Example sentences of "accepted [prep] part " in BNC.

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1 Changes such as extensions of working-class home- and share-ownership had been accepted as part of the norms of British life .
2 I took that as a compliment — a sign that we have become accepted as part of everyday ( country ) life .
3 It just appears to me as very empty , to wear clothes so that you can look attractive to other people and fit in , be accepted as part of the ‘ in crowd ’ .
4 There was some opposition in the Committee but it was not pressed to division , and it seems that the restrictions were reluctantly accepted as part of a package deal to get agreement on the report as a whole .
5 Even its controversial plans for the nationalization of major industries came to be accepted as part of a world built upon consensus .
6 Both the particular rule it lays down and , more important , the general principle it enshrines should be accepted as part of the English law also , though it may be debatable whether there is a need for it to be put into statutory form .
7 Thus , while most winters produce short cold snaps which have been accepted as part of the normal pattern , the effects of the quite exceptionally severe winters of early 1947 , 1956 , and 1963 have been allowed for when making comparisons .
8 Applicants should note that ‘ AS ’ levels are also accepted as part of the general entry requirements for admission to first degree or DipHE courses ( see page 51 ) , and may also be acceptable in place of an ‘ A ’ level in a specified subject for the purpose of satisfying course requirements .
9 Predictably , she was not sympathetic to the boisterous ways of a young teenager , though she did not go so far as a Mrs Dudley who complained to Bloomsbury House that one of her fifteen-year-old lodgers , Willy , had ‘ broken the beading on a wardrobe and had also broken a chair ’ , offences which most parents of healthy teenagers would have accepted as part of growing up .
10 She could have screamed and the sound would have been accepted as part of the cacophony .
11 ‘ Ethnic communities are reproducing a culture which the majority of British people have n't yet accepted as part of the British landscape , ’ says Dr Tariq Madood , a fellow at Nuffield College currently writing on the changing character of racism .
12 As a result of this and other similar prediction and measurement , the reality of the zero-point energy is now accepted as part of the lexicon of modern quantum theory .
13 There can be little doubt that the process tends to alter the original character and ‘ feel ’ of a book , and only the owner can decide whether this should be accepted as part of the price for turning a blighted copy into a reasonably healthy one .
14 This is accepted as part of the natural order and causes no ill will amongst the Knightly Orders .
15 Blemishes which had been accepted as part and parcel of a society based upon serfdom now lost their justification even in noble eyes .
16 In the large public company it is now accepted as part of conventional wisdom that the shareholding is so widely dispersed that each shareholder does not own a significant enough proportion of the company to perform any of the functions of monitoring and supervising the directors that the legal model casts upon him .
17 Death and renewal were accepted as part of an ever-continuing cycle .
18 For the adolescent boy or girl , the confusion may be worsened by growing evidence for him or her that previous ideas and attitudes , based entirely on childhood experience , may not be appropriate in his or her new relationships or in the new society of which the youngster is now accepted as part .
19 Relatives want to be accepted as part of the caring team .
20 I do seem to be accepted as part of the regular television establishment .
21 I was accepted as part of the family , which consisted of two daughters and a grandfather , ; the husband had died many years before .
22 Most long-term drifts are accepted as part of the dynamic nature of business .
23 If so , I can not think that your Lordships would do right , if you were now to reverse , as erroneous , a judgment of the Court of Appeal , proceeding upon a doctrine which has been accepted as part of the law of England for 280 years … .
24 The coloured lads , most of whom are Muslims of Pakistani origin , are accepted as part of the local scene .
25 If a relative has to travel abroad to accompany a sick or injured Insured Person home and the additional expenses claim includes the Travel Insurance premium of that relative , this may be accepted as part of the Travel and Accommodation Expenses .
26 We have experienced quite considerable out migration er in the period since , and we do build in perhaps slightly optimistic erm migration net migration figures compared to the er O P C S er and and D O E figures but they are nevertheless accepted as part of this forecast the regional guidance , on the basis that we have a major regeneration problem in the area , to reiterate what I said this morning .
27 Furthermore , whatever the unease felt in London when Washington later decided that the bombers should be stationed permanently in Britain , this was accepted as part of the price that had to be paid in order to bind the Americans as tightly as possible to Nato and the defence of Europe .
28 The examples given in Table 6.1 refer to the kind of experience well within the capacity potentially of everyone , and may be so much accepted as part of everyday life as to go unnoticed .
29 Many others , however , agreed with the sole practitioner who felt that unlimited liability ought to be accepted as part of the ‘ burden and responsibility of being a member of a profession ’ .
30 He expanded this view by referring to a number of authorities , which could only be truly explained by saying that certain contracts have become part of " the accepted machinery of a type of transaction which is generally found acceptable and necessary ; so that instead of being regarded as restrictive they are accepted as part of the structure of a trading society " .
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