Example sentences of "prepared [to-vb] the " in BNC.

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1 Many Europeans were prepared to treat the far-off Soviet operation as a defensive action in line with the Brezhnev doctrine .
2 The importance of Leigh is that the court was prepared to treat the " open justice " principle as a rule of law which could be asserted by a journalist against a discretionary policy , rather than as a desirable state of affairs which could nonetheless give way to judicial convenience .
3 Sir Derek Alun-Jones , Ferranti 's chairman , is expected to postpone the annual meeting for a second time so that revised accounts can be prepared to include the effect of the £185m International Signal and Control fraud .
4 The social worker or counsellor should be prepared to include the role of health co-ordinator , holding the threads of the various aspects of health care which can get confusing and complex .
5 As soon as he was out of uniform , Connor applied to take over the management of the public-house from his parents — Mam and Da were getting on in years , and Da was n't a well man — but the Brewery were not prepared to lease the pub to a bachelor .
6 Could we be sure in those circumstances that the American president and Congress would be prepared to risk the wholesale destruction of American cities merely to meet our point of view ?
7 In 1971 it was rescued by Rupert Murdoch , who alone was prepared to risk the capital to keep it afloat .
8 In the past individual authorities could always escape centrally imposed financial constraints by raising extra income from the rates without penalty ( so long as it was prepared to risk the ‘ political ’ reaction from local ratepayers ) .
9 On Nov. 9 the BJP 's national executive , meeting in Bhubaneswar , Orissa , backed the VHP 's call , saying that it was prepared to risk the dismissal of the BJP state government in Uttar Pradesh .
10 Politicians were not prepared to risk the fragile social consensus by allowing troubled firms to go to the wall .
11 It 's an all British car erm except for the Japanese tape deck , and the makers believe there are enough people around who still want to drive with the top down and the wind in their hair , people who are prepared to risk the weather , as well as an overdraft , to get behind the wheel of a Healey again .
12 Well I make a proposal that we also give them notice that at the end of this year , we will not be prepared to continue the lease on the current licence .
13 So unless you 're prepared to network the program , or invest in a colour printer , people will only be able to prioritize tasks if they see the schedule on your screen .
14 This terminological ambiguity symbolizes a basic contradiction embodied in the whole process of change which followed 1868 , a running tension between those who looked back and sought to revive what they saw as the best in Japanese tradition in the face of a Western onslaught , and those who looked to the future and were prepared to accommodate the values and techniques of their competitors , if only to compete effectively with them .
15 The second point which I would make is that despite having had many months indeed years , to come to a view , erm it is only Selby District Council who have stepped forward and said , basically that they would be prepared to accommodate the new settlement .
16 There are not many companies around who would be prepared to accommodate the needs of the individual in this way and Mr Guest deserves to be highly commended for doing so .
17 If pub owners were prepared to emphasise the interest of genuine historic features , regardless of period , then this type of fakery , which disappoints or sadly deceives the customer in search of the traditional pub and irreparably removes much of a building 's interest for future generations , could be avoided .
18 Mrs Thatcher , he considered , was almost as bad as Mr Major , since she was prepared to support the man who signed the Maastricht Treaty .
19 The last sentence refers to an earlier conversation between Green and Hickson in which the latter had claimed that the Cambridgeshire LEA would not be prepared to support the work of the District , whereas the Board had been offered a grant of £100 for 1931–32 and the prospect of increased grant-aid in subsequent years .
20 Unless central government is prepared to support the school more firmly , LSHTM will accelerate into a financial death spiral .
21 But the effect left in the mind by this UK and USA reservation is unfortunate : it suggests , rightly or wrongly , that these nuclear powers are prepared to support the most elaborate codification limiting the use of conventional force , but at the same time want to keep their hands completely free so far as nuclear weapons use is concerned .
22 Whether the investors are prepared to support the migration to software remains uncertain .
23 Moreover , the war intensified factional disputes as socialists divided between ‘ defencists ’ who were prepared to support the war effort and ‘ internationalists ’ , among whom Lenin was most uncompromising , who condemned it .
24 Present at that meeting was Walid Maroni , officially an Iraqi member of the UN press corps , who told them that his government was prepared to support the CLAO financially as well as in other ways .
25 Can he assure us that he would not be prepared to support the present EMU treaty , which does not contain the provisions and safeguards that he has mentioned ?
26 I asked him if he would be prepared to support the Government 's privatisation proposals , and he said : ’ I should be happy to do so , provided that the general public can apply for shares . ’
27 It was an immensely brave step for President Yeltsin to take , and on that basis I believe that it is right for the United Kingdom to change its policy on a rouble stabilisation fund — as an indication that we are prepared to support the reform programme that is now in place .
28 Shevardnadze in a strong speech at the UN General Assembly in New York on Sept. 25 characterized Iraq 's invasion of Kuwait as " an act of terrorism against the nascent new world order " , and , apparently going further than Gorbachev had suggested at Helsinki [ see above ] , stated that the Soviet Union was prepared to support the use of force against Iraq , in a UN framework , if the Iraqi occupation of Kuwait continued ; on Sept. 30 he confirmed Soviet willingness to join a UN force if necessary .
29 Some , disregarding their oaths , favoured the election of the king of France , Philip Augustus ; others were prepared to support the candidature of King Richard I of England .
30 In fact , there was only a small nucleus of non-party men who were prepared to support the Court on all occasions — men such as the Secretary of War , William Blathwayt , or Treasury Secretary , William Lowndes , who were essentially civil servants .
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