Example sentences of "lost no time " in BNC.

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1 Most of the architectural establishment were outraged , and lost no time in condemning the Prince .
2 Mrs Pyg lost no time in reappearing , her bulk accentuated by an excessively wide-shouldered coat .
3 So Jane 's tenant , Alan , was an immigrant from the Home Counties , but like Les Nouveaux ( who were locals , though originally non-horsey ) he lost no time in countryfying himself .
4 When he returned to the States , Mueller lost no time in carrying out Cocello 's instructions to direct the phase-out of UK vehicle operations from Detroit , and to prepare detail plans to centralise European and world planning activities .
5 ‘ It is leap year and I lost no time in popping the question as I think he is the right man to lead Claro and Grindlewood Park into the twenty-first century . ’
6 If he had not so perceived it , the Tsar lost no time in pointing it out , for on each subsequent occasion when an attempt was made by Paris to draw closer to St Petersburg the Russians raised the question of the Black Sea Clauses .
7 Diego Ordonez lost no time in accusing El Cid of seeking to further his own ends by laying claim to Toledo , something which Rodrigo never appears to have intended .
8 Spanish Christendom thus enjoyed a respite and Alfonso lost no time in consolidating his battered forces .
9 He lost no time in becoming familiar with each member of the household , treating each one differently .
10 With Coleman gone , the practitioners lost no time in taking the initiative .
11 They lost no time in petitioning the Home Secretary ‘ complaining that their privileges had been infringed upon by the Charter granted to the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons and praying for relief ’ .
12 Being undersold out there in Jamaica was to be only one of William Charles 's problems as time went by : after a period of increasing success as a linen draper and mercer , he was eventually beset by financial problems , occasioning a move northwards from Bishopsgate to Finsbury Place , Finsbury Square ( on the corner of Chiswell Street ) , together with a reproof from William Jowett , who lost no time in admonishing his cousin in a letter to Richard Titford from Jamaica , dated 28 April 1806 :
13 The Disciplinary Committee lost no time in expanding its reports of hearings , issuing for the first time details of the chairman 's comments in the case of Michael Jordan , senior partner of Cork Gully , and Richard Stone , head of corporate finance at Coopers & Lybrand , who were found guilty last year of accepting the appointment of administrator to Polly Peck in spite of a continuing professional interest between PPI and C&L .
14 But once the first of these did arrive , Edward Plantagenet lost no time in testing their quality .
15 Meehan lost no time in seeking him out and asking him if what he had heard was true .
16 Once on the island he lost no time getting to the prison , and within the hour was waiting in the ante-chamber to an interview room , listening to the distant , hollow sound of metal ringing on metal , and footsteps echoing morbidly as men exercised and moved about their token business .
17 Louise lost no time in telling Constance that she did not need to return to Northumberland .
18 The Orc army therefore lost no time in its usual pillaging , but launched straight into its attack .
19 That clinched it ; the Public Assistance Committee lost no time in recommending that Bedford should go to the minister and be incorporated in the NHS .
20 Taking a pint of milk from the fridge , and a few slices of fresh bread , I lost no time in getting ‘ Starna ’ under way .
21 After planting a flag on the summit and taking photographs in bright sunshine , Ms Stephens — who only took up mountaineering four years ago — lost no time in getting off the peak as the weather closed in .
22 Like the Bishop of Durham more recently , Nestorius lost no time in making his position clear .
23 Always more interested in obtaining results than in political theorizing , the new Home Secretary , in his first Cabinet post ( one that he coveted ) lost no time in setting his stamp on a Department that had become accident prone .
24 Murdock lost no time in setting out for London to take out a patent for his model .
25 He lost no time : his report was completed by the end of the month , and early in April they met to consider the Report and its Recommendation .
26 He lost no time in stamping his mark on the School : in his first report to the Governors he noted that
27 Finding herself back in the Imaginary Universes Laboratory , Gedanken lost no time in looking down the microscope again .
28 On that occasion we lost no time in speeding over to the courts , finding a judge , and obtaining an injunction almost at once .
29 I lost no time and climbed up the rope on to the deck of the ship .
30 Dean Jones lost no time in demonstrating his ability to hit the ball hard and often on his competitive debut for Durham , but the boundaries he scattered around and beyond the ropes during their Sunday League win over Lancashire were no more impressive than the speed with which he hurtled the singles and made ones into twos .
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