Example sentences of "turned [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Meanwhile the Republic , effectively abandoned by its fellow democracies , had turned for help to the Soviet Union .
2 Just under a century later , in 869–70 , the Emperor Basil II , though he had turned for help to Pope Hadrian II , was responsible for summoning the fourth Council of Constantinople .
3 Pursuing its goal of creating very high-speed clustered configurations of the RS/6000 Unix workstations and servers , IBM Corp has turned for help — on the fast optical links it will need — to Ancor Communications Inc in Minnetonka , Minnesota .
4 Of greater moment , it was to precious substances that men turned for currency , since by definition these possessed the prime quality of acceptability .
5 When the structure of organization in the whole city was reviewed in Sheffield in 1911 , it was 10 Salvidge that local Unionists turned for advice , as did the Manchester Unionists at the same time .
6 The watches were stopped and everyone held breath as the timekeepers turned for consultation with the track referee .
7 Turned off mains , locked up loos ,
8 He was very tiring for her and her priority behaviour problem was his wandering off when her back was turned during housework .
9 In becoming the first country to shun the Springboks , the Welsh not only turned about face from their decision of five years ago , but also brought the advent of a professional rugby circus in the Republic that bit closer .
10 We have seen how a couple of strands of consonant voices can be turned into mild or harsh dissonance , or vice versa — how dissonant voices can be turned towards consonance .
11 Brothers turned against brother , and married women could find themselves in opposition to their own family , in duty to their husband .
12 Only to one thing were their hands turned with skill , and that was killing .
13 It is therefore no surprise that in the minority of James V the Scots turned with relief to the fact that this time there actually was a close royal relative , John duke of Albany , son of James III 's brother ; brought up in France , because of his rebellious father 's exile , Albany was invited to Scotland as regent .
14 If we let indicate that part of the surplus-value which serves for the personal consumption of the capitalists , and that which is turned into capital , thus , it we make and correspondingly , if we further let indicate that part of the surplus-value which is accumulated as a part of the constant capital , and that part of the surplus-value which is to be accumulated as a part of the variable capital , and thus posit and correspondingly thus the general formula for the product of both departments takes on the following form :
15 There it was quickly turned into log cabins and dormitories — all erected on company ground along the fringes of the cuttings .
16 She did n't even know at what point friendship had turned into love , and if she had realised it when it happened the new bud of feeling might have blossomed crazily into hopeless longing and tongue-tied need … or perhaps it would have frosted away and died .
17 So much yeast is produced during fermentation that large amounts are sold to companies such as Marmite to be turned into yeast extract .
18 With irresistible irony , Adorno and Horkheimer 's brilliant critique of the remythologization of the Enlightenment has itself , in precisely their own terms ( ‘ using the devices of familiarity and straightforward dismissal to avoid the labour of conceptualization ’ ) , been turned into myth .
19 The Government 's dogma over the National Health Service has turned into panic .
20 Ever since the Middle Ages , bankers ' promises-to-pay , issued first as instruments of credit , have turned into money by being used as a means of exchange in their own right .
21 They can be turned into money on demand in most cases ; even where notice might originally have been specified this can usually be waived for a small interest penalty .
22 ‘ The donations of clothing will be turned into money which will enable Age Concern Cleveland to carry on its work with elderly people , ’ said chief officer Dave Punshon .
23 Babel 's bad times could be turned into art — an art which has been seen to release him , as it were , from his subject , and which has also been seen to hesitate .
24 With The Cook , The Thief , His Wife And Her Lover ( 18 ) he has made a few changes , but certain basic principles hold good : the look of everything is still turned into art history , and the meaning of everything is still turned into nothing , a nothing that sometimes seems despairing and sometimes only smug .
25 A typical contemporary assumption is spelled out by Gortz , who claims that ‘ working-class demands have turned into consumerist mass demands .
26 This proposal was tested in rat experiments by Brunsson , who showed that the fluid secretion evoked by an invasive strain of Salmonella typhimurium ( R5 ) was turned into absorption after giving intravenous hexamethonium or by exposing the intestinal serosa to lidocaine , a local anaesthetic .
27 Overweight is caused by eating more energy-giving foods than are needed , so that the excess is turned into fat instead of being burned up .
28 the prosperity of this land daily decreased , so that felicity was turned into misery and prosperity into adversity and the order of policy , and of the law of God and Man , confounded ; whereby it is likely this Realm to fall into extreme misery and desolation , which God defend , without due provision of couvenable remedy be had in this behalf in all goodly haste .
29 the prosperity of this land daily decreased , so that felicity was turned into misery and prosperity into adversity and the order of policy , and of the law of God and Man , confounded ; whereby it is likely this Realm to fall into extreme misery and desolation , which God defend , without due provision of couvenable remedy be had in this behalf in all goodly haste .
30 Reconditioned Royal Navy ships were turned into Confederate blockade runners by Clydeside arms dealers .
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