Example sentences of "dealing [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 In this situation each market maker can seek to adjust its own holdings of different stocks by trading with other market makers and can do this anonymously by dealing through the IDBs .
2 ‘ Where a right , duty or liability would arise under a contract of sale of goods by implication of law , it may ( subject to the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 ) be negatived or varied by express agreement , or by the course of dealing between the parties , or by such usage as binds both parties to the contract . ’
3 ‘ The matters to which regard is to be had in particular … are any of the following which appear to be relevant — ; ( a ) the strength of the bargaining positions of the parties relative to each other , taking into account ( among other things ) alternative means by which the customer 's requirements could have been met ; ( b ) whether the customer received an inducement to agree to the term , or in accepting it had an opportunity of entering into a similar contract with other persons , but without having to accept a similar term ; ( c ) whether the customer knew or ought reasonably to have known of the existence of the term ( having regard , among other things , to any custom of the trade and any previous course of dealing between the parties ) ; ( d ) where the term excludes or restricts any relevant liability if some condition is not complied with , whether it was reasonable at the time of the contract to expect that compliance with that condition would be practic-able ; ( e ) whether the goods were manufactured , processed or adapted to the special order of the customer . ’
4 ( 5 ) This section is subject to any usage of trade , special agreement , or course of dealing between the parties . ’
5 The price in a contract of sale may be fixed by the contract , or may be left to be fixed in a manner agreed by the contract , or may be determined by the course of dealing between the parties .
6 ‘ Where a right , duty or liability would arise under a contract of sale of goods by implication of law , it may ( subject to the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 ) be negatived or varied by express agreement , or by the course of dealing between the parties , or by such usage as binds both parties to the contract . ’
7 ( 3 ) A retiring partner may be discharged from any existing liabilities , by an agreement to that effect between himself and the members of the firm as newly constituted and the creditors , and this agreement may be either express or inferred as a fact from the course of dealing between the creditors and the firm as newly constituted .
8 Schedule 2 to the UCTA 1977 provides that , in assessing the reasonableness of a clause under the Act , the court should take into account " whether the customer knew , or ought reasonably to have known of the existence and extent of the term ( having regard , amongst other things , to any custom of the trade and any previous course of dealing between the parties ) " .
9 The crucial factor in deciding if a course of dealing exists is the frequency of dealing between the parties .
10 The factors which the court is to take into account under Sched 2 are : ( a ) the strength of the bargaining positions of the parties relative to each other , taking into account ( among other things ) alternative means by which the customer 's requirements could have been met ; ( b ) whether the customer received an inducement to agree to the term , or in accepting it had an opportunity of entering into a similar contract with other persons , but without having to accept a similar term ; ( c ) whether the customer knew or ought reasonably to have known of the existence and extent of the term ( having regard , among other things , to any custom of the trade and any previous course of dealing between the parties ) ; ( d ) where the term excludes or restricts any relevant liability if some condition is not complied with , whether it was reasonable at the time of the contract to expect that compliance with that condition would be practicable ; ( e ) whether the goods were manufactured , processed or adapted to the special order of the customer .
11 Open price contracts are specifically provided for in ss8 and 9 of SGA 1979 which state : 8 – ( 1 ) The price in a contract of sale may be fixed by the contract , or may be left to be fixed in a manner agreed by the contract , or may be determined by the course of dealing between the parties .
12 These guidelines , although not exhaustive of the factors to be considered , include the following : ( a ) the strength of the bargaining positions of the parties relative to each other , taking into account ( among other things ) alternative means by which the customer 's requirements could have been met ; ( b ) whether the customer received an inducement to agree to the term , or in accepting it had an opportunity of entering into a similar contract with other persons , but without having to accept a similar term ; ( c ) whether the customer knew or ought reasonably to have known of the existence and extent of the term ( having regard , among other things , to any custom of the trade and any previous course of dealing between the parties ) ; ( d ) where the term excludes or restricts any relevant liability if some condition is not complied with , whether it was reasonable at the time of the contract to expect that compliance with that condition would be practicable ; ( e ) whether the goods were manufactured , processed or adapted to the special order of the customer .
13 Of this matter we thought very meet to certify your honor less otherwise we might be suspected of fraudulend dealing towards the Company , from which the God defend us .
14 But several leading London broking firms continued dealing throughout the night , watching election results as they were declared .
15 Although born in South Africa , Holmes à Court became one of several Australian multi-million dollar entrepreneurs who profited from stock market dealing under the climate of laissez faire capitalism created during the 1980s by the successive governments of the Australian Labor Party .
16 However , a law dealing with the national situation as a whole was only introduced in 1979 .
17 Dealing with the guest who is in a delicate business situation or just a very bad mood all goes with the territory .
18 In consequence , police modes of thought build up into classifiable systems of praxis which are the product of dealing with the extremes of social experience .
19 Others described problems in dealing with the influences of culture and the ingrained systems of status attributed to ‘ real police work ’ .
20 As half of the first full-time two man drug squad in the North-East of England , I was tasked with defining and dealing with the new social aberration of ‘ flower power ’ , ‘ the counter culture ’ , and the ‘ psychedelic trip ’ .
21 As well as dealing with the punch , the rising block travels diagonally up and forwards into the opponent , catching him high on the attacking arm .
22 Michael Tye , in his recent book The Metaphysics of Mind ( Cambridge , 1989 ) , has a way of dealing with the difficulty which , if it worked , would solve the materialist 's problem .
23 Then , after dealing with the Grand Slam Cup and explaining how he only went along with the idea after insisting that the event would also produce $2m for the development of the game in ‘ third world tennis countries , he went on :
24 Some funeral directors will assist in do-it-yourself funerals by supplying a simple coffin and dealing with the documentation .
25 Training for older people is an International Labour Office handbook written for trainers and training institutions of all kinds dealing with the training of older workers or older people in general .
26 Having been referred to the cases dealing with the issue of pay within article 119 , including Defrenne v Belgian State ( no 80/70 ) and Worringham v Lloyds Bank Ltd ( 1981 ICR 558 ) , there was no support for the submissions made on behalf of the employee .
27 You are dealing with the lives of people and under the microscope every day . ’
28 This operation was carried out as the only possible way of dealing with the menace of the drug dealers .
29 The leading authority was the House of Lords case of Re W ( 1971 ) AC 682 where it was held that when dealing with the question of withholding consent , the test was reasonableness , not culpability or indifference , and although the child 's welfare per se was not the test , it was relevant .
30 The 10-roomed priory was converted into a house in Tudor times , and has medieval wall paintings , including a larger-than-life size crucifixion scene and a 30-ft long series of paintings dealing with the priory 's foundation , thought to be among the finest in Europe .
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