Example sentences of "turned up [art] " in BNC.

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1 Dr Martin says that the team hoped the work would round off one of Mendel 's experiments but the results have turned up a surprise .
2 Their mother had been forever running after her with a pencil box or an exercise book or a threepenny piece for church collection , and the maid had turned up a lost doll , a coin , a glove in every corner .
3 I had it turned up a bit too loud .
4 We know people were treasuring this hope at the time of Jesus , because in the caves of Qumran there has turned up a messianic anthology which includes the prophecy given to David in 2 Samuel 7:14 .
5 Davide had turned up a coin , one afternoon , when he was mooning around ; it was a common enough type , the professor told him in the museum at Riba , where he took it for an opinion .
6 However , I said I would try so I put on my best uniform , nicely pressed , and as I paraded in front of him I said I had turned up the hem of my skirt and did he think it was too short ?
7 If they are deliberately turned up the ‘ right ’ way , they appear doubly solid , as the brighter light strikes the paler area .
8 And there is a good account of the infamous Nixon/Kennedy TV debate when Kennedy 's aide even turned up the heat in Nixon 's dressing-room to make him sweat more .
9 Apart from that , life had taught her to pry because sometimes doing so turned up the most surprising things .
10 Doc Threadneedle slowly turned up the lights .
11 The man who 'd turned up the sexual voltage after their night out , only to be found embracing his secretary at precisely the time they 'd agreed to meet today …
12 It was like when his Giro cheques from the unemployment people had n't turned up the last time he 'd been out of work ; it was all done to wear him down .
13 My horse went down a couple of times when we were riding along a shallow river The hooves must 've turned up the mud at the bottom and I 'm sorry but no amount of expert preparation can help you keep cool when a 500lb horse goes down on you .
14 The water really is n't that hot , usually , but my other one was fiddling with the boiler earlier — he must have turned up the thermostat .
15 US AGENTS have turned up the pressure on the besieged Texas cult by using glaring floodlights on the compound and cutting off electricity , and those inside are trying to communicate with banners and Morse code .
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