Example sentences of "to move [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The cheaper carriage rates forced the canal companies to lower their charges ; in turn this reduced the boatmen 's wages and many of them were obliged to move off the land and take their families onto the boats .
2 We adjusted our course to move off the reef and hover on this line .
3 Children are prepared from the earliest years to move through a tightly controlled educational system .
4 Remote control and rapid random access are the key features which allow you to use a keypad or other remote control device to move through a video programme by your chosen route .
5 Other kinds of bivalves have used their capacity for free movement to the utmost by becoming efficient swimmers , clapping their valves together like castanets to move through the sea to find new feeding grounds or to escape the threat of predators .
6 The observer was asked to move through the wood of his choice at a fixed speed , dividing the time spent into units of 10 minutes each and recording for each 10-minute period all the birds seen or heard , normally within a band of 50 yards ( 46 metres ) from the observer .
7 The speed of separation — the solution only takes about 30 seconds to move through the outer tube — also prevents too much heating .
8 The armies of the centre group were to move through the Ardennes in the direction of Rheims , the central Meuse and Verdun , and Heeringen 's force was to repel any French offensive into Alsace .
9 You failed to connect the various elements together or to move through the detail to the larger issues of the painting .
10 Ideally individual children should be able to move through the program at their own speed , and if a page is not understood they can be moved to a subroutine that explains and reinforces the point of difficulty , then tests their understanding before they return to the main program .
11 Wearily she forced herself to move through the Castle , and presently found the trapdoor .
12 Many corporations have top heavy , vertical organization structures and new ideas just take too long to move through the business process .
13 Editor , — Four groups of doctors suffer particularly from age discrimination during their attempts to move through the hospital training grades to consultant appointments : doctors who qualified abroad , those who entered medical school after the normal age of 18–19 , those who have had prolonged illness , and women .
14 She began to move through the house as she had done before , opening doors , now trying to force doors which would not open .
15 Achievement by Prior Learning ( APL ) , ensures that as many trainees as possible have the opportunity to move through the programme and the results are very encouraging .
16 A waggler enables you to sink the line which , bringing more pressure to bear , is usually enough to coax the float to move through the swim .
17 Delocalised electrons are thus free to move through the layers .
18 The armoured carriers had started to move through the city , to ‘ restore calm ’ .
19 They seemed to be able to move through the red death without being frozen in time .
20 1p. 61 ) That is , they tend to move between a claim as to how we do in fact conceive of causation and a recommendation as to how we ought to conceive of it .
21 The ANSI Task Group is attempting to develop a best-of-both-worlds approach with both strong and free typing , and ways to move between the two approaches .
22 A single object-oriented class library for user interface code will make it easier for tool builders to move between the CUA91 Common User Access standard of another collapsed IBM initiative , Systems Application Architecture , and Motif in AIX CASE .
23 The TAB and BACKSPACE keys can be used to move between the fields .
24 You should use the PF1/ and TAB keys to move between the Destination Account field and the scrolled area .
25 The TAB and BS keys can be used to move between the fields .
26 You can use the TAB and BS keys to move between the two pages ; when you have finished viewing the user details , press the RETURN key .
27 I say one of the medieval kitchens cos the kitchen seems to move about a bit er at different times .
28 Stage 3 : A semi-open prison or low security gaol , the inmate being free to move about the grounds and working outside the facility during the day .
29 The atmosphere in C was slightly more informal ; this was in large part due to the physical layout of the lecture rooms , which bore a greater resemblance to school classrooms — students sat on chairs at desks and the lecturer 's podium was on the same level as the desks , allowing lecturers to move about the room answering questions .
30 Relieved by unloading her bombshell , Jonquil began to move about the forlorn little shop , examining books .
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