Example sentences of "cut [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 It 's a privilege ; I 'd say more , but I would only be cut for the usual reason , lack of
2 Six months after the turf was cut for the first time , Saab Safir 56321 was rolled-in with due ceremony on April 11 , 1990 and all at NAM could feel justifiably proud of their achievement .
3 I come from Norfolk and with privatization many rural lines will be cut as the private sector being as unattractive and unprofitable .
4 With a steel rule held firmly in position to guide a heavy-duty craft knife which is held at an angle , make a clean , bevelled cut between the pin holes to create the window .
5 If sheeting has to be trimmed , support the plastic sheet over two pieces of timber and cut between the timbers .
6 MOST company chairmen proudly trumpet the number of jobs that they have cut during the recession .
7 The public now has a better chance of listening to treasures such as the massive 40-cm 78-rpm discs cut during the Nuremburg Trials , or the 40 hours of tape recorded during the 0z trial .
8 During the night I cut firewood for them , and added it secretly to the wood which the young man had cut during the day .
9 According to Parks official , Dr Mike Kock , the 24 kg of horn cut during the operation could raise $500,000 , sufficient to pay for 650 game scouts for a year .
10 If the instrument is to be resonant the apparently solid finger board needs to be hollowed out from underneath , leaving about 6mm of wood top and sides and openings cut through the soundboard ( face ) to link this space to the interior of the instrument .
11 To the south you look down the steeply falling park to where the river slowly bends around Dittisham on the western bank , and to the west a view cut through the trees shows the river almost encircling the Sandridge promontory , its last wide stretch before it narrows upstream to Totnes .
12 Why not , then , take the hint and cut through the sceptical problems the arguments invite , boldly saying that if all we know are ideas , then ideas are all there are ?
13 Still cutting from behind , cut through the top fabric .
14 So a glazed atrium was cut through the five floors to allow in extra light and to open up visual links between different departments .
15 Maya cut through the breakers into the line-up and then steered towards Sunset .
16 Having liaised with the National Trust , Anthony Daykin was able to reassure residents that wider firebreak swathes were being cut through the common .
17 When this latter batch was modernised in 1936 , a centre gangway was cut through the benches to make life easier for the conductor .
18 The nine-mile-long Crinan Canal was cut through the Kintyre peninsula from Crinan Lock to Loch Fyne to create a passage for shipping that saved a journey of more than a hundred miles .
19 The usual roll can be likened to the surface activity of a porpoise ; a smooth , slicing motion , where the top of the head , then the humped back , and finally the tip of the caudal fin , cut through the water with considerable elegance and beauty .
20 The densest high forest in the High Weald is associated with the ghyll valleys , narrow ravines created by streams that have cut through the lighter soils .
21 Like a surgeon 's scalpel the river we were following had cut through the thin skin of soil and sediments to expose the underlying pillow lavas .
22 Before I could answer , a shrill peal of laughter cut through the air like fingernails dragged down a blackboard .
23 Through the heavy curtains , a shaft of sunlight cut through the gloom .
24 Beyond her , further out , a motor launch cut through the water .
25 Deftly he dissected each cranial nerve as it appeared , cut through the detaining tentorium then reached down low beyond the foramen magnum to divide the spinal cord .
26 Each of the six songs aired tonight moves through repetitive , bass-heavy passages , seductive segments in which Linda steers the band into more melodic territory and shocking moments when power chords suddenly cut through the mesmeric grooves and things take on an atmosphere of nervy unpredictability .
27 Blazer 's forelegs cut through the air almost with grace as if he were swimming .
28 And now , her face straight , her lips seeming to quiver , she went into the song ; and so beautiful was her rendering of it , so touching the cadences , so tender with longing the words , that she seemed transformed before their eyes : she was no longer Lemon , good for a joke or a bit of ribbing , for her voice cut through the façade of brashness , of insensitivity and coarseness that seems to become necessary to men in war .
29 Policewoman Tanya Cook said : ‘ Somebody cut through the padlock to the kennels in the middle of the night .
30 Typically , at the end of an experiment the animals are killed , their brains removed and thin sections cut through the lesion sites .
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