Example sentences of "turned into [art] " in BNC.

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1 The basic idea is that a few parameters are turned into a smooth curve by a standardised computation .
2 Soon after , thanks largely to the endeavours of India 's finest ornithologist , Salim Ali , the ex-Maharajah 's swamp was turned into a sanctuary unequalled in Asia .
3 But , within the context of the priceless heritage and history of the palaces , value for money is a concept which can not be satisfactorily turned into a numerical equation .
4 Fortune duly gave way to forfeit ; the cars were sold , the duck marsh was turned into a bird sanctuary and the only tigers left in Bharatpur are stuffed .
5 More soon of this exciting saga , which is due to be turned into a TV epic or will be if we can fix up a deal with anyone .
6 It is almost titualistic that parade is turned into a celebration of the communal-like bonds of the section .
7 The Repton boy 's horror at Churchill 's anti-Bolshevist campaign had turned into a more adult and less ferocious criticism .
8 He hated the vulgarity of showing off the delegates as though they were exhibits , and the insincerity of pretending that platitudes were pronouncements of world-shaking import , and the feeling that he came a long way to greet fellow-Christians and found himself turned into a ham-actor on a second-rate stage .
9 Two blocks away from the house of her childhood it suddenly occurred to her that her mother might have left , that there might be strangers in the hallway , a different set of curtains hanging at the windows ; her father 's study might have been turned into a playroom for a new generation of North Oxford children , so different from herself in her prim Clark 's T-bar sandals that she would not be able to recognise her own infancy in theirs .
10 She has turned into a champion of the underdog , gone out on a limb to support unglamorous causes like AIDS victims , drug abusers and the mentally handicapped .
11 The trick must be to allow the Soviet Union 's ideological humiliation not to be turned into a strategic one .
12 A cry of despair was turned into a Declaration for Democracy .
13 For television , what began with the appointment in March 1985 of Professor Alan Peacock to chair a committee looking at the financing of the BBC , has turned into a radical shake-up of commercial TV which , for the moment , leaves the BBC largely unscathed .
14 Vanessa looks at the familiar mucky mix of local political wheeler-dealing and multinational corruption with a Welsh village finding that embracing the entente cordiale fools them into having their lake turned into a French chemical waste dump .
15 According to reports from the Romanian capital , the violence yesterday started when President Ceausescu sought to address a staged rally of support that rapidly turned into a huge protest .
16 The gables are more pointed than normal , the mullioned and transomed windows more elongated , while the dripstone , such a familiar Cotswold feature , has been turned into a frill which still directs the rain away from the windows .
17 But Croat and Slovene leaders have reiterated their willingness to sit down with the Serbs and others to work out how Yugoslavia could be turned into a body not unlike the European Community .
18 At the beginning of February , his organisation , formerly a government department , was turned into a nominally independent company .
19 THE long-overdue reform of Britain 's national health service ( NHS ) started on April 1st and quickly turned into a shouting-match .
20 On December 5th American Telephone & Telegraph ( AT&T ) bid $6.1 billion for NCR , America 's sixth-largest computer maker , after merger talks had turned into a shouting match .
21 Mr Waldegrave told doctors what they wanted to hear : they were doing a wonderful job and the NHS was not being turned into a tawdry commercial business .
22 The statute enacted that where A was seised ( i.e. possessed ) of a freehold interest in land , to the passive use that he allow B to enjoy the land , B 's equitable interest should be turned into a legal interest .
23 But I ca n't go having my place turned into a fever ward .
24 Beyond the Old Testament , in the second century BCE Book of Jubilees , Jacob is turned into a blameless , upright figure , and , dare we say it , an utter prig of a man , while Esau is a villain through and through .
25 My forest of trees could indeed have been turned into a forest of nerves , with each jagged branch poking into that guilty skull like the accusing fingers of God 's darker or more vengeful angels .
26 The salmon had already turned into a ravening wolf , eating at my innards .
27 It was a bit extreme , perhaps , but in his present predicament the fault could be turned into a virtue .
28 The investiture of Prince Charles as Prince of Wales could be turned into a perfect television event , and they recommended in addition that he be made available for radio and television interviews .
29 Hitler 's speech on 20 July after the attempt on his life was turned into a criticism of him and the regime .
30 I punished him in every way I could think of — I married him to Minnie , gave him children , got him bitten by a vampire so that he grew fangs and finally had him turned into a rat by a wicked witch , a great improvement .
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