Example sentences of "to live in the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Kathleen , if you think I 'm going to live in the shed at the bottom of your garden you 're … ,
2 For adaptations to a property to enable an elderly person over 60 ) who is not the owner or tenant , but who intends to live in the property to be cared for by a friend or relative .
3 The demi-caractère style has its roots in classical technique , but must be coloured by more clearly defined and individual movements which allow the dancers to show they are playing the part of some character who has some claim to live in the real world and therefore can be recognised as such .
4 Then the first ‘ maid ’ they ever had was a girl of 16 called Mollie and she had been deserted by her husband and came to live in the house with three tots .
5 He needed room for a lot of books and wanted his chaplain and secretary to be able to live in the house .
6 Laing feels the problem is exacerbated by the tendency today for the corporate world to live in the short term .
7 But it was this very exploitation — the fact , for example , that immigrant workers had to live in the deprived and decaying areas of big cities because of the proximity of their jobs to these areas , which led to their being regarded increasingly as undesirable .
8 The family who had owned and operated the mill continued to live in the imposing nearby mill house , but were unable to fund a restoration of the redundant mill , so that when a Repairs Notice was served on them by the local authority , they were obliged to sell the building .
9 The city council recognises the need to re-inject life into the potentially deserted central area , particularly after business hours , and it is considered that there is no surer means of achieving this aim than by encouraging young people to live in the city centre again .
10 Not only does it set you free to live in the present but you had better start enjoying it , because — at the age of 40 or 50 or whatever — this is it , the future has arrived !
11 Dreadco is appealing for middle-aged identical twins , one to live in the low-pressure laboratory and one outside , while microscopic examination compares the rate at which grey hairs appear on their scalps .
12 He said that after 1983 , Mrs Scott and her daughter decided to live in the kitchen with the dogs — which were never let out of the house — to stop them fighting .
13 MR DAVID Mellor , the Home Office Minister of State , said yesterday that he was ‘ almost ashamed and embarrassed to live in the same society ’ as journalists working for tabloid newspapers .
14 I open some of the popular newspapers covering some people 's private lives or great national tragedies and I feel almost ashamed and embarrassed to live in the same society as people who can produce that sort of stuff . ’
15 They chose to live in the grander of the two houses , and Wood Dalling was demoted to a farmhouse and remained thus until comparatively recently .
16 In 1955 a solitary bottlenose dolphin came to live in the remote Hokianga Harbour in Northland , New Zealand , and was soon to cause a sensation .
17 She knew that he ‘ ought always to live in the country ; and someday you will with me ’ ; for the present , she encouraged him to carry out his father 's plans .
18 He rejoiced in the name of Blossom , and continued to live in the converted station .
19 ‘ To come out all this way , to live in the country at immense cost !
20 She said that had been his double and he 'd got away scot-free to come to live in the last country in the world where people would think of looking for him .
21 Adaptation to Roman society and culture ; doctrinal self-definition , and organizational solidification : the century and a half after Constantine 's conversion was all this ; but more than anything else , it was the time in which Christians learnt to live in the new conditions of their existence .
22 But no sooner had Kylie mentioned the word overseas than the press began to report that she was about to emigrate from Australia to live in the United States .
23 Following township rumours that the Mandelas had been living apart for some weeks , the Sowetan newspaper said Mrs Mandela continued to live in the mansion she had built in a better part of Soweto but Mr Mandela had moved into a well-guarded home in Johannesburg 's affluent northern suburbs .
24 Although he was the first to use motor transport on an extensive scale in Lewis — many a time as a youngster I ran a mile to see his fleet of yellow Fords — he failed to see that the advent of the bus made it possible for the crofter to live in the country and work in the town .
25 This deliberate government policy was to encourage people to live in the rural areas and ensure that their income was at least as high as that of the factory worker .
26 There is a tendency therefore for young teachers to be unwilling to go to a rural school ; and for over a third of headteachers to live in the nearest large town .
27 The Independent Living Fund has proved a great success in giving severely disabled people an opportunity to live in the community .
28 We came to live in the south side of the city , and joined the local parish church which , by coincidence , had been Leslie 's mother 's church ; he himself had not been a member , nor had I attended it .
29 This restriction to particular ‘ niches ’ in the environment is the result of a partitioning out of competing species over a limited range of resources ; each comes to live in the portion of a habitat it can exploit best for reproductive purposes .
30 The same year 1960 , saw the Pedler 's retire to live in the flat over the Ladies ' room , although Bill still involved himself helping his replacement — Derek Craik — who came as Assistant shortly before Bill 's retirement ( replacing Keith Mercer , an earlier assistant brought in on the crest of the membership boom ) .
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