Example sentences of "to move from [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Lennox Lewis , as a man who did so much a fortnight ago to give boxing back its dignity , must be allowed to move from ringside tonight to ring next spring if heavyweight boxing is going to complete the process of rehabilitation .
2 With allied generals proclaiming the absolute readiness , in all ways , of the coalition forces to move from air assault to combined land-and-air assault , a full ground battle seemed imminent .
3 The Secretary of State for Transport , Malcolm Rifkind , has signalled a shift in government transport policy by declaring his intention to encourage freight traffic to move from road to rail , in part by ending British Rail 's monopoly on freight , to improve public transport in cities and to investigate " road pricing " to cut congestion .
4 In 1974 , Emerson decided to move from Lotus to McLaren , a move dictated by the kind of restlessness and self-interest which characterize most racing drivers and , more than possibly , by the fact that 1974 was the year in which the multi-million-dollar multinational , Phillip Morris , took over the sponsorship of the McLaren team .
5 The argument begins to move from economics to politics .
6 Love has to move from idea to reality , and that is always God 's way — the way of incarnation .
7 An alternative would be a huge gift , something large which the drag brides have difficulty getting through the door , such as a golfing umbrella , or a garden umbrella if the couple hope to move from bachelor flats into a house .
8 Meanwhile , Mrs Hollidaye revealed to Dot how many things were to be done without even having to move from bed .
9 Winter barley is ripening rapidly on the heavy lands of North Humberside , and combines were expected to move from mid-week onwards , according to barometer farmer John Fenton , who manages Yokefleet Farms , Blacktoft .
10 The most famous symbol of the tendency for the educated élite to move from radicalism towards liberalism was the publication of Vekhi , a thoroughgoing rejection of the revolutionary heritage by leading members of the intelligentsia .
11 Unlike most other economic activities , fishing took place at sea outside the territory of any member state and the fishing vessel was free to move from territory to territory at will .
12 This has been used to support proposals to move from income to expenditure taxation .
13 If we were to move from standstill to cutbacks , we would expect to see further changes in behaviour .
14 Partly it was normal Arab volatility , their ability to move from elation to depression , rage to calm , in the space of a few bewildering seconds .
15 There are also connotations , however , of freedom from fear , freedom from the boredom of having to deal with work for which the learner has no motivation , freedom to move from activity to activity as desired .
16 Developed by the Transitions Research Corporation of Connecticut ( owned by Joe Engelberger ) , these refrigerator-sized robots find their way around with the aid of computerised floor maps , and can even , with the help of radio transmitters , use lifts to move from floor to floor .
17 At appropriate stocking rates there is a natural tendency for oxygen to move from the atmosphere where the concentration is high , to the water where it is low and conversely for carbon dioxide to move from water with a higher concentration to the atmosphere where it is lower .
18 Could you tell me how you came to move from midwifery into private nursing ?
19 Drift-netters wishing to move from fishing grounds in the Tasman to those in the South Pacific would not be allowed to pass through New Zealand waters without risking confiscation of their vessels and a substantial fine .
20 Marlowe 's will to move from unprofound drama is perfectly personified in his play Tamburlaine the Great .
21 You can use the up and down arrow keys to move from line to line .
22 The non-dipole terms give a site dependence to the VGP paths ; they tend to move from east to west if the site is northeast or southwest of the point 0°N ; 90°E and from west to east if the site is northwest or southeast of it .
23 These allowed many former civil servants to enter business ( notably in Zambia ) and many of the established traders of west Africa ( most dramatically in Nigeria ) to move from commerce into production .
24 Two years on , Cleveland should be allowed to move from anger and denial to acceptance and compassion — for the sake of children and the people abusing them , both of whom need effective help .
25 Many of the people who were targeted to move from hospital under the scheme have been in hospital for many years , many of them for more than 40 or 50 years .
26 The scene was set for the activity of town planning to move from environmentalism to welfarism .
27 The middle classes , especially those in government service , have to move from place to place and so need continuity of curriculum .
28 It may take time to move from number ten to number one in the world , plus you will require one to two years for tiny adjustments in your game . ’
29 More traumatic still , James Prior , with the greatest reluctance , was forced to move from Employment to the exile of Northern Ireland , even though Mrs Thatcher had to keep him on the Cabinet 's main economic forum , the E Committee .
30 At the beginning of each trial food is placed at the end of each arm and the rat left to move from arm to arm , in whatever sequence it chooses , in order to retrieve the food .
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