Example sentences of "freedom from [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 King , in an analysis similar to that of Gamble , argues that the New Right theories adopted by the Conservative government under Mrs Thatcher consist of two conflicting elements : a liberal element which emphasises freedom from state control , individualism and free markets and a conservative element which emphasises authority and order and the use of government to achieve these .
2 Reportedly he was chosen from a field of at least three candidates after two rounds of secret balloting ; commentators suggested that this bore out rumours of divisions within the Church between conservatives and reformers seeking to capitalize on greater freedom from state control by playing a more assertive role in society .
3 In the next scene Macbeth , speaking alone and with no need to deceive anyone ( given the convention in Elizabethan drama that what characters say in soliloquy is true ) , admits the evil of their ‘ deep intent ’ : Duncan is ‘ clear ’ , really has that freedom from guilt or stain that his wife had urged Macbeth to assume : in a sense he tries to do so here , in his defence of Duncan 's right to be treated with love and respect , and in his invocation of ‘ pity ’ , that constant test of humanity in Shakespeare .
4 Periodic evaluations of their physical and mental health , personalities , and intellectual achievements showed that they maintained their superiority in all of these domains , including a relative freedom from insanity and other indications of psychological maladjustment .
6 Rest involves the cessation of action and freedom from worry .
7 Jim was all for going on , for expanding , for advancing rather than retreating , but Cliff was beginning to think that after all he had n't the temperament for it , he could n't stand the anxiety , he did n't enjoy the suspense : all he wanted was security , independence , freedom from worry , being his own man .
8 ‘ Rejoicing in their newly found freedom from school discipline and with more surplus cash than they will ever again possess ’ , one of the contributors to Whitehouse 's Problems of Boy Life ( 1912 ) believed that youths were ‘ tempted to spend as little time at home as possible … the street , rather than the sleeping place , is the home of the average youth ’ .
9 Freedom from law ’ , however , was heady language for Gentile converts without the strong moral training provided by an orthodox Jewish family .
10 ( iii ) Freedom from incumbrancesthe land shall be enjoyed free from any incumbrances other than those subject to which the conveyance is expressly made .
11 Freedom from fade was complete .
12 Freedom from Communism is not going to last the flag very long if it 's identified with a freedom to starve .
13 Parliament has conferred more freedom from restraint on trade unions than has ever been known to the law before .
14 Such warehousing was evidently mitigated by freedom from restraint .
15 When we speak of freedom , we … do not mean merely freedom from restraint or compulsion .
16 Drawing attention to ‘ the decline in Church attendance during the last twenty years ’ , ‘ the greater freedom from restraint which is characteristic of our age ’ and ‘ this rejection of conventional standards ’ , Roy and Theodora Calvert in The Law-Breaker ( 1933 ) announced that ‘ we are passing through a crisis in morals ’ .
17 " We define freedom of the press as that degree of freedom from restraint which is essential to enable proprietors , editors and journalists to advance the public interest by publishing the facts and opinions without which a democratic electorate can not make responsible judgments . "
18 There are only two requirements when taking a case and they are interdependent : Observation with all the senses and objectivity or freedom from interpretation of what is observed .
19 Independence , in so far as this entailed freedom from obligation to a politician , was thus restricted to men with independent wealth and few dependents , but for most freeholders the friendship of a politician was a necessity at some point in their lives .
20 ( Subscribers to the ‘ cock-up ’ theory of history will be interested to learn that the framers of the American constitution were much impressed by Montesquieu 's idea that it was the separation of powers in Britain that had enabled the British to maintain their freedom from tyranny .
21 He notes that : ‘ the Institution was built in a Quadrangle Form , having now in the centre a large lawn or grass plot surrounded by posts and chains , and that between the Buildings and these a broad Pathway had been left , partly paved with stones … used chiefly for testing the freedom from lameness of Horses sent for examination prior to purchase ; as well as for ascertaining the progress of those under treatment in the Infirmary for lameness arising from various causes .
22 The Right to Freedom from Discrimination
23 He pioneered new processes and procedures within the ILO to provide international guarantees for human rights , particularly those relating to freedom of association , and freedom from discrimination and forced labour .
24 A a , to make it easy to stop smoking you need to have freedom from stress , you need to have leisure , you need to have circumstances
25 The declared characteristics of tribunals specified in the Franks Report were ‘ cheapness , accessibility and freedom from technicality , expedition and expert knowledge of the particular subject ’ and stated that the objectives of tribunal procedure are ‘ openness , fairness and impartiality ’ .
26 Accessibility and freedom from technicality may be taken together .
27 They had danced on the night winds through the dark hours and before dawn she had flown safely home , filled with a new and fierce joy which was the warmth of Fenna 's fiery breath and the width and grace of freedom from gravity .
28 These include general aspects such as state of repair , stability of foundations and freedom from dampness , and also quite specific matters of ventilation , natural lighting , waste disposal , sanitation and cooking facilities ( Hadden 1979 ) .
29 Similarly , home ownership offers freedom from interference by others , since the home owner does not have a landlord to worry about , nor local government bureaucrats controlling his destiny .
30 Epicurus did , indeed , place supreme value on ‘ pleasure ’ ; but he thought of this as the calm tranquillity and freedom from anxiety which would be achieved by realizing that there is no life after death , and that we are not subject to outside divine influences .
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