , Karim 's skin is deemed too pallid and he is forced to wear black-and-white minstrel greasepaint ; cast as a downtrodden immigrant in his next part , he caricatures Changez , his fat , idle and ugly cousin-in-law , who arrives from India halfway through the novel .
7 TWO BROAD-MINDED YOUNG GIRLS with unfortunate habit of laughing too much , forced to wear thermal scoober suits under their clothing because of the weather , buried in a boarding-school in the Midlands , but actually enjoying it !
8 There was still no acknowledgment from the castle , even when a wailing , sorry concourse was driven up in terror , children screaming , women sobbing , men beseeching , frantic as they were forced to penetrate that shouting ring of circling horsemen .
9 In England there are cases where degree holders can not get jobs and are therefore forced to attend further education courses to try to improve their qualifications .
10 On other days , he tended to have lunch either at the Reform or at the Oxford and Cambridge Club ; to judge by his correspondence , there were few occasions when he happened to be " free " and he was forced to arrange regular times in order to see close friends like Herbert Read .
11 He held a knife to her throat , sexually assaulted her and dragged her outside to the garden where she was forced to perform obscene acts .
12 The human being as " producer " is forced to perform grotesque alienated tasks at work to provide products which exploit and dominate the very same human being as " consumer " .
13 The imposition of strict black-out regulations severely disrupted adult deaf club activities at the beginning of the war ; many were forced to cancel long-arranged social events , and rearrange social club hours .
14 Although he was allowed to travel to Germany on " humanitarian grounds " for the funeral of Willy Brandt [ see p. 39160 ] , Gorbachev was forced to cancel other planned visits .
15 The Queen was forced to cancel two engagements yesterday and another today because she has flu .
16 BLUE Velvet have been forced to cancel some of their gigs because of a lack of new material .
17 But because they 're reducing the fee income for dentists in the National Health Service these dentists , dedicated people , in some pretty tough estates in my patch , were saying , I am being forced to go private .
18 If patients are forced to go private because the local dentists opt out of the National Health Service , fees will triple .
19 If patients are forced to go private because the local dentists opt out of the National Health Service , fees will triple .
20 And Leicester forced to go all the way back into their own half .
21 FAMILIES in receipt of state benefit are forced to go hungry because of lack of money according to a National Children 's Home survey just published .
22 The couple , who live in Hewitson Road , were forced to go ex-directory last year due to their son 's success .
23 Distraught Sarah Miles was forced to wait twenty minutes for a rival bus — just days after another girl the same age was brutally raped on her way to school in Essex .
24 No doubt in some houses , Ixmaritians were forced to continue this practice .
25 The consequence of this has been that the Coal Board has been forced to borrow substantial sums from the National Loans Fund , and from other sources under Treasury Guarantee , to finance the new and redeveloped capacity considered necessary by the NCB .
26 By allowing ourselves to be forced to carry these cards for the convenience of the state , we will be acknowledging that we are at the disposition of the state and its computers .
27 One young farmer , Shermani Yussef , said that for the first time in his life he had been forced to lease some of his land to cover his losses .
28 As the traditional Delhi quarries near Agra were no longer controlled by the Mughals — the road between Delhi and Agra was usually blocked by wild and hostile Jat tribesmen — the builders were forced to strip other Delhi tombs in order to gather the material for Safdarjung 's memorial .
29 The England manager watched film of the Arsenal striker 's clash with Tottenham 's David Howells that led to a Football Association charge of misconduct and said : ‘ If he is forced to miss some games because of this then it will give him a problem in terms of our next match .
30 By 1988 , the regime was forced to issue public statements denying it intended to destroy any more religious sites .
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