Example sentences of "to stop [pn reflx] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 One member of this party almost vanished down a hidden disused mineshaft on the walkout , thankfully managing to stop himself in time from going the distance !
2 Unbalanced , he was forced to plunge his foot back in to stop himself from falling headlong .
3 ‘ Pleased to meet you , ’ Bobby Coul held tightly on to her gloved hands , as much to stop himself from falling as anything else .
4 It is that he is criminally insane — unable to stop himself from sexually abusing women he has lured with his position or his charm , and sometimes overpowered with drugs .
5 Sivell seems to have the old and young balanced quite well and he will have to stop himself from dusting down the mantlepiece once more .
6 He had to stop himself from shouting aloud with pleasure .
7 He went to get up but his legs were numb from kneeling and he had to put his hand out to stop himself from tumbling into the water far below .
8 Burun clenched his fists and bit his tongue to stop himself from shouting out .
9 He hated other people 's leaving him for bed , and when he saw a hard mood ahead he often took a sleeping pill at supper to stop himself from being clamorous , though at the same time he found his terror about the end of a day daft in a creature who was surely intended by build to signify immortal fun .
10 Then he slipped , and caught at the grass to stop himself from going to the bottom .
11 She caught hold of one of the timber supports to stop herself from shooting out into the main tunnel .
12 He swore vehemently , causing Maggie to clamp a hand over her mouth to stop herself from laughing .
13 ‘ Are you here for the trial ? ’ she asked Suvarov , trying to stop herself from thinking about those feelings .
14 Cassie caught her breath , putting her hand over her mouth to stop herself from crying out .
15 Sarah tried to stop herself from feeling happy at this revelation .
16 This time it would be to stop herself from freezing , or starving , to death .
17 With Julius , though , it had always been so very physical , and she had n't been able to stop herself from responding to that great flood of passion .
18 She hated him and she hated what he was capable of doing to her , but her hate was n't enough to stop herself from feeling the forbidden pleasure of his hands on her body .
19 Murphy swung the horses round and headed them towards Bishopstow , and in the carriage , in her crumpled finery , Alexandra sat and pushed her fists against her mouth to stop herself from crying .
20 The sight made her swallow convulsively , and unconsciously she curled her fingers into the palms of her hands to stop herself from simply reaching out to touch his skin .
21 All the same it was n't easy to stop herself from wondering if he too was having difficulties in not remembering what had happened over the last forty-eight hours .
22 Robyn gritted her teeth and refrained from answering — she needed all her powers of concentration to stop herself from slipping .
23 She curled up in a tight ball as though to stop herself from breaking apart .
24 They seemed to express her own helplessness , for it was true : she had been unable to stop herself from falling in love , and even now , underneath all the adulation and the triumph of her public life , her love was as rock-solid — and as hopeless — as ever .
25 It was then Ruth was filled with such an anger that she had to crush tight her fists to stop herself from flying up the steps to beat at Fernando 's chest .
26 She wanted to slap him for his cruelty and it was the only way to stop herself from springing at him .
27 Besides , now that she had stopped walking she did n't seem to be able to stop herself from shivering .
28 They finally left , with Consuelo unable to stop herself from running to the door when she heard the sound of a big , powerful expensive engine being started .
29 I scrunch up my face to stop myself from crying .
30 I managed to stop myself from repeating that , too .
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