Example sentences of "to talk [adv] to " in BNC.

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1 Not if it means that company directors are literally unable to talk sensibly to outsiders .
2 If this is the case it might be much more effective to scrap the mailing and to talk personally to the journalists concerned .
3 It is n't easy to talk naturally to a piece of machinery and your performers may find it easier to talk to you rather than directly to the camera .
4 For example , maintenance staff in a hotel can benefit in situations where they need to talk constantly to another member of staff located in a separate part of the hotel , such as while they are repairing and testing lighting or heating .
5 It also wants the IFC to be less transaction-hungry and to talk more to governments about policy .
6 There was only one option left and that was for me to talk directly to Albert Spanswick , the Chairman of the TUC Health Services Committee .
7 Even employers who are punctilious in consulting staff representatives sometimes fail to talk directly to the people whose jobs are at stake .
8 The Government and TANU , at the centre , wanted to talk directly to the people and were becoming increasingly aware of the communications gap between the centre ( the capital ) and the periphery or grass roots , given the remoteness from Dar es Salaam of so much of the country .
9 It is better , especially in manipulative family situations , for individuals to talk directly to each other rather than relay messages through a third party .
10 Her courage flooded back ; but not sufficiently for her to be ready to talk directly to her mother .
11 You need to understand how to get your Mainframe to talk directly to your customers ' PCs , how to integrate voice , data and image systems , that OSI is the international standard with 7 vital layers which makes it possible for previously isolated systems to talk to each other , and that GOSIP is the US and UK Governments ' OSI profile .
12 Willingness to talk directly to pupils about the aims of GIST was another feature of the more successful schools .
13 At that point , only one authority said it had offered training to staff on sex and sexuality , and many workers felt unable to talk directly to young people about sex .
14 What we have said we are involved in a process which must involve both governments and all parties , whose objective is agreement among our divided people an agreement which all our traditions must give their allegiance and agreement , and an agreement which must express which which must respect our diversity , now I have kept repeating that statement since we made it and I asked anyone to tell me what they disagree with it , now the loyalist paramilitary some weeks ago said that if the I R A were to k their impression they 've given all along is that they 're just a reaction to the I R A and if the I R A were to stop they would cease immediately , I immediately put out a statement welcoming that statement by them , I also offered to talk directly to them , but they have refused er given the nature of their campaign , particularly at the moment , I begin to wonder do they want the I R A to stop ?
15 The ad may confirm a previous decision to purchase the product , and encourage the buyer to talk favourably to friends about it .
16 David agreed to talk both to Sheilah about the role of Church of Scotland Education Committees in this regard , and to Celia Matthews about the Scottish Episcopal Church 's Diocesan Education Committees .
17 The first is the relationship ; as we have seen , people are only prepared to talk openly to those who they feel are genuinely concerned , and who have both the time and the interest to understand .
18 ‘ They have also to be congratulated for their willingness to talk openly to outsiders such as school pupils about the problems caused by alcohol dependency in an attempt to help reduce the problem within the community . ’
19 Yes , well you are talking about children 's services , but , I , I think if Mr 's going to talk later to this , if you want , but we are absolutely at the moment , we know that eighty nine percent of work at the child care centre is to do with child protection with to deal with it , and by that I mean abuse , physical and sexual abuse , er , concerns about that and a lot of that of course is , is tied up in procedural ways , and we 're dealing with events almost after the situation has er , got going , er , and of course , with the courts , you know that we 've got duties in relation to the courts , that we , we have to fulfil or else we are the subject of criticism from the er , courts , and we have been rapped at various er , times .
20 Charles wanted the farmers to talk frankly to him so he could learn about their lives and problems , and put what he learnt to good effect .
21 You stand a better chance if you put something with the Sunday and even then that might not be completely enough to reach down to the crevices , but I think some method , and that 's why I suggested surgeries actually , was that we have to talk regularly to people face to face and once you 're in a room with people then it goes , does n't it ?
22 The art of managing personal relationships , and the ability to talk independently to people with tact , diplomacy , and persuasiveness are great assets .
23 ‘ Gracious , ’ said the red-faced man , turning to talk across to their separate table .
24 On his arrival in Israel on March 18 he announced that Assad was willing to talk bilaterally to Israel about all issues , including the Golan Heights , once an international peace conference had been convened .
25 After a terrible 15 minutes I managed to talk again to the same doctor and she explained that elevated meant they were not nought , not as I had thought , that they were going up .
26 In this type of situation , once a study is underway and the initial reservations are overcome , staff tend to talk freely to the analysts and there is a high level of client participation in all stages of the exercise .
27 This is the process by which the manager sets aside perhaps an hour per year to talk privately to each adviser , to look back over the year and forward to the next and discuss any concerns that the manager and adviser may have .
28 It was touching to watch him cross the road to the crowds in Downing Street yesterday to talk quietly to them .
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